The interaction of #Ecoli O157 :H7 and #Salmonella Typhimurium #flagella with host cell #membranes and cytoskeletal components | #Microbiology #Pathogenesis #Thread…

Jo Elvidge and I were looking at the role of #flagella in early infection of #Salmonella and #Ecoli in relevant animal tissue models (🐖🐄)
We spotted what looked like very intimate adherence...

But with confocal we couldn't look closely enough...
And guess what?!
#Membranes were being deformed by #flagella to form channels - so the flagella looked like they were inside by #confocal, but weren't really...

[Spoiler - we still don't know for sure because it's such a technically tricky thing to observe, but maybe flagella can disrupt host cell membranes?]
#flagella #adherence #Pathogenesis