This diagram👆shows how the US & UK govts appear to have a joint/parallel #COVID19 strategy allowing the military-backed data-mining company, #Palantir, to control heath data
Parler, the SM platform is funded by the Mercers who funded #CambridgeAnalytica who worked with Palantir
Dido Harding is a board member of the Jockey Club, owners of Cheltenham, the meet blamed 4 spreading #COVID19 in March
Newmarket MP, Hancock, received £350,000 in political donations from figures in horse racing
Dido’s husband is the PM's “Anti-Corruption Champion” #Dispatches
“It’s very hard not to be speechless about this.”
Dr Tom Lewis on viewing #Dispatches footage taken by an undercover journalist exposing unsafe practices & “VIP processing” for paying customers, in the Randox testing labs. #LockdownChaos#COVID19#DidoHarding
This was Minister for Work & Pensions, #ThereseCoffey, asked by Peston if rich people would be able to jump the queue for vaccines
Her answer was non-committal
Having a premiere service is a real money-spinner!
Last week, I started this👇 thread on how #Trump appears to be gearing-up for military action against Iran
Today, @nytimes revealed "Trump asked senior advisers in a meeting on Thursday whether he had options to take action against #Iran’s main nuclear site in the coming weeks.”
Any military orders by #Trump are transmitted through the secretary of defense
By replacing Esner with Miller & giving top Pentagon & Intelligence jobs his allies, Trump appears to have created a chain-of-command that would support military action in Iran
MARR: How was money was allocated to your constituency?
JENRICK: That was decided by another minister
AM: Who?
RJ: @JakeBerry
AM: Who also got money for his constituency
RJ: That was a decision made by another minister
AM: You?
RJ: Er...yes
“There have been some changes in govt over the last few days & the decision has been made to be back on your show” @RobertJenrick implies that the government's 201 day boycott of @GMB was Cummings’ fault
He will is the faux scapegoat for all govt failures
Cummings may have left the building but he hasn’t left govt
He’s in position til Dec working on #COVID19 strategy & it is likely to continue to work on this, away from public scrutiny
The @WSJ has just revealed that the social media app Parler, - set up as an alternative to Facebook & Twitter - is funded by the Mercers, the former owners of #CambridgeAnalytica
2/ "They always wanted to create a social network to collect data & disseminate propaganda. Now they have” @chrisinsilico (#CambridgeAnalytica whistleblower)
"Posts on Parler often contain far-right content, antisemitism, & conspiracy theories” @Wikipedia
3/ "To me the easiest fix is for every Conservative to kill two liberals."
Under the guise of free speech, Parler appears to be an uncensored space for libertarians, right-wingers, far-right wingers & conspiracy theorists of every description to come together & share their ideas
“Sweden hoped herd immunity would curb #COVID19. Don't do what we did” write 25 leading Swedish scientists
“Sweden’s approach to COVID has led to death, grief & suffering. The only example we're setting is how not to deal with a deadly infectious disease”…
UK & US are also attempting a #HerdImmunity strategy despite the fact almost every epidemiologist/virologist will tell you that Herd Immunity is an “outcome”, never a “strategy”
Late lockdowns, keeping schools/workplaces open etc are political decisions not just scientific ones
I’m not a scientist. 8 months months ago, i knew nothing about communicable diseases
Just as it is helpful to see a visualisation of the #ContractScandal, so it’s helpful to see a visualisation of the wider structure into which it fits
The shadowy surveillance firm, #Palantir, run #COVID digital health platforms In the UK, US & many other countries
Data heaven!
What this diagram shows is how the US & UK govts appear to have a joint/parallel #COVID19 strategy allowing the military-backed data-mining company, #Palantir, to access heath data
There are grave concerns around human rights & fears are that this data could include genetic data