#AMC#GME#TSLA#KOSS#OCGN good morning everyone, I hope and trust you have had a wonderful morning despite what is going on in the market. Below is your ortex data and a few words of wisdom as we go through this valley today.
Hold if you can only buy more if you can afford to. Don't jump one ship to get to the other one just to have to come back. Reason is that you create an undue tax burden by selling short just to take whatever gains you get to apply it to the next stock. I'm sorry but nothing
short of a squeeze will get me to sell either my GME or AMC. I'm not going to dump one for the other as I like options and I always have. I'm definitely not going to pay Short term capital gains at my ordinary tax rate. Nope, as my nephew say's it's never going to happen. I'm
all about tax minimization if possible but switching right now makes no sense to me whatsoever. Each one must make their own choices as I have no control over your finances. I can only speak for my own in that I will wait and hold. We'll be fine. Enjoy your day folks get some sun
So this whole rule in a nutshell is that DTCC is going to an automated system called ClaimConnect for the following reasons: 1. Manual adjustments are not subject to the DTC's risk Management Controls, which can unexpectedly put the receiving party at risk. 2. It lacks a unique
identifier or way to track the adjustment. 3. no automated notification process, so you can see where and what's happening to the adjustments as they are being made or accepted by either party. 4. No platform exists where you can see the work being detailed out.
#AMC#GME#wallstreetbets#AMCSqueeze#GMEtothemoon#MEMES#stonks let’s talk about this rule that is being changed and why.... so the SR-NSCC-2021-006 (not 806) 🤪 time to put my glasses on. 🤓 The purpose of rule change is to I quote “remove a service that allows issuers of
Securities, either themselves or through an issuer-designated administrator, to track and limit the number of beneficial owners for an individual Security (“Security Holder Tracking Service”),” so what is going on???? Let’s walk down memory lane... in 2008 the DTCC built this
tracking system to allow companies that were closely held to track and limit the number of shares sent out to investors in regards to ownership. The system knew the stock the shareholders had and how much each one held. That’s great in a perfect world but unfortunately for us
#AMC#GME#TSLA#MEMES#STONKS#MOONING#TOTHEMOON#Wallstreetbets Part 3 "Stepping into the light"
There is definitely more to why having this specific order type will change trading but that is my first glance and synopsis of it. I will be watching the court case as it goes
by and providing updates, but we want the appellate court to rule in the SEC’s favor so that we can literally take out almost every strategy that has been used to hit us hard during these last five months by HF and MM albeit through the ATS or holding orders until it
makes sense for them to release it until it provides them with the ultimate benefit. This coupled with all the other rulings would provide another layer of protection as we move into the final stages of the endgame for our infinite squeeze.
#AMC#GME#TSLA#OCGN#STONKS#MOONING Part 2 "Stepping into the Light" Okay Well the IEX uses a crumbling quote Indicator. The indicators’ main purpose is to predict whether the incoming quote is going to increase or decrease. Is the incoming quote stable enough to not change
the market. If it’s not then the IEX system will prevent what’s called a DPEG or PPEG orders on what side (buy/sell) from exercising discretion and trading that is more aggressive to the resting prices. Said simply, when block orders come into the system seeking to alter the
price point up or down. The price will not be higher than resting price already within the system. Lets talk definitions:
DPEG: Discretionary Peg are pegged to one minimum variation or “tick” below the national best bid, in the case
#AMC#GME#TSLA#STONKS#MOONING#wallstreetbets Good Morning folks Happy Sunday! This morning we have quite a bit to go through as I've been fairly quote with the DD up until this point. But I'll be posting back to back this am. Hopefully you all will have a better understanding
when you leave my feed today. 3 Topics on agenda are "Stepping into the Light", SR-NSCC-806, this statement by Staff at the SEC (that is going around here and on reddit). Without further delay lets get started with "Stepping into the light"
Before I dive into the main point
we're going to go over Dark Pools (aka Alterative Trading Systems) their function and how it operates on the market. We will then discuss how the current “Amicus” brief and legal battle between Citadel v. SEC will help the ATS Step into the Light. “If you can hear me humming…
#AMC#GME#TSLA#KOSS now that I have a few moments let’s talk ortex. I’ll give you an update on the rules DD. Below is your ortex info. Biggest change is that AMC is at 99% utilized since yesterday. The breakdown is this when a stock gets closer to 100% of shares being utilized
The more likelihood short sellers will face a buy in if investors recall their loan shares meaning investors turn off their borrowing indicators and bring the shares back into their account and collect the interest payment from them being loaned out. Now if we get to 100% of the
Shares being loaned out that means every share humanly possibly available to borrow is already out on loan taking away HF ability to short the stock without having to buy back the shares sold short. Once this avenue is used HF and MM will automatically moved to selling calls