We have just released a new version of the Nextclade web application clades.nextstrain.org for #SARSCOV2. We now use Nextalign (C++ via wasm) under the hood, which allows for many new exacting features!
A quick tour!
Analysis now takes a few seconds to start, but overall it has become much faster and analyzing hundreds of sequences should be no problem. You can download the reference alignments, including translations of SARS-CoV-2 genes, for further analyses.
You can now examine the diversity of the nucleotide alignment and alignments of different proteins. Select a gene from the drop-down or click on a gene in the genome annotation panel below.
The tooltips to explore diversity have become much more informative. For amino acid changes, we now provide a nucleotide context view that is particularly helpful for complex mutations. Consecutive changes are merged into one tooltip.
A little icon next to the sequence tells you whether some genes of the sequence have failed to translate, either because they weren't covered or because of frame shifts.
As before, the samples are placed on a reference tree that now includes the updated #Nextstrain clades and a diverse set of lineages.
Check out the new seqs from Angola (71), Nigeria (11) and South Africa (276) on nextstrain.org/ncov/africa. Botswana (1) currently not visible due to random subsampling.
New sequences from Botswana (2), Libya (1) and South Africa (4, currently not visible due to random subsampling) can be found on nextstrain.org/ncov/africa.