Ready to rumble: Hanne Schaumburg Sørensen’s public defense of her PhD thesis on 19c. female Labour participation in Danish towns. #twitterstorians#dkhist#dkvid
Tracing social mobility and diversity of occipations in towns of Grenaa, Randers, Ebeltoft
Using #census data, parish registers, guild registers, and much more.
Size matters: Randers much more urban, occupational diversification. Local networks aided implementation of social welfare after the fall of guilds in 1850s.
Now she takes on previous research. Well done!
Schaumburg Sørensen proposes to add depth and breadth to the comcrete consequences of Næringsfrihedsloven - liberalisation
Now praise and criticism from “1. Opponent” @sbch_c - the first of two external examiners.
@sbch_c : How come women are absent from much Urban history? HSS: they are overlooked by tradition and gender history contributions partly overlooked
Fine discussion on inter-generational aspects of data.
@sbch_c ‘let’s add #aarhus to the equation’ how do your towns fit in the overall townsystem?
HSS: ‘I thought you would ask me that question, so here is the female migration pattern to and from Randers’ - Aarhus not particularly important for migration. - But, for supplies of Capital it was!
But I got some Numbers for you to! 👍😎 Great debate
Now over to the 2nd external examiner, @KirsiVainioKorh contributing online from Turku, due to the pandemic travel restrictions
Q to HSS: how do position yourself vis-a-vis the international literature? - Such as Ågren?
HSS: I am much inspired by Ågren, but only read her after collecting data.
Where are your women compared to the work of D vd Heuvel? HSS: In Danish provincial towns much weaker position than in Dutch maritime communities. (Ping: @jellevanlottum)
Now the chair of the committee, Dr Marianne Rostgaard of #AAU
MR: continuity vs breakpoints in so far as industrialization is linked to availability of cheap female labour?
HSS: Even the largest town, Randers, did not have textile Industry, less proletarization of female Labour. Only some, from 1890s with the famous gloves production. Most were putting-out until then.
HSS: new types of business with fewer traditional regulations more prone to accept female labourer.
Now the public defense is over, and the assessment committee retreat to discuss whether or not they found the answers to satisfy the needs of confering the PhD degree to Hanne Schaumburg Sørensen....
....Congratulations! -A convincimg argument that most families in 19c in Denmark relied on two breadwinners - male and female!
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