We all know that Kareena Kapoor is expecting a second child.
We know that Anushka Sharma is expecting her first child.
We also know which actor wear which designer cloth...
Went out to see a house was on fire. Without thinking and entered the house to save 3 children who were trapped inside. He sustained 85% of burn by the time he saved the first two children and decided to save the third one.
He was in no condition to save the third child but entered the house to only come out saving the third but received 95% burns. He was admitted to a nearby hospital and was later shifted to Delhi. The braveheart lost his life on 13th December.
Once a poor man was given a pot🏺 of flour so he hung it on his wall & fell asleep. He dreamt that he would become rich and achieve great things in life. But his daydreams were disturbed by a bunch of kids. So to make them go away he accidentally breaks his pot.
From this story, we learn that a man can dream of a lot of things but without hard work, nothing can be achieved. Thus the phrase ‘Don’t build castles in the air, they will fall’ is true.
We often sit and think about the things that we should do and how rich we will become if things go according to our thoughts. But this is not how things happen in real life.
‘हंस के लिया है पाकिस्तान, लड़ के लेंगे हिन्दुस्तान’ की पूर्ति के लिए नवनिर्मित पाकिस्तान ने 1947 में ही कश्मीर पर हमला कर दिया। देश रक्षा के दीवाने संघ के स्वयंसेवकों ने उनका प्रबल प्रतिकार किया।
उन्होंने भारतीय सेना, शासन तथा जम्मू-कश्मीर के महाराजा हरिसिंह को इन षड्यन्त्रों की समय पर सूचना दी। इस गाथा का एक अमर अध्याय 27 नवम्बर, 1948 को कोटली में लिखा गया, जो इस समय पाक अधिकृत कश्मीर में है।
युद्ध के समय भारतीय वायुयानों द्वारा फेंकी गयी गोला-बारूद
की कुछ पेटियां शत्रु सेना के पास जा गिरीं। उन्हें उठाकर लाने में बहुत जोखिम था। वहां नियुक्त कमांडर अपने सैनिकों को गंवाना नहीं चाहते थे, अतः उन्होंने संघ कार्यालय में सम्पर्क किया। उन दिनों स्थानीय पंजाब नैशनल बैंक के प्रबंधक श्री चंद्रप्रकाश कोटली में नगर कार्यवाह थे।
He named the girl, Jyoti!! Soberan worked hard day and night and did not let her feel the lack of anything. He sent her to school and did everything he could to fulfill her needs. Even if he had to remain hungry, he never let his daughter fall short of anything.
The Govt. is preparing the rules for the listing of unlisted companies in foreign jurisdictions so that it becomes possible for start-ups & MSMEs to raise capital abroad.
MCA wants keep threshold for direct foreign listing at a level that is attractive and feasible for companies. The plan is to allow such listing in 8 jurisdictions to begin with i.e. USA, UK, France, Japan, South Korea, Germany & Canada.
22 year old, fresh engineer on her way to work on a bike taking a turn under a bridge is crushed by a lorry coming from wrong side. She gets proper medical care only after 9 hr of the accident & doctors have to amputate one of her leg to save her.
A bright girl Manasi excelled in both studies and sports. Lived life to fullest and was on her way to live her dream.
2019, exactly after 8 years of her accident, she is crowned No. 1 para badminton player in the world defeating her country mate in Switzerland.
In between
As badminton was something she played as part of rehabilitation, she picked it up as her passion & slowly opportunities kept unfolding.
And now, Barbie, has released One Of A Kind (OOAK) doll dedicating her willpower & mental strength.
19 जुलाई
इतिहास स्मृति
जलियांवाला के प्रतिशोधी ऊधमसिंह 🙏
ऊधमसिंह का जन्म ग्राम सुनाम (जिला संगरूर, पंजाब) में 26दिसम्बर, 1899 को सरदार टहलसिंह के घर में हुआ था। मात्र दो वर्ष की अवस्था में ही इनकी माँ का और सात साल का होने पर पिता का देहान्त हो गया @_Krantikari@PunjabTourisms
ऐसी अवस्था में किसी परिवारजन ने इनकी सुध नहीं ली। गली-गली भटकने के बाद अन्ततः इन्होंने अपने छोटे भाई के साथ अमृतसर के पुतलीघर में शरण ली। यहाँ एक समाजसेवी ने इनकी सहायता की।
19 वर्ष की तरुण अवस्था में ऊधमसिंह ने 13 अपै्रल, 1919 को बैसाखी के पर्व पर जलियाँवाला बाग,
अमृतसर में हुए नरसंहार को अपनी आँखों से देखा। सबके जाने के बाद रात में वे वहाँ गये और रक्तरंजित मिट्टी माथे से लगाकर इस काण्ड के खलनायकों से बदला लेने की प्रतिज्ञा की। कुछ दिन उन्होंने अमृतसर में एक दुकान भी चलायी। उसके फलक पर उन्होंने अपना नाम ‘राम मोहम्मद सिंह आजाद’ लिखवाया था।