I tweeted this thread a couple of days ago, but have received little response. I feel like a woman telling a doctor she has a lump in her breast, but without even examining her, he says it is nothing to worry about. In my case the doctor is political scientist, Prof. @epkaufm.
Why do political scientists not recognise the cancer that has befallen the body politic of Western civilisation?
It is as if they are under the influence of some kind of collective post-hypnotic suggestion, which blinds them to it.
The only answer I can think of is that they were indoctrinated by their own professors as they received their university education, many of whom would have been traumatised by their experiences of Nazism & the Holocaust.
Or maybe their professors had been taught/indoctrinated by their own professors & were only passing it on.
These teachings/indoctrination would have been in the cause of #NeverAgain & well-intentioned.
They may also have received it from parents &/or grandparents.
They were, however, misconceived & have given rise to the cancer that now threatens Western civilisation, but which political scientists fail to recognise.
What were/are these teachings exactly?
They are more an attitude (making them all the more subtle & effective) of contempt for human tribalism, which the Nazis had manipulated & abused for their own evil purposes, the idea being to cure humans of their tribalism, along with racial & ethnic prejudices deemed evil.
Trying to cure us of our tribalism is like trying to cure us of our sexuality. All it does is give #BigBrother state an instrument of sociopolitical rewards, intimidation & control.
We must learn to live with our tribalism, as we do with our sexuality, in a civilised fashion.
Academic contempt for human tribalism is the CANCER that is killing Western civilisation.
While writing this thread, I have knocked back half a bottle of port, which has rendered me pretty drunk.
This is the self-destructiveness I am fighting against.
Where does this self-destructiveness come from?
It is a consequence of evolved human nature being corrupted in the artificial environment of civilisation, which is in turn corrupted, & is why ultimately ALL civilisations self-destruct.
"AOC proposes funding to deprogram white supremacists"
The problem is: ANY expression of #WhiteIdentity, on which America was originally founded, is equated with #WhiteSupremacy.
There is a coup in progress, initiated long ago, by #BigBrother & #TheMatrix of state capital.
America's founding fathers knew it would be difficult enough forging a nation from different European peoples (English, French, German, Dutch, etc.) of the SAME race, & impossible to include other races, which is why the 1790 Nationalisation Act restricted citizenship to Whites.
By modern standards, the founders were indeed White supremacists, but also had enough sense to know that multi-racial nationhood could never work. And so it has proven.
America never became a genuine nation, but just a bigger, more powerful, mercenary #PatronState than Britain.
In the aftermath of WW2 & the Holocaust, academics responded to the Nazis having manipulated & abused German tribalism for their own evil ends by demonising human tribalism itself, along with the prejudices & behaviours associated with it.
This seemed like a good idea at the time: the realisation of the resolve of #NeverAgain. But it was misconceived, & abused as an instrument of sociopolitical rewards, intimidation & control.
The important thing to understand about human tribalism is this: it is as inherent & essential a part of human nature & of being human as is human sexuality, if not more so!
Demonising it is a fatal mistake. We need to understand it.
My advice to Americans is this: Do not identify with America as your nation, because that is not what it is, any more that Britain is my nation.
Britain & America are both Orwellian constructs, based on lies, deceit & different regimes of rewards & intimidation.
America never became a genuine nation, as its founders had hoped it would, but just a bigger, more powerful, mercenary #PatronState than Great Britain, from which it had won its independence, which deceitfully posed as a nation, in order to legitimise itself & its ruling elites.
We all need to stop pretending that we belong to a nation. No one does. We are ALL nationless. Just citizens of a mercenary #PatronState deceitfully posing as a nation, in order to legitimise itself, its ruling elites & the immense power they wield & abuse.
Civilisation facilitates the abuse of POWER, which corrupts evolved human nature, so that instead of serving society's long-term survival, it leads to its self-destruction.
This is why ALL past civilisations declined & fell, & why our own civilisation will be gone before the end of this present century - unless this fatal flaw is recognised & corrected.
Ours is the first civilisation with the potential to do so.
This potential resides in our understanding of Darwinian evolution, which tragically the social sciences made a taboo of applying to human nature & society, in overreaction to its misconceived abuse in Nazi Social Darwinism & racial ideology.
If the British government, state & establishment are determined to replace Britain's Native population with migrants & refugees, it might as well be with East Asians, who have a significantly higher average IQ than many other races, including our own.
If I were pursuing a career in academia, politics or the media, I wouldn't dare make a comment such as I have above, since it would cost me dearly, probably my career itself, since any reference to race differences, real as they are, is taboo.
This taboo is extremely unhealthy.
That academics especially should be deterred from broaching certain truths is especially egregious, since this is what they are supposed to be good for: uncovering & understanding the truth about whatever it is they choose to study.
" . . one government rules everyone and everything, following the same organising principle everywhere under its control, working to advance and perpetuate the supremacy of one group of people – Jews – over another – Palestinians. This is apartheid." theguardian.com/commentisfree/…
This is not just a Jewish/Palestinian problem, but a fundamental problem with the very nature of the state itself.
Like ALL #NationStates, Israel is an Orwellian construct, based on lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation.
What characterises Israel, in contrast to most other countries, its that the lion's share of rewards & intimidation are divided along strict, ethnic lines.
The solution is to be found in a much better understanding of evolved human nature & tribalism, which academics sadly lack.