Qalaat Al Mudiq Profile picture
Jan 20, 2021 171 tweets 174 min read Read on X
#Syria: again a large quantity of drugs coming from Assad-held areas was seized. This time it was captured yesterday by SNA in E. #Aleppo CS. No less than 900,000 pills of captagon were hidden in a truck. ImageImageImage
Another large quantity of drugs from #Syria was seized yesterday, this time by #Jordan. Hashish & 214,000 pills of Captagon were seized.…
S. #Syria: today 5th Corps clashed with drugs smugglers coming from Suwayda in area of Bosra (E. #Daraa). 3 men were arrested, hashish & captagon pills also seized👇 ImageImageImageImage
S. #Syria: #Jordan seized yesterday another batch of drugs with 100,000 pills of captagon on its border. 2 killed. Drug traffic in S. Syria is controlled by groups affiliated with Hezbollah & 4th Division. More: Image
S. #Syria: #Jordan stopped another attempt to smuggle a large shipment of drugs yesterday. A pick-up with 765 kg of Hashish & over 3 million pills of Capatgon was destroyed during the operation.… ImageImageImage
#Syria: #Jordan seized another batch of drugs yesterday (Hashish & 100,000 pills of Captagon), coming from Syria.
"#Syria is a narco-state & the global epicentre of Captagon production, now more industrialised & sophisticated than ever":
- traffic controlled by pro-Assad forces (esp. 4th Div.)
- 173 million Captagon pills exported from Syria seized in 2020
- Report: Image
#Syria: #Jordan thwarted today biggest attempt to smuggle drugs in recent months from Assad-held areas. Over 1.3 million Captagon pills seized. 3 dead. Image
A massive shipment of drugs coming from S. #Syria was seized yesterday by #Jordan. No less than 1.127 million Captagon pills & 7,000+ Hashish packs were discovered in the vehicle captured from smugglers. More: ImageImageImage
Another shipment of Captagon was seized by Jordan yesterday. Smugglers coming from S. #Syria left behind 377,000 pills while fleeing after being spotted. Image
S. #Syria: another attempt to smuggle Captagon was thwarted today by #Jordan. 300,000 pills hidden in a vehicle were seized. Image
Earlier this month #Lebanon arrested 3 ppl who tried to smuggle ~250,000 Captagon pills to Saudi Arabia. Pills were hidden in electric pumps coming from #Syria.
#Syria: "#Latakia has become a global hub for the Captagon trade".
How an in-depth investigation by Organized Crime Project @OCCRP, based on court docs, reveals a major Captagon seizure in Greece can be traced back to Assad's circles. Full report: Image
Giant seizure of Captagon made today by #KSA. No less than 14+ million pills (with well-known design) were hidden in Iron plates coming from #Lebanon. ImageImageImageImage
#Jordan thwarted a new attempt to smuggle Captagon & Hashish from #Syria. 61,000 pills & 497 packs of Hashish & weapons were seized. ImageImage
Again #Jordan seized yesterday a large shipment of drugs (Captagon & Hashish) from smugglers coming from multiple positions in #Syria. Second capture of that kind in one week. Captagon has the characteristic L shaped logo traced back to #Latakia. ImageImage
Over 1 million Captagon pills were seized at dawn today after smugglers tried to reach #Jordan from S. #Syria. 210 packs of Hashish also seized. Currently there's an attempt there every week.
"#Syria has become the world’s prime pusher of Captagon as it finances Bashar Assad's central government. Last year 3.4 billion $ were seized outside the country, as drug has become Syria's main export and source of hard currency". More:
Yesterday #KSA customs seized 2,144,180 Captagon pills coming from Jordan. Hidden in tomato boxes, origin was unspecified but cartons have markings "made in #Syria" & blurred logo belongs to a #Damascus-based Company "Al-Hasnaa-الحسناء". ImageImageImage
#Jordan seized today a large amount of Captagon (362,000 pills) & Hashish (273 packs) coming from S. #Syria. Night vision equipment also seized after clashes with smugglers. Image
S. #Syria: on first day of reopening of border crossing (closed due to situation in #Daraa), #Jordan already seized half million Captagon pills hidden in a vehicle. Image
3 days after previous seizure, #Jordan foiled this morning a new attempt to smuggle a large quantity of Captagon & Hashish from S. #Syria. One smuggler was killed in clashes. Coffee bags from Kenya used to hide drugs. ImageImage
European Intelligence tracked a ship & inspected it yesterday near Spain. No less than 20 tons of Hashish (400 million $) were seized by European authorities. The 11 on bord, all arrested, are Syrian citizens. Image
New week, new seizure of drugs by #Jordan on S. #Syria border. Smugglers attempted to bring into the country a significant quantity of Captagon (100,000s pills) & Hashish this morning. Several were wounded in clashes. Image
#Syria: unusual seizure in #Afrin (N. #Aleppo). Around 140,000 pills of Captagon coming from Assad-held areas were discovered by #SNA, hidden in olives. ImageImageImage
Unbelievable. #KSA stopped no less than 6 ways to smuggle Captagon coming from #Syria after Jordanian controls were evaded (hidden in wheels, batteries, wood pallets etc). 1.1 million Captagon pills seized in total. Use of dogs made the difference. (video) ImageImageImageImage
Flow of Captagon coming from #Syria never stops. At dawn today #Jordan seized 100,000s pills after thwarting a new attempt by smugglers. Image
Again #Syria|n Captagon was seized this morning by #Jordan, after smugglers tried to cross the border. ImageImage
Another big shipment of Captagon coming from #Syria was seized from smugglers today by #Jordan. Image
3 days ago Damascus & Amman agreed to fight "drug smuggling". But #Jordan seized a massive shipment of Captagon yesterday in *official* border crossing w/ #Syria. 2 million pills w/ well-known L-shaped logo. Won't stop as a major source of income for Assad Image
Now also #Iraq seizing significant amount of Captagon shipped from #Syria. 108,000 pills were seized yesterday from one smuggler who infiltrated the border near Rabiah, but he was detected by thermal cameras. ImageImage
#Syria: today #SNA seized in Al-Bab (N. #Aleppo) around half million Captagon pills. 3 ppl arrested & drugs subsequently destroyed. ImageImageImageImage
#Jordan thwarted today another attempt to smuggle a quantity of Captagon (with well-known Lexus emblem) from S. #Syria. Image
#Iraq seized yesterday a new shipment of Captagon coming from #Syria. 2 arrested as well as 93,000 pills (with the usual L-shaped logo on packs) seized in Al-Qaim, the border crossing with #AbuKemal. Image
This is a first. Last night #Jordan|ian Army shot down a drone which crossed the border from #Syria. It carried out a quantity of Captagon, seized👇 ImageImage
#KSA seized yesterday a major shipment of Captagon (5,246,000 pills) in Jeddah port. Drugs hidden in boxes with grapes. A Syrian & Jordanian citizens arrested. ImageImageImage
#Jordan seized today 35,000 pills of Captagon hidden in a public transport vehicle at the border crossing with #Syria. Image
#Syria: #KSA seized today a major Captagon (2,3 million pills) shipment hidden in one truck coming from #Syria via Jordan. Despite attemtps to hide the logo, the well known L-shaped symbol is clearly visible. ImageImageImage
#KSA thwarted no less than 7 attempts to smuggle Captagon past days. In total 2.1 million pills were seized, hidden in different ways, in trucks coming from #Jordan. 12 arrested. Well-known L-shaped logo. ImageImageImageImage
#Jordan thwarted yesterday an attempt to smuggle 65,000 Captagon pills coming from #Syria via Nasib border crossing. Shipment was hidden in a truck.
S. #Syria: Captagon seized this morning on border with #Jordan. Looks like the 2022 version is ready : "Lebanese Flower". Expected to massively flow to Gulf countries after exponential increase this year. ImageImage
Lebanese security forces raided a warehouse near Beirut, seizing no less than 4 million Captagon pills. Pills were hidden inside coffee packs ready to be exported to #KSA. One Lebanese national & one #Syria|n arrested. ImageImageImage
Several attempts to smuggle Captagon from #Syria were thwarted yesterday at dawn by #Jordan. They took advantage of bad weather to try to cross the border. It triggered a firefight with multiple wounded & pills seized.
#Jordan thwarted new attempts to smuggle Captagon from #Syria. 100s of packs w/ usual L-shaped logo & but also new golden one seized. This week witnessed unprecedented clashes w/ smugglers on the border, lasting hours, w/ killing of a Syrian Border Guard. ImageImage
Captagon traffickers are using every method to try to smuggle the drugs. Lebanese authorities announced the seizure of a significant quantity of Captagon pills in port of Beirut, hidden in a shipment of plastic fruits ready to be shipped to a Gulf country. ImageImage
#Jordan seized today its first shipment of Captagon coming from #Syria of the year. No less than 2.7 million pills were discovered, hidden in secret caches, in 2 trucks carrying iron & fruits at Nassib border crossing.
#Jordan seized another Captagon shipment from smugglers coming from #Syria. 200,000 pills confiscated at the border in a truck carrying fruits. Image
#KSA seized 2 big shipments of Captagon past days, totalizing 8.3 million pills. Coming via Jordan, drugs were hidden in fake onions & in silicone barrels. 3 arrested ( Industrial scale👇 ImageImageImageImage
For the 1st time Captagon smugglers coming from #Syria killed last night a Jordanian Captain (3 soldiers also wounded) during clashes. Pills seized. Using well established networks in Suwayda prov., those smugglers regularly try to infiltrate the border. Image
At dawn #Jordan thwarted a new attempt by Captagon smugglers to cross the border coming from #Syria. One of them slain in clashes. Group apparently the same that tried to smuggle drugs yesterday & killed a Jordanian Captain. 100,000s of pills again seized Image
New rules to fight Captagon smugglers coming from #Syria. Jordanian General, Head of E. Military District, announced his forces will kill anybody approaching the border, also ready to strike in Syria. Comes after 10s attempts to cross the border & killing of a Jordanian Captain.
#Jordan thwarted yesterday a new attempt to smuggle large quantities of drugs from #Syria|n territory. Firefight with smugglers ended up in seizure of 353,000 pills of Captagon & 150 Hashish packs (2022 version). ImageImage
Unbelievable news coming from Jordan. Following change of rules days ago, Jordanian Army launched offensive vs Captagon smugglers on border with #Syria. No less than 27 smugglers were killed last night. Many pills seized after sweeping ops (ongoing). Image
Endless seizures of Captagon continue as production & exportations recently exploded. A trafficker was arrested in W. Anbar province (#Iraq) with one million pills, coming from #Syria. Image
#KSA customs seized nearly 1.5 million Captagon pills in 5 different shipments trying to reach the country from #Jordan. One car (loaded with 774,000 pills) & 4 trucks involved. Several arrests. ImageImageImageImage
#Jordan seized today one million Captagon pills hidden in the tires of a truck which tried to enter the country, presumably from #Syria. 2 arrested. ImageImage
#Jordan thwarted last night coordinated attempts by Assad's Drugs cartel to cross the border from S. #Syria. Insane Captagon quantities seized well as fully loaded vehicles. Usual route used (Mughir-KhirbetAwad:…). It triggered fierce clashes👇
S. #Syria: last night battle btwn pro-Assad Captagon network in Suwayda & #Jordanian Forces ended up in biggest seizure ever by Jordan: 9.3 million Captagon pills, as well as weapons, ammo & multiple vehicles captured. ImageImageImageImage
#KSA seized again large amount of Captagon. Around 2 million pills were hidden in a shipping container with boxes of gloves & 400,000+ in a tire of a truck carrying oranges. 3 arrested. ( Industrial scale of Captagon production & shipments clearly seen👇 ImageImageImage
#Syria: Captagon also reached Greater #Idlib. Today a car coming from N. #Aleppo was stopped & searched. Around one million pills were seized by Rebels. Well-known L-shaped logo recognizable. ImageImage
This is a frst. The (Druze) anti-terrorist force arrested in Suwayda province (S. #Syria) a prominent drug (Captagon) dealer affiliated with Assad's Intelligence & Hezbollah and handed him over to US in Al-Tanf zone for further investigations. Image
#KSA seized in Port of Duba over 1.1 million Captagon pills professionally concealed in trucks & wooden furniture. Detected with X-rays & dogs. 4 arrested. ImageImageImageImage
S. #Syria: prominent dealer from Suwayda & belonging to pro-Assad drug cartel was abducted 2 days ago. His body was found today, showing signs of execution. His group is involved in operations to smuggle drugs to #Jordan. ImageImage
#Jordan thwarted last night another atttempt to smuggle drugs from S. #Syria. Drugs seized after clashes & retreat of gunmen.
#KSA authorities launched a raid in area of Riyadh & arrested 2 #Syria|ns who were in possession of nearly 1.3 million Captagon pills. Drugs were hidden in a shipment of oranges. ImageImageImage
#Jordan|ian Customs seized today over 1.3 million Captagon pills in Nasib-Jaber border crossing with #Syria. Drugs were hidden in 2 different trucks & were detected thanks to X-Rays.
#KSA seized in Jeddah port 1.6 million Captagon pills, meticulously concealed under a caravan. 3 ppl arrested. ImageImageImage
Rare look into a Captagon laboratory dismantled this week by Lebanese authorities in a farm located in area of Baalbek, a Hezbollah stronghold bordering #Syria. More: ImageImageImageImage
#Syria: Captagon & other drugs were seized at an #Idlib border crossing, coming from N. #Aleppo. ImageImageImage
#KSA authorities seized yesterday in Jeddah a giant batch of Captagon (3.3 million pills hidden in lemons). One #Syria|n & a #Jordan|ian citizens were arrested. ImageImageImageImage
#Syria: massive amount of Captagon was seized this week in Qamishli (#SDF-held area), bound for #Turkey or #Iraq. Nearly half-ton totalling 2.5 million of pills professionally hidden in floor tiles. Biggest seizure ever for this area. ImageImageImageImage
#Syria: first map showing points along the border used by pro-Assad Captagon networks to bring drugs to #Jordan. Official Nasib border crossing is among them. Khirbet Awad (S. of Suwayda, bottom right) also intensively used past months. Image
At dawn #Jordan|ian forces thwarted an attempt by smugglers to cross the border from #Syria. After clashes, they escaped leaving behind over 1 million Captagon pills, Hashish & weapons. ImageImage
21 smugglers were arrested last month while coming back to #Syria. Move came after #Jordan directly accused #SAA of being complicit in Captagon trafficking. Source tells @suwayda24 most of them are now freed, after main Captagon cartel paid 100,000$.
Captagon flow in #KSA never stops. Customs seized over 1.5 million pills hidden in 4 trucks in Haditah port. All those trucks had secret compartments👇 ImageImageImageImage
Unusual way to smuggle Captagon to #Iraq. 2 traffickers coming from #Syria were arrested in Al-Qaim, facing AbuKemal border crossing, with 23,000 pills hidden inside sheep. ImageImage
#Jordan seized yesterday 209,000 Captagon pills hidden in an area close to Omari border crossing with Saudi Arabia. Well-known L-shaped logo easily recognizable. ImageImage
#Iraq|i forces seized yesterday a giant batch of Captagon coming from #Syria. A trafficker was arrested in the border town of Al-Qaim with no less than 1.8 million pills. Stunning color👇 ImageImage
S. #Syria: a man accused to work in the drug trafficking was abducted yesterday in Yarmouk Basin (NW. #Daraa). His body was dumped in a field (hands tied & executed). Image
#Jordan seized today 238 kg of Captagon (nearly 1.5 million pills) inside a truck arriving from #Syria via the official border crossing. Professionally hidden in a concealed compartment, the shipment was detected thanks to the X-rays. ImageImageImageImage
Uncommon seizure by #KSA authorities following anti-narcoticsraid. 456,000 Captagon pills were found hidden in machinery & elevator spare parts. One #Syria|n resident arrested among others. ImageImageImageImage
Another massive shipment of Captagon was seized, but this time by Turkish authorities at Bab Hawa border crossing with Greater Idlib, #Syria. 403 kg (~2.4 million pills) were concealed in 2 trucks carrying cans of pickles. 8 arrested. ImageImageImage
This week Turkish authorities stopped a car full of Captagon in Istanbul. 900,000 pills were discovered in several bags. 3 arrested (2 #Syria|ns & one Lebanese). ImageImageImage
After a pause of 3 weeks #Jordan thwarted at dawn today a new attempt to smuggle Captagon from #Syria. After a firefight & several wounded, a big amount of drugs was seized: 2 million Captagon pills & 200 Hashish packs. Image
#KSA seizures of Captagon skyrocketing this year. 3.7 million pills, hidden in iron pillars, were seized in Dammam Port. 2 arrested. 2nd biggest seizure of the year with so far nearly 25 million pills intercepted (worth over $300 million, street value). ImageImageImageImage
#Iraq announces today its biggest seizure ever of Captagon. No less than 8 million pills were seized in a truck going to Baghdad. Official confirms drugs coming from #Syria, world's largest producer of Captagon. ImageImageImage
#Jordan thwarted an attempt to smuggle 2 million Captagon pills. Drugs were hidden in secret caches of a truck trying to enter the country. Jordan didn't disclose the name of the border crossing, but it's no mystery truck came from #Syria. ImageImageImage
Crackdown by #Iraq|i forces on Captagon trafficking. An international network was dismantled yesterday with 7 arrested. A warehouse with 6.2 million pills was seized near Baghdad. Sophisticated & unique way to conceal Captagon👇
Like #Jordan, #Iraq faces major challenge as flow of Captagon coming from #Syria, literal narco-State, steadily increases. Iraqi Official confirms most seizures are on border w/ Syria, spec. the part held by #SAA & #IRGC incl. main crossing. @RepFrenchHill Image
This week #KSA seized a massive batch of Captagon. Over 11 million pills were discovered in an area close to the border with Jordan. 2 arrested. ImageImage
#Jordan shot down at dawn today a drone coming from #Syria & carrying drugs. Not the first time, but this time photos are released. Model used is a DJI Mavic UAV. ImageImage
General Head of defense of N. Jordanian border openly accuse #SAA of collaborating w/ drug networks in S. #Syria. 19 m. Captagon pills seized this year (breaking 2021 record), in sharp increase as pro-Assad cartels use whole border, incl. official crossing…
A day after the commander of N. Jordanian border recalled they would kill everyone trying to cross the border to stop drug cartels, Jordanian forces killed 4 smugglers this night who came from #Syria. 637,000 Captagon pills in their possession were seized.
#Syria: pro-Assad drug cartels boosting their Captagon production & close to Jordan. Local sources report specialists arrived to set up, with the Military Intelligence, Captagon laboratories in Suwayda prov. Production equipment already arrived from Homs.
#Syria: pro-Assad drug cartels are sending kids & ppl from poorest Suwayda areas to smuggle Captagon into Jordan. The 4 killed 2 nights ago by Jordanian Army are identified. All from same clan in Shaab village while the youngest was 15. Five more still missing after same incident ImageImageImage
Smugglers are using more & more sophisticated ways to hide Captagon. Yesterday #KSA seized in Jeddah 403,000 pills concealed in fake beans (specifically designed to contain 4 pills). 2 arrested, incl. a Syrian. ImageImageImageImage
S. #Syria: 2022 is already a record year for #Jordan w/ seizure of 20 million Captagon pills (vs 14 m. in 2021) & the killing of 40 smugglers in only 5 months. Jordan declared war on pro-Assad drug cartels following the killing of a Captain in January. Seizures then skyrocketed. Image
#KSA seized over 300,000 Captagon pills in 3 smuggling attempts in Haditah Port, respectively hidden in stone wall paintings, medical braces & a fuel tank. 3 arrested. ImageImageImageImage
Turkish authorities seized 2 days ago ~2 million Captagon pills during raids launched in Istanbul. Image
Last night #Jordan|ian Army thwarted an attempt to smuggle drugs from #Syria. Following clashes, 900,000 Captagon pills & 154 packs of Hashish
left behind by gunmen were seized.
#Jordan intercepted a truck carrying vegetables coming from "a neighbouring country" (read #Syria) & seized 358,000 pills of Captagon. Packs with well-known "Lexus" logo. 3 arrested. ImageImage
#Jordan stopped at dawn today another attempt to smuggle drugs from #Syria. Group was forced to retreat after clashes & 678,000 Captagon pills were subsequently seized.
More #Syria|n Captagon intercepted. A Syrian was arrested today in Kuwait, while coming from Turkey. 4 million Captagon pills were discovered in packaging machines for ID cards & seized. Estimated (street) value: over 30 million $. ImageImage
Pro-Assad Captagon cartels tried another time to smuggle drugs last night into Jordan. They were detected by Jordanian Army & 716,000 Captagon pills were seized following clashes. Nearly 1.5 million pills seized that way in 3 days.
#KSA customs seized today a massive amount of Captagon. Over 3.5 million pills hidden in garden supplies were confiscated in Jeddah port. 10 arrested. ImageImageImage
S. #Syria: around 620,000 Captagon pills were seized today in #Daraa province, as smugglers were preparing to bring them to Jordan. ImageImageImage
An internationl investigation, based on exclusive documents, showed that one of biggest World's Captagon seizures of all time (850 million pills confiscated in 2020 in Italy, worth 14 billion euro) unveiled a mafia network linked to Assad's circles, #Syria
#KSA made the biggest Captagon seizure of the year in port of Jeddah. No less than 15 million pills hidden in a concrete block making machine were confiscated. It's ~13% of all Captagon seizures made last year by the Kingdom. One arrested. ImageImageImageImage
Big news from S. #Syria. Yesterday Druze fighters seized the Suwayda's Mil. Intelligence HQ. They uncovered a Captagon laboratory w/ famous L-shaped logo, exposing for 1st time ever an official Assad's Intelligence branch w/ drug cartels constantly smuggling Captagon into Jordan ImageImageImageImage
First step yesterday for US #CaptagonAct. It aims to degrade Assad's narco-State (drug production & trafficking networks), as Captagon is a major source of revenues (more than GDP) financing Regime & Iranian-backed groups. Bill to be submitted to Congress.…
After #Iraq & #Jordan, #Egypt taking measures to fight Captagon/drug smuggling by Assad & Hezbollah cartels (literally flooding whole Middle East). Egyptian customs announced yesterday they will tighten controls on goods coming from Syrian & Lebanese ports
S. #Syria: 60,000 Captagon pills were seized today by Jordanian Customs at Jaber border crossing with Syria. Pills were merely hidden in a plastic bag. Image
This week Turkish authorities seized massive amounts of drugs in Istanbul, incl. 410,000 Captagon pills. 4 arrested. ImageImage
Yesterday Jordan seized a big shipment of Captagon (one million pills) hidden in 2 trucks & ready to be smuggled outside the country. 4 arrested. Jordan is the main smuggling route btwn Syria (the source) & Gulf countries (main market). Image
#Turkey seized in Mersin a significant amount of Captagon bound to #Europe (after the 410,000 seized in Istanbul). Shipment (310kg, 2 million pills) uncovered in secret compartment in a truck coming from #Syria. 4 arrested. High quality given pills' color👇 ImageImageImageImage
#Iraq|i authorities arrested yesterday a drug trafficker in Ramadi & seized nearly 2 million Captagon pills hidden in a truck. Well-known "LX" logo coming from #Syria. ImageImageImageImage
Jordanian forces launched today a raid against drug traffickers E. of Amman. They uncovered in a farm half-ton of Hashish & nearly 2 million pills of #Syria|n Captagon (Lexus logo). 3 arrested & 2 wounded in clashes. Multiple vehicles captured/destroyed. ImageImageImageImage
#Jordan|ian forces launched today a new raid targeting drug traffickers near border with #Syria. 303 packs of Hashish were seized as well as 100,000 Captagon pills (made in Syria). Several arrested. ImageImageImage
#Syria: today #SNA seized in N. #Aleppo countryside over 1,5 million Captagon pills coming from Assad-held areas. One of biggest Captagon seizures made in that area. Well-known L-shaped logo visible. 3 arrested. ImageImage
Recent increase of Captagon seizures in Istanbul. Today Turkish authorities confiscated 316,000 Captagon pills after raiding a cargo Company. Drugs were ready to be shipped abroad. ImageImage
Was only a matter of time. #Turkey made yesterday the biggest ever Captagon seizure on its soil. Over 2 tons (12.3 million pills) were confiscated in a shipping container in Istanbul. Video shows an insane amount of L-shaped packs (made in #Syria)👇
Another major seizure of Captagon yesterday. #Jordan|ian army confiscated 6.45 million Captagon pills (its 2nd highest amount this year) & 578 packs of Hashish from smugglers coming from #Syria. They abandoned a pickup full of drugs after a firefight. ImageImageImage
Atfer #Turkey's record last week, #KSA seized a sea of Captagon in Riyadh today. Insane amount of 47 million pills, hidden in flour, confiscated. 8 arrested, incl. 6 Syrians. It's among the World's largest seizures of Captagon ever made. ImageImageImage
More evidence on role of Assad's cartels in World's exports of Captagon made in #Syria. Germany sentenced 3 men after investigations on Romania's biggest ever seizure of Captagon in 2020. Drugs were shipped from Latakia port with 4th Division involvement.
#Jordan continues its anti-drug campaign. Last night raids led to seizure of 1,600 Hashish packs & around one million Captagon pills in area of Ruwaished (border with #Syria). Captagon bags have a collection of well-known L-shaped logos & Svastikas. ImageImageImage
Jordanian forces launched another raid targeting Captagon smuggled from #Syria. They captured a drug dealer in the South & seized 600,000 Captagon pills. In separate incident, one smuggler coming from Syria was also killed in overnight clashes. Image
Unusual incident revealing scale of Captagon proliferation in #Syria. A pickup crashed today on Homs-Tartus Highway. It was overloaded with 3 million Captagon pills & 2 tons of Hashish. No photos released for some reason. Driver, from Qerdaha, was killed. ImageImage
#Syria: photos of the pickup full of drugs which crashed yesterday on Homs-Tartus Highway, near Zara on border with Lebanon, were finally released. Driver from Qerdaha died in the accident. It was loaded with 1.97 ton of Hashish & 3.28 million Captagon pills as per official count ImageImageImageImage
#Syria: outrage sparked on social media after it was revealed the driver killed 2 days ago on Homs-Tartus highway, carrying Captagon & Hashish worth 60+ million $, served in the 4th Division. He passed all checkpoints with a pickup overloaded with drugs. Image
Lebanese authorities seized another big shipment of Captagon in Beirut Port. Over one million pills were confiscated while ready to be shipped to Kuwait, via Sudan. Image
Another major seizure of Captagon in Istanbul. 300,000 pills were seized yesterday by Turkish authorities. Pills were covered up with grease to lure dogs. One arrested. Image
2 days ago 450,000 Captagon pills (69 kg) were discovered & seized by Turkish police after a vehicle crashed on Antakya-Iskenderun road. Image
Interpol launched this summer a 5-week worldwide operation targeting drug networks. Among other drugs 581 kg of Captagon were seized (approx. 3.5 million pills). Operation highlighted the rise of Captagon production & sale. 1,333 arrested.
#KSA seized last night in Riyadh 765,000 Captagon pills ingeniously hidden in watermelons. 5 arrested incl. 3 Syrians.
#Jordan thwarted 2 attempts to smuggle Captagon from #Syria via official Nasib border crossing. 800,000 pills seized in 1st vehicle & 54,000 in the second one (both hidden in secret compartments). ImageImageImage
#KSA thwarted 4 attempts to smuggle 750,000 Captagon pills past days. Most of them were hidden in trucks coming from #Jordan & whose source is believed to be #Syria, world's biggest exporter of Captagon. ImageImageImageImage
More Captagon produced in #Syria confiscated in #Turkey. Yesterday 200,000 pills were seized in 2 cars which refused a Police control in Konya, S. Turkey. 4 arrested. L-shaped logo everywhere on the bags👇 ImageImageImage
Acc. to @HoranFreeMedia, relying on wide activist network, pro-Assad drug cartels have 8-10 Captagon laboratories in S. #Syria able to produce ~10 million pills/month. It's increasing due to proximity of Jordan, main gate to export drugs to Gulf countries. Image
Last night #Jordan thwarted an attempt by pro-Assad cartels to smuggle a large quantity of Captagon from Suwayda province - S. #Syria. 818,000 pills & weapons were seized after clashes. Image
#Jordan|ian authorities launched today a raid against a drug trafficker. They seized 600,000 Captagon pills & 510 Hashish packs, smuggled from #Syria, & coming from pro-Assad industry. ImageImageImage
#KSA thwarted today an attempt to smuggle nearly 4 million Captagon pills hidden in a shipment of peppers. 5 arrested incl. 3 Syrians. ImageImageImage
Lebanese authorities seized yesterday 165 kg of Captagon (one million pills) in port of Beirut professionally hidden in a steamroller ready to be shipped to Sudan. A Syrian, who completed the transactions for the shipment, was arrested. ImageImage
Almost art. Jordan seized over 20,000 Captagon pills hidden in a wooden bed inside a truck at a border crossing (presumably #Syria). One involved in the smuggling operation arrested. ImageImage
Jordan thwarted at dawn another attempt by pro-Assad cartels to smuggle drugs from #Syria into the Kingdom. After a firefight, 287 Hashish palms & 259,000 Captagon pills were discovered & seized.
Non-stop Captagon seizures in the Middle East. This week Lebanese authorities seized in Beirut Airport a shipment of 160,000 Captagon pills bound to Qatar & Oman. Drugs were originally & professionally concealed👇 ImageImage
Lebanese authorities seized today a giant shipment of Captagon bound to Sudan. 5,4 million pills, hidden in fiber boards, were confiscated in a warehouse S. of Beirut. ImageImage
That's a first. Large shipment of Captagon, Hezbollah-Assad's poison, reached Morocco. Police seized over 2 million pills in Tangiers Port, shipped from Lebanon. This is the largest ever Captagon seizure in the country. ImageImageImage
Insane amount of Captagon seized this week by #KSA:
- 1,9 million pills seized on Wednesday in Riyadh (pic 1), 9 arrested (5 Syrians)
- 3,25 million pills confiscated in Jeddah Port on Friday. Shipment was hidden in a *single* truck (pics-2-4). ImageImageImageImage
#Syria: unusual news from #Idlib. Today #HTS arrested a prominent drug dealer on the Interpol most-wanted list. From Italy & part of Camorra, he's called Bruno Carbone. He tried to reach Assad-held areas & hence is surely linked to the Captagon smuggling, produced in those areas. ImageImage
#Jordan thwarted another attempt by pro-Assad cartels to smuggle large quantities of drugs from #Syria. Smugglers fled after clashes, leaving behind 1,208 Hashish packs &s well as 1,19 million Captagon pills. Image
As already highlighted, pro-Assad cartels often use coffee bags to smuggle Captagon into Jordan. Those bags are from different countries like Brazil or Kenya & shipped to Latakia port. Last night they used bags from India. Image
S. #Syria: at dawn today @SyrianFree_Army seized 60,000+ Captagon pills in Al-Tanf area. The shipment, coming from Regime-held areas, shows well known L-shaped logos on the packs. ImageImageImage
Jordanian forces found today 250,000 Captagon pills hidden in a pit in Ramtha area, bordering #Daraa in #Syria. Image
Endless seizures of Syrian Captagon by #Jordan. This time Customs seized 237,000 Captagon pills at the official border crossing with #Syria (Nasib-Jaber). Shipment was hidden in a truck carrying fruits. ImageImage
Booty of 564 Hashish packs & 20,000 Captagon pills seized by Jordanian Army last night from smugglers coming from #Syria. Jordan announced one smuggler wounded following firefight, but 4 bodies were found in S. Suwayda (Bedouins used by pro-Assad cartels). ImageImage
2 major seizures of Captagon past ~24 hours:
- Jordan thwarted an attempt to smuggle drugs from #Syria, confiscating 610,000 pills
- #KSA seized 2 million pills hidden in wooden planks for kitchens in Riyadh, several arrested incl. 2 Syrians. ImageImageImage
Jordanian forces raided a house in Aqaba (South). They seized 300,000 Captagon pills & arrested the main dealer. Variety of packs & Captagon quality shows he received successive shipments from #Syria. Image
Jordan thwarted at dawn today another attempt by pro-Assad cartels to smuggle drugs from #Syria. 194,000 Captagon pills & 182 Hashish packs seized. Increase of attempts to cross the border past weeks is due to fact smugglers take advantage of bad weather Image
#KSA seized nearly 2,5 million Captagon pills this week in 2 shipments:
- first in cement bags inside a container in Jeddah Port
- 2nd in wooden doors in Empty Quarter Port
It's approx. $50 million at street value there. ImageImageImageImage
After the Captagon with Lexus logo, here is the Lamborghini. Jordanian forces seized today 100,000 pills during a raid in Mafraq area bordering #Syria. Image
In 1st trial of that kind Lebanon sentenced "Captagon King" H. Dekko to 7 years. Admitted working for Assad's Military, World largest Captagon producer. Had high-level political connections in Syria & was involved in Captagon manufacturing & Intl smuggling Image
#Kuwait seized this week one million Captagon pills in a shipment coming from #Syria. They didn't bother hiding the source👇 ImageImageImage
Insane amount of Captagon (3,1 M pills) & Hashish (8,873 packs) seized today by Jordanian Army from pro-Assad drug cartels, mobilizing an army of smugglers. Attempts to cross border from #Syria rose lately, using fog as cover. Coffee bags from Kenya used👇 ImageImage
Pro-Assad cartels tried again last night to smuggle a large quantity of drugs from #Syria into #Jordan. They were discovered and left behind, after clashes with Jordanian border guards, 1.2 million Captagon pills & 581 Hashish packs. ImageImage
New seizure by Jordan of Captagon at the official border crossing with #Syria. 72.5 kg (over 400,000 pills) hidden in a truck were confiscated by the Customs.
Jordan launched an anti-drug raid in the area bordering Syria & found in a cache 200,000 Captagon pills. All packs bear new "Lamborghini" logo, made in #Syria. One arrested. Image
Jordan thwarted today one of largest Captagon smuggling ops to date, seizing 6 million pills (hidden in date paste) coming from Iraq.
Comes 2 days after the #CaptagonAct became a US law, vowing to degrade Assad's narco-State industrially producing Captagon ImageImageImage
Pro-Assad cartels trying to smuggle Captagon into Jordan from all areas in S. #Syria. 167,000 pills were seized by @SyrianFree_Army in Al-Tanf zone past hours. ImageImageImageImage
Iraq facing same challenges than Jordan, Turkey or Gulf. One million pills smuggled from #Syria were indeed seized today. 4 arrested. All packs have the L-shaped logo, tracing back to pro-Assad Captagon factories. ImageImage
The never-ending seizures by Jordan of drugs smuggled by pro-Assad cartels. Yesterday smugglers coming from #Syria were spotted by Jordanian Army. After clashes, 300,000 Captagon pills & 730 Hashish packs were seized. Image
Nearly 3 million Captagon pills carefully hidden one by one (!) in electrical cables. This is the stunning discovery made in Empty Quarter port by #KSA, which is ending the year with another major seizure of Captagon made in #Syria. ImageImageImageImage

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More from @QalaatAlMudiq

Apr 13
Breaking. Explosions over S. #Syria from #Daraa to #Damascus.
Israel is currently bombing Damascus.
Other explosions reported on the Coast - to be cheched.
#Syria: string of explosions from the Coast to #Daraa incl. in Homs province. Air defenses activated in several provinces.
Confirmed Israeli aistrikes on area of #Damascus.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 1
New record broken in 2023. Over 272 million Captagon pills were seized in MENA. Top 5 countries:
- #KSA: 98.5 M↘️
- UAE: 96 M (2nd position due to giant bust of 86.2 million pills)
- Lebanon: 23.3 M↗️
- Iraq: 17 M↘️
- Jordan: 13 M↘️
$ billions that won't finance Assad's Regime.
Jordanian Air Force carried out airstrikes last night targeting Assad's drug cartels in S. #Syria. 3 locations were bombed in the S. Suwayda province. Image
Jordanian Army released a statement saying its forces are engaged since last night in fierce clashes with pro-Assad cartels on border with #Syria. Smugglers killed, arrested & smuggling of large amount of drugs & weapons thwarted. It comes one day after Amman launched airstrikes.
Read 7 tweets
Jan 2, 2023
In 2022 #ISIS insurgency in the Badia (desert) witnessed ups & downs. At least 123 pro-Assad elements killed (documented, partial death toll). IS increased attacks on convoys while IEDs/mines remain main cause of casualties (incl. E. Hama desert). One General & one Colonel slain.
#Syria: the first fatality of the year in the Badia is a First Lieutenant who was killed last night by an #ISIS mine/IED in the Homs desert, South of Palmyra. He was from outskirts of Homs-city.
#Syria: #ISIS killed yesterday a soldier during an attack against a military position in the #DeirEzzor desert. He was from a S. Damascus district. Image
Read 107 tweets
Jan 1, 2023
Over 235 million Captagon pills were seized in MENA in 2022, an absolute record. Over 90% of seizures done by 4 countries (3 of them bordering #Syria):
- #KSA: 108 M
- Jordan: 54.5 M
- Iraq: 31 M
- Turkey: 21.3 M
$ billions that won't finance Assad's Regime.
#Jordan did a first, modest, Captagon seizure this year. Jordanian forces raided a location in an area bordering #Syria & found around 100,000 pills. 3 arrested. Image
#KSA made the first major Captagon seizure of the year. Over 3 million pills, hidden in a secret cavity inside a truck, were confiscated. 3 arrested. ImageImageImage
Read 18 tweets
Mar 21, 2022
Big news coming from #Ukraine. Andrey Paliy, senior naval ccommander of Black Sea fleet & vice commander of #Russia|n forces in #Syria, was killed in a special Ukrainian operation in Mariupol.

#Russian Lt Colonel Georgy Petrunin, veteran of Syrian war & former Head of Security of #Kheimimim Aibase in #Syria, was killed in #Ukraine.……
#Russia|n Lt Colonel Khametov, cmdr of an artillery unit & killed in #Ukraine, went 3 times in #Syria. He was likely involved in those "kill zones" set up by Russian Army to grant Assad a victory, after years of stalemate, during 2015-17 fiercest battles.
Read 172 tweets
Jul 4, 2020
#Syria: drugs were shipped from #Latakia port & came from an #Aleppo factory equipped with large-scale industrial machinery, excluding #ISIS. Expect to see more of this as #Damascus is suffocating economically.
#Syria: another large drug shipment (incl. 4+ million of Captagon pills) was seized in Romania (largest seizure in the country). Ship again departed from #Latakia like for previous giant seizure in Italy.…
Seizures of large quantities of drugs coming from #Syria are multiplying. Captagon & Hashish seized by Egypt (6 + 2.5 tons, shipped from #Latakia port) as well as by Jordan past days.… Image
Read 53 tweets

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