Autism is diagnosed based on behavior - but is this condition associated with a specific brain signature of circuit dysfunction?
Despite decades of work, brain imaging has failed to identify such signature as we have evidence of under-connectivity...
Seminal work form the #Sulzer_Lab@Columbia has shown that postmortem synaptic surplus in #Autism is associated with hyperactive mTOR signalling
➡️this is a molecular pathway often dysregulated in autism and a key point of convergence of many autism-risk genes
⚠️A key prediction of structurally based models of fMRI coupling is that *inactivation* of a brain node would result in reduced rsfMRI connectivity with its targets⚠️
Thread covering DMN basics + implications of findings 1/n 👇
What is the Default Mode Network (DMN)?
👉Network identified in human PET/fMRI studies
👉Active and strongly synchronized during rest
👉Desynchronized by goal-oriented tasks
👉Encompasses associative cortices - Prefrontal, Cingulate, Retrosplenial, Parietal, Temporal
Why study the DMN?
👉Most prominent large-scale network of human brain
👉Pivotal substrate for higher-order cognitive and social functions
👉Key point of vulnerability for autism, schizophrenia, Alzhemier's and other brain disorders (seminal feature review below)