The results of my investigation into #Iran strike of #PS752 are made public today. I found multiple human rights violations, including of the right to life of the 176 people on board. The press release is here:… (Photo: Aljazeera)
In situations of high military tension the most effective means to prevent attacks on civil aviation is to close the airspace. Had Iran, knowing full well that hostilities with the US could escalate, closed its airspace for civilian traffic, 176 lives would have been spared
The explanations provided by the Iranian authorities as to how the IRGC TOR Unit struck the civilian flight present many inconsistencies. Simply put, they do not add up. My letter to Iran details a large number of contradictions with the explanations:…
In the absence of honest and credible explanations of how and why so many mistakes could have been made, some may even wonder if that particular flight was targeted deliberately rather than by error.
Instead of opening a proper investigation, the authorities allowed the crash site to be looted and bulldozed, hampering the collection of evidence and depriving families of irreplaceable mementoes. It also disregarded the responsibility of high-level officials.
Absent an impartial, independent and comprehensive investigation, the families of the victims are left without the answers they deserve; left churning over and over in their minds how could this have happened; why was it that this particular flight was targeted.
Many thanks to @CNN for corroborating that the two private jets HZ-SK1 and HZ-SK2 which brought the Saudi killing team to Istanbul are owned by the Saudi Crown and MBS.…
According to CNN, Ownership of Sky Prime Aviation was illegally transferred in December 2017 to a Public investment Fund controlled by the Prince. I had alleged in my June 2019 investigation that they were part of State resources allocated to #JamalKhashoggi killing.
The @CNN investigation provides thus further evidence that : 1. The killing of Jamal Khashoggi was resourced and carried out through the use of State resources; and 2. #MBS is further directly linked to the implementation of the execution.
Mon rapport sur l'attaque du vol Ukrainien par les gardiens de la revolution Iranienne est public (en Anglais:… et Farsi:… L'Iran a commis de multiples violations des droits humains en abattant le vol PS752 le 8 janvier 2020
Dans les situations de haute tension militaire, le moyen le plus efficace pour empêcher les attaques contre l'aviation civile est de fermer l'espace aérien. Si l'Iran avait fermé son espace aérien au trafic civil ce soir-là, 176 vies auraient été épargnées
Selon l'enquête iranienne, le vol PS752 a été ciblé intentionnellement mais par erreur par le personnel militaire des Grdiens de la Revolution. Mais ces explications sont incoherentes et contradictoires, conçues pour créer un maximum de confusion et un minimum de clarté.
One year ago, the US targeted killing of #Iran’s #GeneralSoleimani in #Iraq became the first known incident outside the context of a declared conflict in which a State invoked self-defence as justification for an attack against a State-actor.
The international community feared its aftermath would see military escalation with devastating consequences. However, while the worst in terms of a global conflict was avoided, worse struck nevertheless.…
On 8 January,176 innocent people subsequently lost their lives when their flight, PS 752, was struck down by Iranian missiles. A month later, Iranians were killed, and hundreds arrested, as they demonstrated for accountability and truth from the Iranian leadership for this attack
چرا بسیاری از اعدامها و احتمالاً اکثر آنها، به اعدامهای خودسرانه تبدیل میشود؟
حقوق بین الملل محدودیتهای بسیار جدیای بر مجازات اعدام اعمال میکند و تضمینهای قانونی اکید و بی چون وچرایی نیز در مراحل مختلف دادرسی و صدور حکم، الزام میدارد./1
عدم رعایت این محدودیتها و تضمینها به سلب خودسرانه و در نتیجه غیرقانونیِ حیات از فرد منتج میگرد.
اعمال مجازات اعدام به گونهای که مفاد دیگری از میثاق بین المللی حقوق مدنی و سیاسی را نقض کند (حق بر دادرسی عادلانه، ممنوعیت شکنجه، ممنوعیت اعمال تبعیض و غیره)،/2
به خودی خود، موجب میشود اعدام مورد نظر خودسرانه تلقی گردد.
به موجب حقوق بین الملل، مجازات اعدام به صِرف این که پس از طی مراحل قانونی اعمال میشود، قانونی نیست.
تنها رعایِت تضمینهای دقیق، سختگیرانه و انعطاف ناپذیرِ تشریفات قانونی است که/3
Why are many, if not the majority, of #deathpenalty cases amounting to arbitrary executions, whether carried out in #Iran, #SaudiArabia the #UnitedStates or elsewhere? This is a long thread providing some explanations.
International law imposes severe restrictions on the use of death penalty and demands strict safeguards. Non-compliance with these restrictions and safeguards leads to arbitrary and thus unlawful deprivation of life.
The imposition of #deathpenalty in a manner that is contrary to the International Covenant on Civil or Political Rights (e.g. fair trial, prohibition against torture, prohibition against discrimination, etc.) would automatically translate into the execution being deemed arbitrary
Long thread on the human rights situation in the #Philippines. My heart cries out for #ZaraAlvarez, for her family, her friends, her colleagues, the people she served. WHAT WILL IT TAKE FOR THESE KILLINGS TO STOP? HOW MUCH MORE SORROW, GRIEF, PAIN CAN THE PEOPLE ENDURE?
The war on drugs is in fact a war on the poor and it also turns out to be a war on dissent. The poison unleashed 4 years ago has spread, devouring more people and more regions, urban and rural areas, city dwellers and poor farmers alike.
One year ago, 11 @UN_SPExperts called on the Human Rights Council to establish an independent investigation into human rights violations in the Philippines. Last June, there were 33 of us, calling yet again for an international investigation into human rights in the #Philippines