Delhi High Court to hear plea seeking direction to Twitter India to appoint Resident Grievance Officer under IT Rules, 2021. On last date of hearing, Court had asked the social media platform when it would appoint such an officer
Address must be a physical one. The word 'interim' is misleading. The Rules do not talk about interim arrangement. How can Twitter use discretion to do that? Rao
Court dictating order. No affidavit has been filed, but a short note signed by the counsel for Twitter India has been filed. Counsel has been instructed to say that Twitter is taking steps to comply with the Rules
Twitter is in the process of setting up a permanent liaison office in India. Even though the Court is not able to appreciate why the three officers are described as interim: Court
Court: Two weeks time is granted. But scanned copies of affidavits of persons being appointed will be filed by two days. No interim order protecting Twitter. It will be open for Centre to take action against Twitter in case of any breach of the Rules
[Covid 19] Allahabad High Court to hear the suo moto COVID 19 matter shortly.
Earlier, the court had directed the government to inform the court about the steps being taken to upgrade the primary and secondary health care centers.
Manish Goyal, AAG: We were directed to file the status report about future planning and steps to tackle the pandemic. We have filed an affidavit in this regard.
#BombayHighCourt is hearing two petitions assailing the Information Technology (Guidelines for intermediaries and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021.
Hearing before Chief Justice Dipankar Datta and Justice GS Kulkarni.
Sr Adv Darius Khambatta for one of the petitioners, which is a digital news portal, states there are amendments which are required to be carried out in that petition.
Supreme Court to shortly hear a plea challenging the provisions dealing with restitution of conjugal rights since "court-mandated restitution of conjugal rights amounts to a "coercive act" on part of the state." #supremecourt#conjugalrights
The plea states that such a direction for restitution of conjugal rights is an infringement of one's sexual & decisional autonomy, right to privacy & dignity, and thus a violation of the right to life under Article 21 #supremecourt
Plea seeks Section 9 of the Hindu Marriage Act and Section 22 of the Special Marriage Act to be struck down. Additionally, the enforcement of restitution of conjugal rights as provided for under Order XXI Rule 32 and 33 of the CPC is also sought to be struck down
Ghaziabad Video: Karnataka HC to shortly begin hearing a plea filed by Manish Maheshwari, an employee of Twitter Communications India Private Ltd challenging notice issued under Section 41A of CrPC.
#SupremeCourt to hear an appeal by Amazon challenging the March 22 order passed by a Division Bench of the Delhi High Court staying the Single Judge order which had directed the attachment of Future Group companies and Kishore Biyani's properties @amazon@FutureGroup
Senior Advocate Harish Salve: the tribunal is starting hearing from Monday. The application challenging jurisdiction and to vacate emergency arbitrator hearing starts in 2 days
SC: Here the question is if the appeal is maintainable