This is an attempt from me with the team at @icart_india and @giridar100 to answer the major queries and doubts anyone may have regarding the COVID-19 vaccines in India.
Addressing some prevalent misconceptions. Pl. read and share.
➡️ AIM of Vaccines
➡️ How Vaccines Work
➡️ Side-Effects / AEFI
➡️ Process of Vaccination
➡️ Registration for >50 yr old
➡️ Availability in Open Market
➡️ New Variants and Vaccines
➡️ AIM of Vaccines
> Prevent COVID-19 in susceptible individuals.
> Prevent severe COVID-19 infection, thereby reducing the need for hospital admission, ventilation, ICU admission, and death.
> Herd immunity by vaccination.
➡️ How Vaccines Work
> COVID-19 Vaccines have 2 doses, 4 weeks apart. Both doses are necessary for protection from COVID.
> Single dose of vaccine does not impart complete protection against COVID. One can still get infected after 1st dose ---> Why?
The vaccination drive for COVID19 will soon begin in India.
Things to know:
➡️Why get vaccinated?
➡️Vaccines In India
➡️Vaccine Priority
➡️Process of Vaccination
➡️Co-WIN website/app
➡️Why Get Vaccinated?
>Prevention of COVID19 infection.
>Prevention of the long term health risks of COVID19 infection.
>92 million cases and 1.9 million deaths due to COVID by now.
>Vaccine + Masks and Distancing are essential to curb the pandemic.
>You cannot compare the 98-99% recovery rate with 95% vaccine efficacy. If you still want to - understand this: Vaccine reduces chances of mortality from 1% to 0.05%.
>Vaccines will NOT cause any mutations in your body.
➡️ What is Long COVID?
➡️ Who can get Long COVID?
➡️ Why does Long COVID occur?
➡️ Symptoms of Long COVID
➡️ Some literature on Long COVID
➡️ Concerns about Long COVID
➡️ Instructions for the Common Man
➡️ What is Long COVID?
> A large number of COVID19 patients suffer from long lasting effects of the infection
> Characterized by a constellation of symptoms involving multiple systems in the body for >28 days
> Leading to increased morbidity even after "apparent recovery"