Ontario #CovidVaccine 📈💪🏻💉
All Ontarians born in 2009 or earlier are eligible. Highest-risk patients including transplant & some immunocompromised patients are eligible for a booster.
Book here! ontario.ca/bookvaccine#ontariovaccine
"Due to incomplete weekend reporting, vaccination status data for hospital & ICU admissions is not updated on Sundays & Mondays."
Source: covid-19.ontario.ca/data#vaccine-s…
Oct 25: Cases/Hosp/ICU by vaccination status *PER MILLION*
Cases: RR 6.1x unvaccinated to vaccinated
"Due to incomplete weekend reporting, vaccination status data for hospital & ICU admissions is not updated on Sundays & Mondays."
Cases under-reported: Not all infected persons tested.
Resolved = 14d after symptom onset if not hospitalized/deceased not accounting for complications.
Source: covid-19.ontario.ca/data
(I know it can be a challenge to stay up to date with lots of new information & questions! As I am currently "studying" for a Facebook Live tomorrow...)
Another year around the sun, I’m grateful for every single one🎈🥰🙏🏻
Recently a doctor asked me, “What is a life lesson you can teach me?” Being the younger one, I replied that I was just learning while he should share his wisdom. He advised me to “stay out of trouble”😆 … 1/5
But he persisted to ask me, so I did respond;
“I had a friend who died very young because of depression. So every day I try to live with an attitude of gratitude, & to appreciate & love my friends & family. Because you never know what may happen the next day… 2/5
And growing old is a privilege, because she didn’t get to.”
And through my job, I see so much tragedy & trauma, I see people suffering, lives cut short, & other things that don’t make sense, at least not in this life. 3/5
"Due to incomplete weekend reporting, vaccination status data for hospital & ICU admissions is not updated on Sundays & Mondays."
Source: covid-19.ontario.ca/data#vaccine-s…
Sept 27: Cases/Hosp/ICU by vaccination status *PER MILLION*
Cases: RR 6.0x unvaccinated to vaccinated
"Due to incomplete weekend reporting, vaccination status data for hospital & ICU admissions is not updated on Sundays & Mondays."