I'm collating a thread of resources showing that #PlasmaTherapy doesn't really work & can in fact, lead to the emergence of more virulent strains of #COVID19!
These resources are at varying levels of reading difficulty + reading times needed.
Pls RT and/or add more resources👇🏼
First, here's a short and accessible mega-thread by @netshrink that quotes several other scientists who have also publicly spoken about plasma therapy not working!
Second, here's a comprehensive article by @sandygrains for @ThePrintIndia clarifying the effectiveness of several potential treatments for Covid, including remdesivir, plasma therapy & more!
Third, here's the recent @nature publication demonstrating that plasma therapy could lead to the emergence of more virulent Covid strains (but a more technical read)
Fifth, this concise and evidence-based infographic/piece by @lancelot_pinto for @htTweets describing various potential treatments for #COVID19 and whether they actually work.
Sixth, @PriyankaPulla's concise and compelling piece in @bmj_latest, explains why the pandemic's rapidly evolving science coupled with India's frustratingly outdated treatment guidelines (& health authorities) harboured the 'viral' rise of plasma therapy!