Dean #Henderson vs David #DeGea
#PremierLeague Shotstopping 19/20
As requested I will compare the shot stopping performances of the two potential #ManchesterUnited number 1’s.
There will be statistics & 1v1 plots!
#MUFC #GKAnalysis #GKUnion

@StatsBomb’s PSExG model takes the position of the shot, the position of the defenders, the speed of the shot & the placement of the shot into account in order to calculate whether an Avg GK would save it.
#Henderson on the other hand has saved #SheffieldUnited +6.5 more goals than an avg GK would be expected to!
This isn’t unexpected as both goalkeepers are known for their phenomenal reflexes & ability to stop long range shots.
#Henderson has saved #SUFC 0.66 more goals than an avg GK due to his prowess durning 1v1 situations.
Amazingly when he has made the decision to use the optimal technique he has saved 11/13 (85%) 1v1s!

He isn’t scared to hold deep & react, he can come flying out & starfish spread, he can narrow the angle & long barrier block, & he can be brave & dive into feet

#Henderson is young & his decison making will improve. If his 1v1 execution when he makes the right decision remains excellent the outcome will be unreal!

1. He often engages the CF too early & drops a long barrier too far from goal offering the CF a simple finish.
2. He often stays too deep on shots from close range where he should coming flying out & spread himself.

While #DeGea is already making good decisions & doesn’t really have anywhere to massively improve in this regard.
Feel free to ask any questions below
😊 #GKUnion #GKAnalysis