…and I’m not just talking about the mega-wealthy, I mean even just the moderately rich. But many councils are fearful of being seen to actively help the rich, so they conflate their #climateemergency work with work they are (often already) doing on tackling #FuelPoverty.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying for one minute that councils should abandon efforts to tackle #FuelPoverty. That’s a social ill that should have been dealt with long ago and is a legacy of the UK’s largely crappy housing stock.
But if we are to make progress with bringing emissions down quickly, then demonising the rich is not a tenable position. There’s a lazy tendency to characterise ‘the rich’ as the bad guys, like somehow anyone that’s not on benefits is an awful person, & not worthy of helping.
(When I say rich, I mean just 'doing rather well for themselves'. I'd struggle to find anything nice to say about this guy and his ridiculous rockets, tbh).
Councils need to be actively targeting wealthier households in their #climatechange work, if emissions are to fall quickly.The wealthiest households have the greatest ‘agency’ to change. They are highly likely to own the home they live in, and the vehicles they travel in.
But the reality is, while many middle-to-high income households are very worried about #ClimateChange, they have no meaningful understanding of their main impact areas, being totally fixated on issues like re-usable water bottles and finding a place to recycle their crisp packets
(Side note - in large part, this confusion is down to years of effort by big corporates to pass the buck from their ruthless advertising of high-carbon lifestyles back onto individuals, for more on which, see the excellent #Badvertising campaign here: badverts.org).
& #Localgovernment compounds this with half-baked information campaigns suggesting recycling is the best way to tackle the #climatecrisis. Often this is made worse when political control of the new #climatechange brief sits with the portfolio holder for ‘environment’...
You know, that local councillor who’s been in charge of the waste and recycling brief for years, and suddenly finds they're also responsible for literally everything the council is doing on climate change, and so retreats into the safe space of talking about recycling. Again.
But back to the main point. Any carbon footprinting tool will say largely the same thing. Any reasonably well-off household needs to change travel habits, start saving up to properly retrofit that house you own, and cut out (especially red) meat on quite a few days of the week.
#Localgovernment, right down to Town and Parish Councils, can play a lead role in this by using their own ‘trusted brand’ to get these messages across. But it's simply not good to let your existing comms team just make some stuff up on the fly.
A coherent strategy, based on an in depth understanding of the profile of carbon footprints across the council’s area, & an equally in-depth understanding of how different segments of your population respond to #climate messaging is vital.
Officers need to be given the time and the budget to build this sort of campaign. A good place to start is the excellent ‘Britain Talks Climate’ resource from @ClimateOutreach, to provide nuance to the messaging for different segments. climateoutreach.org/reports/britai…
This could be combined with ward-level carbon footprint and housing stock surveys, such as the work that @BathNES council commissioned to understand their ‘citizens emissions’ profiles, and which can now also be done at parish level via the Impact tool: impact-tool.org.uk
But it could go further. ID your highest emitting wards and parishes, and develop support schemes just for them. Don’t get hung up on the fact that they are the ‘rich people’ & somebody might have a go about you spending taxpayers money helping people who should help themselves.
These are the people who, armed with the right information & provided with a bit of proactive support, will help drive that retrofit market in your area, who might make it 'cool' to own a cargo bike etc etc. And who will probably then demand more cycle lanes to ride them on....
Basically, that's a very long-winded and GIF-laden way of saying 'well off households have more 'fat to cut' in their carbon footprint, more agency to make changes to their own lives, & more buying power to change markets. Ignore them at your peril.
Since late 2020, I regularly have my own work presented to me as someone else's, as the 'Onion Diagram' on pg 5 of @theCCCuk 's local authority guide is a minimally amended version of a bigger tool I developed while at the Centre for Sustainable Energy. A🧵
The original comes from work we did to support Local Authorities responding to the #ClimateEmergency. But the original tool also contains an approach to actionplanning that uses these 'levers of influence' in the onion diagram, linking the levers the changes that we need to make.
We alerted @theCCCuk to the mis-attribution in the report on the day their report was published (the non existent Centre for Sustainability is named). But they responded that they had a policy of not changing anything in reports after publication.
A great science-based thread below for anyone who wonders why giving people more information, or creating a slight barrier to their travel behaviour doesn't actually make them change anything.
About 15 years ago, my husband and I moved to Bristol from the countryside. Not the 'burbs. Proper 'walkable-to-the-city-centre-in-about-20-minutes' Bristol.
We worked out how to get to our respective workplaces, and I dropped him-indoors off on the way to mine and picked him up, every day. A habit we imported from our rural 'why-the-fuck-are-there-no-buses' and 'hell-no-that-is-not-a-road-I-am-willing-to-cycle-on' lifestyle.
I’ve spent a lot of time thinking, talking about & worrying about the #PlanningWhitePaper & proposed #PlanningReforms over the last 6 weeks. I’ve seen lots of criticism that I agree with about loss of democratic control, but less about potential impacts on the #ClimateEmergency.
The White Paper presents an alarmingly reductionist view of the role of planning, focusing mainly on the delivery and appearance of houses as individual units, and the appeal of an attractive street-scene, rather than holistically #sustainable design and function of entire places
In a societal sense, this is worrying. How places function must be at the heart of planning, before any consideration of the aesthetics of individual buildings. But from a #ClimateEmergency point of view, this reductionist view is potentially catastrophic.
Recently, I was asked to give a seminar for @mhclg’s planners on the challenges faced by local authority planners delivering against the #climateemergency, because I work with lots of councils & I’m also Cabinet Member for Forward Planning at @CotswoldDC. So I know some stuff.
First up, I did the ‘we’re all doomed’ bit. You know, the rollercoaster graphs steeply going up and the even steeper graphs of how emissions need to come down.
Then I mentioned about how most plans are running for about another 10-15 years and they need re-writing immediately because most of them pay diddly-squat attention to the ‘what goes up must come down graphs’ from the ‘we’re all doomed’ bit.