the Poisoning Massacre is similarly an economic crisis. in fact it is the same one and will not be solved entirely through #SafeSupply. it will be mitigated, but the underlying causes will remain. and will return. its more than a housing crisis.
we got too poor.
in 2015-16, basic social assistance in BC was $610/mth and disability was $906/mth.
how does this compare to the supply change in other places?
these are from The Future of Fentanyl and Other Synthetic Opioids (2019) from @RANDCorporation and i highly recommend that you check that out as well.…
" Fentanyl’s challenge to treatment and harm reduction is etched starkly in Vancouver’s death rate," the Rand authors state. Accurately.
Imagine, if you can, that twice as many people had died since 2016.
Like, as many that are dying right now.
THIS, for four years. This, for 1664 days.
#SafeSupply is #Poverty Reduction. it will eliminate the profit motive, thus the need for the informal market (if you do it right) and for survival crime.
we don't have this "universal health care" in canada really, and usually people think "two-tier, fancy private health clinics etc" which we're not ok with but we also have thousands of people buying drugs of unknown composition on the street. which we criminalize.
we can open the door back to the health care system through the provision of multiple ways to access #SafeSupply
(please stop saying "low-barrier"; people have different barriers and it doesnt mean they're "low". make programs accessible and create choices. NOT models.
and now in the Covidtimes and the Aftertimes, we know how this is going. Here is my summary of this @UNODC report : shit is going to be bad all over.
They were right!…
there are no bailouts for the informal/illegal economy, but its still part of the global economy, and that whole thing IS NOT GOING GREAT…
it is going to get worse and we should acknowledge that. i dont want what happened here to happen everywhere, i wouldnt want this for anyone. and the thing is.
if you have some time tonight to change how you understandstand the Downtown Eastside, there are some perspectives i'd like to share. for tomorrow #DTES#vanpoli This is @johannhari101 speaking last fall. via @YouTube
we are still doing #harmReduction but
>>>>>>we must expand our concept of HARM [because clearly we did not]
[because everything became much more harmful very quickly
fatal, in fact
i'm aware Tim Stevenson is not on twitter. but this is bizarroworld over here. how and why would OneCity 'substitute' for Vision? this isn't a batting lineup… via @georgiastraight
new council: different people, different arrangement, new dynamics, and everyone is a BLONDE WHITE LADY. so look, Tim, just please stop explaining things, yeah? let these immortal words be your last public comment, echoing through the ages
i've had to make this point several times when speaking to council.
it would be great if nobody has to do this in the future. i'd like that. if i don't have to point this out, that would indicate to me that we've made a significant change #vanpoli#vanelxn18
if we refused to wait until the obituary before acknowledging that people have inherent dignity, worth, humanity, all that
if the motivating impulse is resentment, the consequences can never be productive. it seems to me that this is a big reason why the #DTES is so utterly messed up. an endless spiral of resentment & blame & regret, such fierce desire for a past that never was
Thanks for the call @bctoday appreciate the time to talk about the @BCCSU report on "Strategies to Strengthen the Recovery System in BC." An overall review is long overdue, given the situation - #overdose#bcpoli#harmreduction
and there is much to be encouraged by in the report. Dr. Wood states clearly that recovery is a process, by definition long-term, so more is needed beyond harm reduction and acute care.…
This is the bit that troubles me. I read the report closely and remember seeing a very early version of it well over a year ago. It's about "Therapeutic Communities":
Identifying as a 'person w/ lived experience' has become a route for marginalized ppl to be, in some ways, 'on the inside', of policy processes that are about us. the example of a formal process that springs to mind is the task force on mental health & addictions, 2013 onwards.
at the time, it was nearing the end of the DTES planning process, therefore terrible. i was the rep from gallery gachet, the token out nutcase on the committee. but the whole point for many of us there was that the diversity of our collective experiences, as low-income
and marginalized residents, had given us knowledge & insight that would improve the planning process, and so plan would centre low-income residents. but the danger is that while you might be in the room, you simply don't have the resources & capacity to participate meaningfully.
Delightful! note that the province committed over 30mil. the nonprofit developer, vancouver chinatown foundation, raising the same. city contributing land, & more, & headaches. #vanpoli after oct, pls ask why the gov't won't meet w/ you. (can't wait.) #homeless ppl need homes,
idiots,. they can't live in your millitant post-post-modern dissent. you're using people you've coerced to be there as props. and none of you read the RZ report or attended subsequent meetings. you are not actually interested in housing at #58WHastings. clearly. #HousingJustice
you'll weaponize the whole project, and THIRTLY MILLION DOLLARS from the province, they are willing to try something here. you do this shit, do you think they'll spend another dime in the #DTES? its ok for you, b/c then you can Fight the Government! so hardcore radical.