Ontario needs to hire and train hundreds of people to work in #COVID-19 testing labs. This needs to be done w/in 3 weeks.
We are fielding requests from multiple testing labs who need scientists w/ the following qualifications:
1. At least a Masters or scheduled to graduate soon
2. Available IMMEDIATELY (in the next 1-3 weeks) for full-time paid work for temporary short-term contracts (at least 6 months, renewable, very likely to be renewed)
3. Live w/in commute distance of an #Ontario testing lab (throughout the province) or willing to quickly relocate
To respond to #COVID-19 misinformation & provide support to communities from scientists @COVID_19_Canada is now conducting kitchen table-style virtual discussions in communities & posting open access "explainers" translated into multiple languages covid19resources.ca/explained.html
Communities who would like to hold kitchen table-style #COVID-19 discussions (in any of all major languages spoken in Canada), you can request scientists here: covid19resources.ca/requestvolunte…
We try to place volunteers already connected to communities to build longterm relationships.
Media, newspapers, journalists etc in under-served regions, you can publish our #COVID-19 Science Explained pieces free of charge if you credit us (pls let us know).
Ontario has approved deployment of non-accredited, skilled staff to assist with #COVID-19 testing in accredited labs.
@COVID_19_Canada can get staff (3000+ members in Ontario) to centres in <1 wk from time of request.
See thread
We are developing a rapid response template for #Ontario testing lab staff requests, so that labs can submit simple requests to receive list of candidates in their region.