2) You've heard the cynics psychoanalyze @realDonaldTrump since he and Melania came down the escalator. They'll tell you today that Trump knows he has lost, and is only manipulating us in order to raise money. Yeah, they've called everything so correctly, haven't they?
3) In case you're new to my analysis, I do employ sarcasm freely, and I hope you can hear my tone dripping with it above. There is no means of leadership Trump will leave on the table as he prosecutes his personal mission to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain. Fundraising matters.
4) If you want to know where the world's greatest social media master stands, one place you can look is his banner photo. I just snagged it, and made it mine too, in the spirit of followership and solidarity. What do you read, when you contemplate Trump's banner image?
5) The Intelligence Community (IC) has a term for this form of analysis. They call it IMINT, Image Intel. We can imagine how intense that is over site selection and target acquisition for drones and such. But we can do the same thing, just using common sense for our own purposes.
6) The first thing I read is #StopTheSteaI. The cynical left tells us, don't believe your eyes, believe our words. You lost Pennsylvania, deal with it. Trump tells us, believe your eyes, don't believe their words. Look at this rally. Is that a forecast of defeat? Hell no.
7) We also know that visualization is the single most powerful step one can take in order to win. That is what Trump is giving us in this image. A visualization of victory. Let's reverse time frame to the past. This was BEFORE THE STEAL. This was HOW we won. Remember that.
8) We have some further IMINT to do now, but perhaps we should call it VIDINT, for Video Intel. Again, as we did for his banner image, we're looking for cues and clues as to where his mind and heart are. Here's the video.
9) We'll be doing this in real time together. That is, I do not have a list of points and their timestamps prepared. Rather, I will do my best to identify key points along they, start and stop the video and report them with the best time stamps I can. One more thing...
10) I've had friends hitting me up to drop FOX and move over to OAN for many, many months now. I'd try and squint. I have always liked FOX's production and entertainment values. When I watch OAN it makes me want to smack their executives and train their news casters.
11) Monotone is monotonous. Facial expression is a good thing, not a bad thing. Smiling is allowed. Monopitch is bad too. We want dramatic and compelling modulation. And some money spent on sets, lighting and yes, wardrobe and makeup. Come on. Oh well....
12) The thing is, @realDonaldTrump wants us to switch. He's sick of FOX's betrayal and offers us a new direction. We've been watching more and more OAN, but the real tipping point for me was the Georgia Election hearings the other day. Production values aren't everything, right?
13) Turning to the video...
We begin Pearson Sharp. I never heard of him before, but I instantly like him. He has MODULATION!
I like the open. "The so-called election results on November 3rd are puzzling to a lot of people." Nice.
At least 75 million, but maybe more.
14) Until then, all signs pointed to an historic victory.
Many still believe that that is exactly what happened, even if the alleged vote counts tell a different story.
We turn to the reason, unprecedented prosperity, prior to the Chinese virus. Economic power.
15) 157 million employed. Highest number in American history.
Great transition! This is NOT the legacy of one defeated by - my term - a LOSER like Joe Biden.
We're about 2 minutes into the 5:18 video, now...
16) Rode Obama's coattails while selling out to China and building his family's wealth on the back of American citizens.
Let's seriously pause there.
17) We have known from time immemorial that the key to political success is two-fold. You must:
1) Define Yourself 2) Define Your Opponent
It may be my idealism that puts the two in that order. It may well be that #2 is more important than #1.
18) Who is Joe Biden? Joe Biden...
1) Rode Obama's coattails 2) While selling out to China and 3) Building his family's wealth 4) On the back of American citizens
19) You want to mark that list of four defining elements. You will be hearing more about that list in coming days, weeks, months forward. Why? No matter what, we will be in this fight. With victory, we will have to shepherd our wayward brothers and sisters forward.
20) If the whole-of-government forces end up overwhelming our efforts to #StopTheSteal, we will have to fight forward with those four defining components in hand. This will be the fight, no matter what. We must teach ALL of America who Joe Biden actually is.
21) We now get the list of votes for Trump, MORE than ever before. We consider minority support for Trump, and their fall in support for Biden.
Coming up on the 4:00 mark, we turn to Ohio. As Ohio goes, so goes the election.
22) Love this! We turn to the backboard...
Biden won (I'd put quotes around that) 509 counties. In 2008, Obama really did win, and he did so with 873 counties. Take notes now. We're writing this down. I really do love that!
23) And now we get the close. An ASTOUNDING
Two Thousand, Five Hundred and (note the dropping pitch and dramatic slowing of words) Forty... Seven.....
I rest my case. The jury may only return one verdict. Trump wins. Biden loses.
24) Dude! I like this guy. Pearson Sharp. It makes me laugh. Names really do tell us so much. This is one sharp reporter, and what a sharp presentation. Crisp. Clean. Compelling.
Yeah, I like this!
For One America News, he's Pearson Sharp.
25) We turn next to Christina Bobb. I was just listening carefully, and she does indeed modulate her pitch. It's a bit narrow of a range for my taste. Not on the high end, on the low end. I'd train her to lower her pitch at least 3 or 4 whole tones, and maybe even a bit more.
25) Do you know what staccato is, in music. It's when you hit the beats and pause in between, sounding something like a metronome. In a symphony, this is taken to the extreme in pizzicato, when the string players essentially tap the strings with their bows. It can be amazing.
26) But only for brief spurts to emphasize certain themes. An army on the march can be musically described by a pizzicato passage. Christina's entire presentation isn't quite pizzicato, but it is absolutely staccato, and that ends up causing boredom. It distracts.
27) The worst thing though is the timing. We need changes in pace, slowing and speeding the rhythm, and done properly this coordinates with the modulation of pitch. Now, it's important you NOT get me wrong. I like Christina, and I really like this report!
28) This is just how I do things. I have to identify the obstacle so I can turn the volume down in my head on those points, and shut up and listen. I've learned I just have to get these thoughts out, and now I'm finally ready to pay productive attention...
29) Reveal and investigate irregularities. The state legislatures have the primary, Constitutional authority and responsibility to select the correct electors.
Hey. We know what this is! This is J.E. Dyer @OptimisticCon's Main Effort. The vote must be cured here!
30) 7 states have already selected electors from BOTH parties, and they are key battleground states. Christina lists them. Whew, we're going fast now...
The state legislatures can overrule the secretaries of state in the selection of electors.
We pause again...
31) I knew that. I did. You knew that. Right? Yeah, well I didn't know it well enough. A couple of days ago Twitter had their ridiculous attack dogs going after Republicans for quoting Stalin. You know, he was evil. If you quote him you're evil too. What was the quote?
32) Stalin said something to the effect, I don't care about who votes or who they vote for. I care about who COUNTS the vote.
Yes, it was the 1970s, but I did have a civics course in high school. I remember nothing about vote counting. Do you?
33) The most important thing Christina is instructing me about here is what is called a beneficial conflict. In business, accounting departments report things by deadlines. Finance departments have to increase Return On Cash holdings, and monitor the overall profit of the firm.
34) Accounting reports and financial reports are almost the exact opposite of each other, and the culture and values of the operations track those differences. You WANT that conflict in your firm. It's good, not bad. Same with Sales vs Marketing vs R & D, etc.
35) So, somehow, secretaries of states submit, what?, an initial count? But legislatures certify? Do you catch my points.
1) I don't know how this works and must study it pronto! 2) I'm catching that legislatures must NOT rubber stamp.
36) We're almost a minute into the video, which ends at 2:46. Thing is, I have a Saturday morning meeting coming up that I have to break off for now, and prepare. I'm guessing an hour or hour and half before I come back.
Hope to see you then!
37) The state legislatures can overrule the secretaries of state, and either select the Republican electors or decertify the Democrat electors.
There's no doubt Christina urges this for 100% honorable and legal reasons. But, we must be careful to always include such qualifiers.
38) I couldn't care less how the MSM will falsely characterize our mission. Most siblings learn early in life how to shift the blame to other siblings, most especially when they're most guilty, themselves. It's not a difficult trick to master. The MSM is doing that to us now.
39) But it is important that we learn how to cut them off at the pass. Here's an example:
Please play with these or your own even better hashtags. The key point being we OWN the moral high ground and MUST NOT let it be stolen. Not for a moment.
41) Christina does a great job clarifying that exact point over the next few moments. She points out that Trump needs just 3 states to invalidate their fraudulent Democrat electors or select the true and legal vote outcome represented by Republican electors.
42) SCOTUS may combine the cases from PA, AC, WI and GA. Just the 1st three states properly certified #Overturn the stolen election result.
43) Congress can accomplish the cure as well. If the electors are either uncertain, or contested, then Congress votes for the President, 1 vote per state. We will be studying this mechanism in coming days right here. With there being more R states than D, Trump wins that vote.
44) At about 1:50 Christina turns to local citizens and our ability to hit legislators at every level with emails, phone calls and our protest marches in the streets. We matter. We have a vastly LOUDER voice than we have known or used.
45) She doesn't say it this way, but Christina's next points surround har far and wide and deep the fix is, and how strange the behavior of officials across the land has been in preventing access to the voting machines, how they have prevented evidence from coming to light.
46) Having been so critical at the beginning, I have to both soften my previous comments and express how strongly Christina comes off by the end of the segment. She's got tons of natural ability, real charm and obvious patriotic, truth telling dedication. I am now a fan.
47) Here's the 4th tweet from Trump's timeline. It's from yesterday. I hope my new friend @WheelchairSold1 pays special attention to this one!
48) I'll post Madison's tweet directly myself in a moment. But first look at the power of an exclamation point, and of the words "thank you," and of the use of a man's first name. We could complete many essays on just those three components.
48) Here at Twitter, punctuation is not required. Many tweets just don't use any, at all. What does it mean when your President goes that one little extra step? Can you imagine if Trump ever thanked you and even put an exclamation point at the end of the 3-word sentence?
49) Looking at Madison, I just see a boy there - yes a man, but as the father of two adult sons I'm allowed. They're all boys to me. I just see my boy here, and imagine being Madison's mom or dad and what his name in this one tweet means to them. You choke up a bit, no?
50) You get the idea. So, before I start crying here, let's watch Madison's video.
51) Alright. I'm only half way through this 6 minute video, and it has already attained the amazing statues of a full
Get ready for work assignments which will be delegated in coming tweets, rapidly...
52) After I finished watching the video - and I've never heard of Madison before - I had to go find out more about this amazing young man. He's only 25 years old. That's one of our Wow Alerts, right? But then, I instantly discovered the vicious nature of the attacks on him.
53) So here's the first assignment I'm hoping someone will volunteer for. Who knows how to interact with the editorial process at Wikipedia? Their article on Madison is simply TERRIBLE! I've never before felt the need to included Wikipedia under the evil Big Tech tent before.
54) My 5 granddaughters range from very early to late 20s in age. Kate and I have 2 daughters older than both our sons, if you're wondering about the math. Now, imagine I got excited and sent this video for them to watch. Can you picture the coming interactions following?
56) If you need nothing else to demonstrate how the left is out of ideas, and cannot meet on the stage of debate, here it is. They can only work in the ally shadows of rumor and innuendo, allegation and disputed attack. I am...
57) So I'm asking, can this article be amended, can it's terrible tone be changed? If not, then clearly, we have another big tech play that must be replaced. No tech firm is or should be safe from our response. If anyone decides to sign on, please notify me.
58) Rage subsiding just a bit, let's move to the positive assignments needed. Madison's amazing video is filled with facts, but more. His presentation is a water tight proof. Sure, any lawyer will recognize the form. My own window as many of you know is geometry.
59) This may not look like geometry at first glance, but if you simply count the whole numbers as points, and see the number line as drawn through them, I assure you, this is at the very beginning of geometry itself.
60) The pink arcs show us how we get from one step to the next. Well, every one of Madison's facts are tied together in the exact same unbreakable manner. This video is a true proof and its one we need to master.
61) Let's focus for a moment on both facts and their most powerful presentation. Madison's video is simply as good if not better than any other factually based political proof I recall ever seeing. There will be NO improving on it, to be sure.
62) But each and every fact, all by itself, deserves full documentation and support. Consider the hearings on OAN we've been talking about, from the Election Committee of the State Legislature. Videos were shown that had previously gone viral. Who can snag those for us?
63) Since November 4, there has been a growing nexus of analysts chasing down the election fraud with each of the types of data and analysis Madison identifies. How might we coordinate and capture that work that best compels recognition and understanding of the fraud?
64) Watching the video, I realized that I can't turn, today, to mapping its points out as I did with the two previous videos. But, that gives me the perfect challenge for tomorrow's thread. However, you don't have to wait for me! If you're so motivated, have at it and tag me!
65) Allow me to end on that point for today. I'll take my slow and careful usual steps tomorrow. Between now and then, let's dream a dream of Madison's future. And let's all thank @POTUS for the wonderful introduction. This is what @realDonaldTrump gives us.
How wonderful.
Thread ends at #65.
P.S. I just saw this. Are we still in this game, or what?
We'll watch Madison's amazing video very carefully together below. Alone with a few general comments, we have three other sources to consider today as well. But watch Madison first, in full.
2) Getting ready for today's thread, I watched Madison again, and found myself in need of more clarity about how the Presidential Election is certified. Google was even more unkind, and it was a struggle. But finally I found the right attack on the search.
3) With this search, I found 3 articles, all with the same focus, which is on VP Pence's role and recent statement on topic. The articles are almost identical, so you only need read one of them. We're not going to analyze them in detail, but they are worth perusing.
If you'd like a headstart on today's thread, head over to @realDonaldTrump's profile. We'll be taking his most recent three posts on the election as our guidance.
The Forward View + A Table of Contents For Our J.E. Dyer @OptimisticCon's 10 Threads
To be sure, happiness in this New Year's moment has an even more ephemeral feeling than usual, and perhaps by a good deal. Yet it is here.
2) We are taught in the martial arts to do something called "punching through." When learning to break wood slats and such - I never made it past styrofoam - the idea is NOT to punch the slat but rather THROUGH it, to a point about 6 inches on the other side.
3) These first 3 weeks of 2021 are indeed the slat in front of us. And our victory joy, should we taste it, will be on the other side. Can you picture Trump's 2021 State Of The Union speech? Can picture the media uproar when they discover that we will NOT surrender to the steal?
2) And here's yesterday's 85-tweet thread. Do mind that Twitter breaks it at #31. You have to hit "show replies" and then my bandaid shows up, where I reattached #34. Click on it and you should be able to go the distance.
3) I'm not sure how the spirit will move me tomorrow morning, but assuming I can finish up our last 9 slides today, I may see if I can't organize the entire suite of threads I've completed on J.E.'s 2 articles to date. We'll see, but that's what I'm thinking right now.
Prepping for today's thread, the story of the CURRENT CYBERWAR is clearly overwhelming. J.E. Dyer @OptimisticCon links us to this story. Just one quote to follow:
"This is a much bigger story than one single agency," said one of Reuters' sources. "This is a huge cyber espionage campaign targeting the U.S. government and its interests."
The upshot is that there is also much misdirection and confusion being sown. But the fact that SolarWinds Orion platform was hacked is gigantic. We'll learn more in J.E.'s next link, here:
2) As I see information coming in, it appears to me that J.E.'s article has had quite an impact around the power circles in DC, and obviously here at Twitter and across the Internet. One bit of evidence of that is a piece attributed to Candace Owen. Here it is in 3 screenshots.
3) Frankly, the writing style, and other editorial markers make think it probably isn't from Candice. I did, by the way, paste it into a word doc, added the numbering, and took the liberty to correct some typos and spelling errors. It's "Madeleine Albright," one l, not two.