BREAKING: The US 65-74 age bracket now has achieved a 100% COVID-19 vaccination level according to @CDCgov!
Surprisingly excess deaths keep trending upwards! 1/n #Covid#Covid19#Corona#Coronavirus
I mapped monthly VAERS deaths against all-cause deaths. Red line is 'Average '15-'19 (Baseline)' + VAERS deaths. Barely visible - but is there underreporting?
Earlier this week @stkirsch mentioned up to possible 300k deaths cause by the Vaccine. That would equal to about a 42x multiple, as there are 7,202 deaths reported in connection with the vaccine (not necessarily causation!) from 11/2020 to 10/2021.
This is how it would look.
Note, the red line being much much higher than the actual (blue). So it doesn't really line up...
However, technically it would still be possible, since the baseline includes flu deaths. There about 65k flu deaths each season. Since the pandemic flu has disappeared.