Okay. So today was a weird day. I'm in DC and @Soundsaboutleft comes hauling ass up to me.
He screams "I just got us a paying gig."
I was exc..ecsta...excited to get money that didn't involve being paid by Ted Cruz to humiliate Ted Cruz. Weird kink, man. #ArrestThemNow
So what was I paid to do? I was told it was to "take care of a beloved pet" of some guy whose name sounded like a guy's dingy dong.
They took me this room in the Senate office area and the door said "Feeding Room."
Which was a bit weird. I pushed in the door and holy crap...
It was Moscow Mitch himself eating some lettuce. He was going to town on it. I mean...I was amazed he put away several heads of lettuce and, I guess, red cabbage.
I looked at Left and he said "We have to feed him, clean him, and carry him to his aquarium."
I was against it at first, but I was told we were getting paid $5,000 for it. I was like "Screw it...I have no morals or self-respect. Let's do it!"
So we watched Moscow Mitch just chow down for a while. Randomly he'd mumble "Women have no rights" or "The South Shall Rise Again"
A few other things I won't say, but it was awkward.
Left wondered off and I was made to listen to a racist reptile regurgitate reich wing rhetoric.
Finally, he finished.
I realized Left had shoved a piece of paper in my hand that had a list and the next thing said "buff shell"
I looked around and found a shoe shine brush with turtle wax atop it. I assumed this was it.
I began to put polish on the shell and brush.
Mitch kept saying "It goes in circles. It goes in pretty circles."
So I went in circles.
After a few coats and with my hand cramping, I was allowed to stop.
I looked for something to buff the wax with when I saw a tiny confederate flag.
"It gets my favorite flag and buffs the shell."
So there I was buffing a racist turtle's shell with a traitor flag.
Finally. FINALLY! I was done.
"It puts the turtle in its bed."
I looked at the piece of paper. It had a map on it. I followed it until I got to a place that said "GQP sleeping quarters."
I opened it up and immediately heard hissing. I saw a couple cockroaches and I swear one looked like Tom Cotton, but I can't be sure.
A few ghouls hid their face. One whispered "Gut school funding" before it slid back into the shadows.
I put on the nightvision goggles and moved into the room. What I saw there all but destroyed my soul, so I won't regale you with it.
Suffice to say that I wouldn't be left alone with any GQP senator if you want to not be fed upon.
Finally, I got to an aquarium that had a dim red light turned on and a heat rock and a small recreation of a 1970s rec room with confederate flags on it.
I opened the lid and put Moscow Mitch down in it. He immediately went into the corner that had a tiny constitution laid down and crapped on it.
I started to hear clicking sounds and I think Rand Paul tried to shank me with a ghoul's blade made from gold.
But I made a hasty retreat and got the hell out of there.
Outside, Left was leaning against the wall counting the cash.
He peeled off a few hundreds and tossed them at me "That's your half, trashbag."
He then left while I scrambled to pick up the few bills he'd given me. I felt deflated.
Luckily for me, Ted Cruz came walking down the hallway. He saw me and grinned.
"What's up Cancun Cruz?" I asked.
He pulled out his wallet and started to toss bills onto the ground. Then he cried into his hands as I bashed him.
I could always rely on that quisling cur for quick cash.
He still has night terrors about it. He'll randomly wake screaming "Baconator!!!"
Just as a bit of a preface. The Wendy's Kumite is how Wendy's selects its next menu item. Each combatant is one hypothetical menu item.
The winner of the tournament's food they were "given" becomes the newest menu item.
What? You thought a committee or some shit did that?
Left was chosen after he filled out one of those restaurant surveys. Actually, I shouldn't say one. I should say around 3,200 surveys. Each one said "I want free food!!!!" and then had provocative art and our address/phone number.
It reads “You two are literally destroying this neighborhood. No one wants to buy a house on a street with rotting corpses impaled. The smell also is depressing. Please tell us why you’ve slaughtered beloved Saturday Morning characters en mass?
Clean this up or else!”
“Are we the assholes?” I asked Left.
“Uh. Was there any doubt? We spend our days slaughtering and drinking.”
“I think this might have gone too far.”
“It’s either we continue on or we get jobs that pay well enough to buy food. Good luck with that!”