2/. This document appears to give clear instructions to Tier 2 (national) contract tracers not to pass on single positive #COVID19 cases in schools, colleges & universities to Local Health Protection Teams.
I’m no expert, but surely this is not good outbreak management advice?
3/ This would presumably mean having to wait for a #COVID19 outbreak before the Local Health Protection Teams even knew there has been a positive test in the school or university
In Scotland, by contrast, there are daily updates in local areas citing individual cases in schools
4/. Despite evidence of high transmission rates in schools, updated govt guidance for schools on October - still claims there is a low prevalence of #COVID19 in schools
Like the many scandals over this last 7 months, this appears to be part of the wider #HerdImmunityScandal
5/. In June, @SamCoatesSky asked @GavinWilliamson about his plans to ensure that schools would be safe for children to return to after summer
His answer didn’t inspire confidence
The govt spun a “safe schools” message but failed to implement what was needed to ensure safety.
6/. Over the past 7 months there have been numerous scandals around the govt’s #COVID19 response:
A parent wrote to me: “When there’s a positive case in a class, the whole class is no longer isolating, only those in a 2 metre radius of the positive case. Siblings can also go into school even if there family member is positive.”
10/. Just 3 weeks ago, @MattHancock claimed we were at level 3
We weren’t
Lockdown measures to be announced today were never inevitable but the result of a mitigation/#HerdImmunity strategy that appears to be designed to soften us for the #PalantirPlan.
1. “Why were we faffing around with Excel when the scientists were telling us not to?" @skynewsniall
“The system was designed in conjunction with our scientists... at PHE & the JBC they're all scientists who have been involved in this." @RishiSunak
2. “Scientists” didn’t decide on using Excel. It’s a reporting/admin tool
The scientists would have told IT what info the database needed to hold. The IT team should have designed a database fit for that purpose rather than using an old version of Excel.
3. Sunak is also allowed to claim: “We are now testing 250,000 people a day”
That’s the figure for tests “processed” NOT people tested
When @MattHancock claimed 226,000 people were being tested on 21/9, the actual figure turned out to be around 82,000.
2/. The launch of a new decade-long national health strategy should be big news at anytime, but coming amidst the #COVID19 pandemic & with the potential to shift genome research to the heart of No.10's programme for govt, it is of particular significance.
3/. Genome research has HUGE potential social & cost benefits, not just in medicine
In the right hands & with the appropriate checks & balances it is very important but, when it is being rolled out by this govt in conjunction with companies like #Palantir, scrutiny is needed.
"The UK offers companies system-wide collaborative working, a dynamic regulatory system, active life sciences & increasingly expanding access to rich longitudinal data from the NHS’s 65 million patients"
No distancing, no masks & this photo (via @nytimes) shows the #AmyConeyBarrett super-spreader event last week was INDOOR as well as outdoor, despite official claims
Attendees who later caught #COVID19:
Donald Trump
Melania Trump
Mike Lee
Thom Tillis
Kellyanne Conway
John Jenkins
The govt are acting as if they are beyond parliamentary scrutiny?
Q: Why are people are still unable to get tested & forced to drive hundreds of miles for a test? @TanDhesi
A: “I will not have this divisive language. I just won’t have it. @MattHancock
It is a deliberate & well-rehearsed strategy
If asked about any govt failings, ministers go on the offensive
This was @BorisJohnson ystdy, accusing @Keir_Starmer of "continually trying to snipe from the sidelines & undermine what we are trying to do.”
"And so by malice, stealth & brutishness a pattern is set. Less & less transparency. Less & less scrutiny. Less & less accountability. Until they are entirely unleashed to bundle aside the truth and speak only their truths."
A lesson from history. Emerson Warner writing in 1949.