One of the main objectives of Aurangzeb’s policy was to demolish Hindu temples. On 13th October 1666, He ordered the removal of the carved railing, which Prince Dara Shukoh had presented to the Keshava Rai Temple at the Krishna Janmabhumi in Mathura,
Attached are the copies of the court orders for the destruction of the temples in Delhi by Aurangzeb as preserved & presented in Siyah Waqa’i- Darbar, and Akhbarat as per MaasiriAlamgiri, A historical book by Saqi Mustad Khan published in 1871.
#FatwaAlamgiri, the official book governing Mughal law and Justice during the time of #IslamicInvader#Aurangzeb, approves using Kafirs as slaves as slavery of NonBelievers is allowed as per #Quran and #Hadith!
"If 2 or more Muslims enter a non-Muslim controlled area for the purpose of pillage even without the permission of Imam, and seize parts/complete property belonging to Kafirs, then donate it to Imam, that property will officially become Islamic"
Most Hindus are still under the impression that #Sufism is a good form of Islam. They are so greatly mistaken. Sufis came to India either accompanying the invading armies of Islamic marauders or followed in the wake of the sweeping conquests made by the soldiers of #Islam..(1/19)
Sufi masters were silent spectators to the murderous mayhem & reckless plunder of temples and cities by the ruthless armies of Islamic Invaders. They just used the unsuspecting Hindus' inherent love for spiritualism to convert them to Islam en-masse..(2/19)
and this is true for all 4 major #Sufi "saints" (1) Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti of Ajmer Sharif and (2) Khawaja Qutubuddin who both came along with Mohd Ghori, (3) Sheikh Faridudin and (4) Sheikh Nizamuddin Auliya of Dargah Hazrat Nizamuddin. ...(3/19)
Let me clarify why is it next to impossible for #Hindus to win this ongoing Ideological/ civilizational war with us #Muslims:
If the #Hindu cause is +1, #Islamic cause is -1, and 0 is neutral, then we #Muslims are fighting hard for -1 while U Hindus R aiming for just 0!..(1/12)
इस्लाम दुनिया को ३ हिस्सों में बांटता है:
(१)दारुल हर्ब (युद्ध भूमि)
(२) दारूल सुलह (सुलह की भूमि) और
(३) दारुल इस्लाम (इस्लाम की भूमि).
इस्लाम मुसलमानो को जिस हिस्सोंमें वो रहते है उस हिसाब से अलगअलग तरीके से रहने को कहता है. में विस्तार से समजाती हूँ: ..(1/11)
दारुलहर्ब(युध्ध भूमि): ये दुनियाके वो हिस्से है जहा गैरमुसलमानो की तादात ज़्यादा है या फिर गैरमुसलमान उन मुल्कोको चलाते है. यहाँ के मुसलमानोका काम है चुपचाप अपनी जनसंख्या बढ़ाना. कैसे? अनियंत्रित बच्चे पैदा करके #PopulationJihad, गैरमुस्लिमको मुस्लिम बनाके (#LoveJihad),..(2/11)