Agnes Callamard Profile picture
Secretary General, Amnesty International. Ex UN Special Rapporteur and Columbia Univ. Tweets on human rights. Views my own. @agnescallamard.bsky.socia
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Oct 13, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
@Amnesty gathered compelling evidence documenting the use of white phosphorus artillery shells by the Israeli army in densely populated civilian areas in Gaza, many of which may be considered unlawful indiscriminate attacks.… White phosphorus is an incendiary substance. It burns at extremely high temperatures when exposed to air, and can continue to burn inside flesh. It causes horrific pain and life-changing injuries, and cannot be put out with water.
Oct 7, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
@Amnesty is deeply alarmed by the mounting civilian death tolls in Gaza, Israel and the occupied West Bank and urgently call on all parties to the conflict to abide by international law and make every effort to avoid further civilian bloodshed. Under internat'l humanitarian law all sides in a conflict have a clear obligation to protect the lives of civilians caught up in the hostilities. Deliberately targeting civilians, carrying out disproportionate and indiscriminate attacks which kill/injure civilians are war crimes
Mar 20, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
in 2003, I was demonstrating in the streets of New York when the news hit: The US invasion of Iraq had begun. I recall the anger, the incomprehension and the fears. The result, 20 years on: a staggering death toll, violence, chaos - crimes left unpunished… 20 years ago, there were lies, an aggression, invasion, occupation and many war crimes. @Amnesty documented US indiscriminate attacks that killed and injured civilians, secret detention, secret detainee transfers, enforced disappearance, torture…
Mar 20, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Check our latest report on #taxjustice: @Amnesty advocates the development of a UN Tax Convention that would establish a UN Tax Body to promote domestic resource mobilization through the effective and equitable governance of taxing rights across the globe… Taxation has been recognized by the UN as the most sustainable form of revenue generation, yet it is estimated that nearly US$500 billion is lost every year to tax abuse, at the expense of low-income countries who require it the most.…
Oct 2, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
#JamalKhashoggi: We know who killed him. We know who ordered his killing. We know who cleaned the crime scene. We know who and what surveilled him before his killing. We have the identity of every one of these men. And yet, 4 years on: impunity prevails. WHY? Because Governments the world over chose to. Because Businesses the world over chose to. Because Sport Federations chose to. Because the Cultural and Entertainment industry chose to. They all choose to bury Jamal's killing. And with him human rights, values, press freedom.
Oct 1, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Great initiative by @RepAdamSchiff Jim Himes and House Intelligence Committee members: Demanding that State and Commerce departments should take more aggressive action against foreign commercial spyware including a ban on its use among democratic countries… Many countries are using spyware around the globe, incl democracies. @amnesty has found NSO Pegasus spyware in the hacked phones of dissidents, journalists and activists. Diplomats and heads of States have been targeted too.
May 28, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
I understand diplomatic theatrics. Respect it often. But on this occasion, it left me speechless. Hard to believe this statement is by the UN human rights chief and concerns China human rights records. The paragraphs on the Uighurs and Tibet are surreal.… The only way forward is for the long-awaited report on Xinjiang to be released and the findings presented at the next meeting of the UN Human Rights Council in June.
Jun 24, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Wealthy countries with large vaccine supplies, are in a position to provide much-needed assistance to #Nepal. It would be an affront to our collective moral conscience to let this happen again, when we already know how it ends. My plea to @BorisJohnson:… The UK Government icould step in to provide assistance. Nepalese prime minister KP Sharma Oli has made a personal plea to the UK, as it’s “oldest friend”, to supply the vaccines it needs.
Time is running out.
The crisis in #Nepal is not the first and will not be the last.
Jun 22, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Today at #HRC #Canada delivered crucial statement on behalf of 43 countries, reflecting growing international concern over crimes against humanity in #Xinjiang. China’s authorities are NOT above international scrutiny.… Human Rights Council members must build on this statement to establish an independent, international investigative mechanism that can pave the way for holding to account those responsible for the human rights violations in Xinjiang. There’s not a moment more to lose.
Jun 10, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
20 mois de travail sur le traitement en #Chine des minorités ethniques musulmanes du #Xinjiang ; 100 pages de preuves détaillées de crimes contre l'humanité, de violations massives des droits humains et d'une realite dystopique effarante. Cela devrait choquer la conscience de l'humanité qu'un nombre massif de Musulmans soient soumis à la torture et à d'autres traitements dégradants dans les camps d'internement, alors que des millions d'autres vivent dans la peur au sein d'un vaste systeme de surveillance.
Jun 10, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
20 months of @amnesty tireless work into #China treatment of Muslim ethnic minorities of #Xinjiang; 100 pages of detailed evidence of crimes against humanity, massive human rights violations, and a dystopian hellscape on a staggering scale. It should shock the conscience of humanity that massive numbers of Muslims have been subjected to brainwashing, torture and other degrading treatment in internment camps, while millions more live in fear amid a vast surveillance apparatus.
May 15, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Petit cours de rattrapage a l’attention du Gouvernement de #France @GDarmanin @EmmanuelMacron: 1. le droit de manifester publiquement est une liberté fondamentale. Toute personne a le droit inaliénable de prendre part à des rassemblements pacifiques. #IsraelPalestine 2. Ce droit ce ne devrait pas être sujet à une autorisation préalable des autorités. Une procédure de notification ne devrait en aucun cas faire office de demande d’autorisation de facto, ou justifier l’imposition de règles fondées sur le contenu.
Feb 24, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Many thanks to @CNN for corroborating that the two private jets HZ-SK1 and HZ-SK2 which brought the Saudi killing team to Istanbul are owned by the Saudi Crown and MBS.… According to CNN, Ownership of Sky Prime Aviation was illegally transferred in December 2017 to a Public investment Fund controlled by the Prince. I had alleged in my June 2019 investigation that they were part of State resources allocated to #JamalKhashoggi killing.
Feb 24, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Mon rapport sur l'attaque du vol Ukrainien par les gardiens de la revolution Iranienne est public (en Anglais:… et Farsi:… L'Iran a commis de multiples violations des droits humains en abattant le vol PS752 le 8 janvier 2020 Dans les situations de haute tension militaire, le moyen le plus efficace pour empêcher les attaques contre l'aviation civile est de fermer l'espace aérien. Si l'Iran avait fermé son espace aérien au trafic civil ce soir-là, 176 vies auraient été épargnées
Feb 23, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
The results of my investigation into #Iran strike of #PS752 are made public today. I found multiple human rights violations, including of the right to life of the 176 people on board. The press release is here:… (Photo: Aljazeera) In situations of high military tension the most effective means to prevent attacks on civil aviation is to close the airspace. Had Iran, knowing full well that hostilities with the US could escalate, closed its airspace for civilian traffic, 176 lives would have been spared
Jan 3, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
One year ago, the US targeted killing of #Iran’s #GeneralSoleimani in #Iraq became the first known incident outside the context of a declared conflict in which a State invoked self-defence as justification for an attack against a State-actor. The international community feared its aftermath would see military escalation with devastating consequences. However, while the worst in terms of a global conflict was avoided, worse struck nevertheless.…
Sep 17, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
چرا بسیاری از اعدام‌ها و احتمالاً اکثر آنها، به اعدام‌های خودسرانه تبدیل می‌شود؟
حقوق بین الملل محدودیت‌های بسیار جدی‌ای بر مجازات اعدام اعمال می‌کند و تضمین‌های قانونی اکید و بی چون وچرایی نیز در مراحل مختلف دادرسی و صدور حکم، الزام می‌دارد./1 عدم رعایت این محدودیت‌ها و تضمین‌ها به سلب خودسرانه و در نتیجه غیرقانونیِ حیات از فرد منتج می‌گرد.
اعمال مجازات اعدام به گونه‌ای که مفاد دیگری از میثاق بین المللی حقوق مدنی و سیاسی را نقض کند (حق بر دادرسی عادلانه، ممنوعیت شکنجه، ممنوعیت اعمال تبعیض و غیره)،/2
Sep 16, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
Why are many, if not the majority, of #deathpenalty cases amounting to arbitrary executions, whether carried out in #Iran, #SaudiArabia the #UnitedStates or elsewhere? This is a long thread providing some explanations. International law imposes severe restrictions on the use of death penalty and demands strict safeguards. Non-compliance with these restrictions and safeguards leads to arbitrary and thus unlawful deprivation of life.
Aug 25, 2020 13 tweets 4 min read
Long thread on the human rights situation in the #Philippines. My heart cries out for #ZaraAlvarez, for her family, her friends, her colleagues, the people she served. WHAT WILL IT TAKE FOR THESE KILLINGS TO STOP? HOW MUCH MORE SORROW, GRIEF, PAIN CAN THE PEOPLE ENDURE? The war on drugs is in fact a war on the poor and it also turns out to be a war on dissent. The poison unleashed 4 years ago has spread, devouring more people and more regions, urban and rural areas, city dwellers and poor farmers alike.
Aug 19, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
Today 45 migrants and refugees died off Libyan coast; one 16 year old Sudanese boy died off the French coast. These are all unlawful deaths, which engage the responsibility of European and British Governments to respect or protect the right to life. WHY?… First, to avoid migration across their borders, the EU/UK rely on the policy of extraterritoriality to stop migrants before they reach their territory. Such policies include assisting, funding or training Libyan agencies to arrest, detain, rescue or disembark refugees/migrants
Jul 8, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
My latest report to the UN #HRC44 focus on targeted killings by armed drones:… The world has entered a “second drone age”, in which State and non-State actors are deploying ever more advanced drone technologies, a major international, security issue. As of 2020, at least 102 countries have acquired an active military drone inventory, and 20 armed non-State actors reportedly have obtained armed and unarmed drone systems. This expanding use of drones is accompanied by an increasing disregard of central int'l law principles.