RECEIVED (albeit, unsolicitied). Nonetheless,it got me thinking ...
A type of Word Cloud emerged: "Williamsville Corridor Plan"•"lower parking ratio"•"modal shift"•"more carbon friendly"•"most progressive approach to parking management" ... #ygk
3/3 Keeping this short,reasons exists for bona fide skepticism(i.e. savings from not constructing expensive underground parking will be translated forward into final unit cost). Not necessarily so. Don't be surprised, market forces will in all likelihood ultimately prevail.
"[@palkisu via @WIONews] Farmers in #India are protesting. And some politicians outside India have appointed themselves their spokespersons. Did the farmers ask them to? Most likely not. Are they helping the cause of the farmers? Certainly not."
Loss of #UNSC seat bid by🌐PM @JustinTrudeau was a heavy blow, underscored by its intense and costly diplomatic push. It is not possible to enter the thoughts of the Prime Minister and know to what extent (if any) Canada’s latest candidacy for Secretary General of #OECD now /3
motivates his actions. Nothing happens in a vacuum. AND, in this instance, for whatever reasons @JustinTrudeau made the decision to not only speak out publicly, but to also brush off India's subsequent criticism. Doing so publicly reasonably equates with a desire to be seen. /4
1/5 The 'Good Book' states: "let him who is without sin cast the first stone."
Yet MP @MarkGerretsen#YGK pays no heed himself to such and doesn't mention HE ALSO IS NOT FAULTLESS when it comes to respecting the rules in #HoC committee.
2/5 ☞ GERRETSEN interrupts MP @ToddDohertyMP [12:02:08] and then proceeds to interject again with a childish swipe during a formal Point of Order. [12:02:43]
3/5 THAT SAID, Mr. GERRETSEN dId not hesitate to angrily rebuke Mr. DOHERTY during the previous meeting for what he perceived as an interruption to his speaking time. [17:46:43]
1/3 WITHOUT ANY EXAGGERATION, reaction to a Tweet by @MarkGerretsen has been (very) strong and overwhelming negative.
For someone who infrequently visits Twitter and who usually confines himself largely to #LPC talking points, he generally garners a dozen or so comments ...
2/3 this Tweet has already collected «724» comments. Reviewing several hundred, I counted eight (8) neutral or supportive.
Frame 1 presents a sampling in a collage of Quote Tweets and Frame 2, Comments. Many could not be used here due to their 'strong wording'. The reader
3/3 can make their own judgement. Suffice it to say, CDNs want Members of Parliament with emotional maturity. A modicum of humility is also seen as desirable.
Reading from a prepared script - and even so struggling supposedly with his own words - GERRETSEN launches into bitter partisan criticism. His conduct visibly wears upon patience of Committee Chair.
1/7 Utilizing (Liberal interpretations of) #HoC procedure, @MarkGerretsen#YGK ultimately crassly marched in step with his Liberal #LPC colleagues blocking any 'pre-study' of #WECharity links to Prorogation.
☞ WHILE #FirstNations still don't have clean drinking water;
☞ WITH nothing meaningful to stem the tide of #Veteran suicides;
☞ IN THE MIDST of an apocalyptic snowballing national debt threatening to bury our next generation
... a pledge by @JustinTrudeau of yet another humanitarian aid giveaway, ostensibly for #COVID19 🚧 BUT MAKE NO MISTAKE, #UNSC🌐bid may be over, this is meant to bolster @Bill_Morneau's (taxpayer-funded) candidacy to head up #OECD.
Liberals would have CDNs come to believe THIS not-so-subtle 'circled' statement.
Countless $Billions have been shovelled out the door of 2020, all amidst the fog and chaos of #COVID19#pandemic - AND ALL WHILE, @PBO_DPB requests have been rebuffed.