..And one final note: voter turnout is lower in jurisdictions with First Past the Post because so many know their votes don't count. These "safe ridings" don't exist under Pro Rep. I live in the safest riding in BC; many here didn't bother to vote. fairvote.ca/factcheckvoter…
PS it will be really ironic if the BC NDP blame low voter turnout on the pandemic, given that they are the ones who forced a pandemic vote on an unwilling province. But I'm waiting for it.
This is quite fascinating. The @BCUtilitiesCom watchdog is doing its best to get straight answers out of @bchydro which is, yet again, late to file key reports on #SiteC. Not surprising, given the instability on site. Thread of BCUC's Qs to BC Hydro. I'm glad I'm not BCH: #bcpoli
@BCUtilitiesCom@bchydro BCUC's questions to BC Hydro: 1.6
"Please discuss to what extent foundation construction activities continued after geotechnical risks materialized on the right [south] bank"
Translation: how much did you build on the south bank after it started sliding? bcuc.com/Documents/Proc…
@BCUtilitiesCom@bchydro ..1.9
"Please identify when the Project Assurance Board was first made aware of potential geotechnical issues in the powerhouse, spillway or dam core areas."
Translation: when did you tell your fake "oversight" body about the stability problems in everything you've built so far?
Let's do NDP highlights, starting with:
When NDP took power they kept a right-wing, BC Lib-appointed top bureaucrat in the Energy Ministry, conspiracy theory fan Dave Nikolesjin. Recently they replaced him with more far-right Fazil Mihlar of the Fraser Institute. #BCElection2020
..Next up, & related: NDP give us 79% increase in fossil fuel subsidies over BC Lib levels, a significant rise in fracking (incl right near #SiteC & other dams), & signing off on a militarized raid on #Wetsuweten to protect #CoastalGasLink in a climate crisis. #bcelxn2020#bcpoli
.."Natural gas" is fracked methane, the potent GHG. Also on NDP's gas file, the #LNGCanada project, an uneconomic house of cards in which we forego royalties but are left paying for the damage & transmission lines etc. "LNG is a Losing Bet": thetyee.ca/News/2020/10/2…#bcelxn2020
@sarahcox_bc@thenarwhalca ..Here are some key points from Sarah Cox's #SiteC exposé:
First, the 2 top bureaucrats who had the #SiteC info are Les McLaren and Lori Wanamaker, two of the many BC Lib leftovers whom Horgan kept, which was the first worrying sign he'd be sticking to BC Lib policies... 2/x
@sarahcox_bc@thenarwhalca Those two bureaucrats - and thus we have to assume cabinet also unless the NDP govt's incompetence and lack of control is at inconceivable levels - knew in May of *2019* how serious the #SiteC stability problems were. They didn't tell us until June of *2020* #bcpoli#BCelxn2020
Calling all progressives: if you're taking your voting cue from a fauxgressive lobbyist who takes $$$$$ money from some of the worst special interests in B.C., you're not a progressive. Shall we have a refresher on who Bill Tieleman is? #bcpoli#BCelxn2020#SiteC#cdnpoli
..No doubt you recall Bill Tieleman helping ram #SiteC through. #BCNDP gave him full & repeated access to cabinet ministers all Fall 2017 while expert #SiteC opponents could not get mtgs. Now we'll be saddled w/ billions in debt, all for his Allied Hydro Alliance biz union pals.
Then there was Tieleman's sabotage of BC's chances at #ProportionalRepresentation, the fairer voter system used by most of the world's tops nations, by scaremongering about "neo-nazis" when FPTP brought us Trump & Boris. And he teamed up with BC Libs to do it. #bcpoli#bcelxn2020
Vaughn Palmer: "Only when @jjHorgan is safely in office will public get straight goods about Site C - NDP show every intention of getting through election without addressing any of legitimate concerns raised by #SiteC opponents." #bcpoli#BCelxn2020 vancouversun.com/opinion/column…
@jjhorgan .. Top energy expert "Robert McCullough suggests arguments for cancellation are stronger today, given the continuing coverup of geotechnical risks at #SiteC.. After 10 mos of study BC Hydro has not addressed a # of seismic & design concerns first reported to mgmt in Dec 2019"