This is the #DemPartyPlatform for 2020.This part is called: CREATING A 21ST CENTURY IMMIGRATION SYSTEM
Only one party understands that Immigrants make America stronger. Not only do immigrants support us-immigrants are us. The other party leaves a legacy of cruelty to immigrants.
Out of many, we are one. That bedrock American idea has animated our country from its earliest days, inspiring people from every corner of the earth to participate in our great democratic experiment. 2/17 #DemPartyPlatform#Immigration
The Trump Administration has repudiated that idea and abandoned our values as a diverse, compassionate, and welcoming country. 3/17 #DemPartyPlatform#immigrationreform
Instead of pursuing a sensible, humane, and responsible approach to immigration that strengthens the United States, the Trump Administration has been callous, cruel, and reckless in the extreme. 4/17 #DemPartyPlatform#immigrationreform
President Trump’s immigration policies have made our communities less safe, undermined our economy, and tarnished our image around the world.5/17 #DemPartyPlatform#immigrationreform
This Administration’s cruelty and dehumanization of immigrants stretches the imagination and shocks the conscience: 6/17 #DemPartyPlatform#immigrationreform
The Trump Administration..forcibly separating families and putting children in cages; deporting veterans who have fought to defend our freedoms; conducting militarized raids on our workplaces; 7/17 #DemPartyPlatform#immigrationreform
Trump Admin is endangering lives by denying COVID-19 testing & treatment based on immigration status, including to essential workers at the forefront of the pandemic response; banning people from traveling to the United States based on their faith or their country of origin; 8/17
And the Trump Administration has been turning away refugees and asylum seekers fleeing violence and persecution. These actions should not happen in our country again. 9/17 #DemPartyPlatform#immigrationreform#Asylum
#Democrats believe America can do better. Indeed, we must.
The truth is that our immigration system was broken long before President Trump came into office, and his departure alone won’t fix it. 10/17 #DemPartyPlatform#immigrationreform
Immigrants are essential to our society and our economy. Immigrants are part of our families. They enrich our culture. They grow our food, care for our loved ones, serve in our armed forces, and provide critical health care services. 11/17 #DemPartyPlatform#immigrationreform
Our families and our communities, our congregations and our schools, our businesses large and small have been built and sustained through the inclusion of immigrants. 13/17 #DemPartyPlatform#immigrationreform
That’s why #Democrats commit to building a 21st century immigration system that reflects our values, repairs past harms, heals our communities, rebuilds our economy, and renews our global leadership.14/17 #DemPartyPlatform#immigrationreform
#Democrats will rescind President Trump’s fabricated “National Emergency,” which siphons funding away from our men and women in uniform to construct an unnecessary, wasteful, and ineffective wall on the southern border. 15/17 #DemPartyPlatform#immigrationreform#NoBanNoWall
This is the #DemPartyPlatform for 2020. This part is called: CREATING A 21ST CENTURY IMMIGRATION SYSTEM
Only one party understands that Immigrants make America stronger. Not only do immigrants support us—immigrants are us. 1/17
#Democrats believe we should expand, not reduce, the annual visa cap for victims of human trafficking, including victims of sex trafficking, violence against women and children, and other heinous crimes; 2/17 #DemPartyPlatform#ImmigrationReform#StopHumanTrafficking
#Democrats will ensure that same sex-couples and their children receive equal treatment in the immigration and naturalization systems; reaffirm America’s commitment to family-based immigration; 3/17 #DemPartyPlatform#ImmigrationReform#LGBTQIA
This is the #DemPartyPlatform for 2020. This part is called: CREATING A 21ST CENTURY IMMIGRATION SYSTEM
Only one party understands that Immigrants make America stronger. Not only do immigrants support us—immigrants are us. The other party leaves a legacy of cruelty. 1/19
#Democrats will reinstate, expand, and streamline protections for #Dreamers and the parents of American citizen children to keep families together in the communities they have long called home.
3/19 #DemPartyPlatform#immigrationreform#DACA
140,000 new cases of #Covid19 just today. 1300 deaths from COVID-19 just today. The forecast by scientists & medical professionals is grim.We haven’t heard anything from our national leaders. All this Lame Duck administration cares about is futilely fighting to retain power. 1/14
We cannot wait until January 21 to address the most serious health crisis in 100 years.We cannot just let our fellow Americans,our family,friends,co-workers get sick,many seriously and some will die.We cannot just accept this because of norms, when Trump eschews norms daily.2/14
In normal times it would be a real danger to leave an unhinged, bitter, malignant narcissist and sociopath in power for months as we wait patiently for a welcome change. But now, it is deadly. Now, it is unthinkable to follow that process. 3/14 #COVID19
#DemPartyPlatform for 2020. This part is called: RESTORING AND STRENGTHENING OUR DEMOCRACY: Strengthening the U.S. Postal Service
Only one party will protect the Postal Service’s universal service obligation as a core American value and ensure it is not privatized. 1/7 #USPS
The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) is the world’s most efficient mail carrier, and #Democrats are wholly committed to supporting a public #USPS. 2/7 #DemPartyPlatform
#Democrats will fight all efforts to privatize the #USPS and will work to ensure the USPS is financially sustainable, including by repealing the mandate that the agency “pre-fund” retiree health costs. 3/7 #DemPartyPlatform#USPSsabotage
This is the #DemPartyPlatform for 2020. This part is called: RESTORING AND STRENGTHENING OUR DEMOCRACY: Supporting the U.S. Territories
Only one party understands that the unequal treatment of all residents of US territories must end. 1/16
#Democrats recognize and honor the contributions and sacrifices made in service of our country by the Americans living in the territories of Guam, American Samoa, the USVirginIslands, and the CommonwealthoftheNorthernMarianaIslands. 2/16 #DemPartyPlatform#USTerritories
The people of the U.S. territories have played a vital role in American democracy for more than 120 years, and have for too long been met with unequal treatment by the federal government. 3/16 #DemPartyPlatform#USTerritories
This is the #DemPartyPlatform for 2020. This part is called: RESTORING AND STRENGTHENING OUR DEMOCRACY: Guaranteeing Self-Determination for Puerto Rico
Only one party understands that the unequal treatment of Puerto Rico’s residents must end. 1/10 #PuertoRico
#Democrats are committed to helping the island rebuild and recover from the devastation wrought by Hurricanes Irma and Maria and the recent earthquakes. 3/10 #DemPartyPlatform#PuertoRico