Morrison bullies QLD Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, who was following the health advice, something Morrison had been saying for months that all Australians had to do.
🐝 #auspol#insiders…
Morrison is livid Boris Johnson snubbed him by failing to give him a speaking gig at UK Climate Summit even tho PM said he'd announce he won't cheat with carryover credits
So, I've been having a squizz at the latest politicians' expenses claims
Not sure if you've noticed the glaring anomaly but I did @ipeaAusGov
You might want to take a second look at @senator_sam's expense claims, particularly her 'Travel Allowance'
🐝 #auspol#qt
I noticed @senator_sam claimed travel allowance for 98 nights July-Sept qtr
Bit odd given there's only 91 days in the July-September quarter! (Then I worked out she back-dated some travel allowance expenses)
Total claimed $24,676 for travel allowance for the qtr
🐝 #auspol#qt
Sometimes it's a bit hard with Senators, they're usually all over the state, committees & lots of things, so I thought I'd compare Senator Sam with all the other senators.
Yep, just as I thought, no other Senator came within cooee of Senator Sam
Now Dave, on the Dept of Agriculture website it says Australia has a 'widespread' problem with pests & weeds, right?
Even has maps to show where the weed & pest problems are.
🐝 #auspol#Insiders
A search on Grant Connect for: "Communities Combating Pest and Weed Impacts During Drought - Biosecurity Management of Pest & Weed" revealed 96 records
24 were amendments, leaving 72 grants for pest & weed management under a variety of titles worth $25+ mill
🐝 #auspol#insiders
For those ppl following the #sportsrorts scandal - Phil Gaetjens is appearing now before the Senate Select Committee into the Administration of Sports Grants
Phil Gaetjens has just confirmed to #sportsrorts inquiry that he didn't check if Bridget McKenzie acted lawfully- he says it wasn't his job (it was)- says it was Attorney General's (but the AG didn't check McKenzie was acting lawfully)
Discussing proper use of caretaker conventions at #sportsrorts inquiry & $40 million being approved AFTER caretaker
Sen Katy Gallagher @SenKatyG: "Do you think the allocation of $40 million after caretaker had kicked in is in adherence with the caretaker conventions?"
🐝 #auspol
Is it also the same Pact Group whose Executive Chairman Raphael Geminder was seen at a Liberal Party fundraiser in in March 2019 with Josh Frydenberg & Greg Hunt?
I thought I’d have a squizz at the University qualifications of federal MPs/Senators to see how many went to Uni and how many did a BA or Humanities degree
Just for shits & giggles to see how many got to choose what they wanted to do at Uni