The experimental #mRNA/DNA drugs do not function like prior #vaccines and do not prevent #COVID infection or transmission; they just temporarily reduce the likelihood of severe #WuFlu outcomes. #VaccineMandates#LetsGoBrandon
From early in the #WuFlu#pandemic, the #CDC and others engaged in data manipulation and misleading reporting to exaggerate the lethality of #COVID19 and the safety of the "vaccines." Here's one way #vaccine side-effects are systematically underestimated.
New research shows how #SpikeProtein can penetrate the nucleus of cells and disrupt their functioning. This may contribute to side effects of the #mRNA/DNA #vaccines which trick normal cells into synthesizing toxic spike proteins. #mandate#LetsGoBrandon
The low hanging fruit of #WuFlu amelioration is VitaminD tablets; deficiencies may be largely responsible for worse #COVID outcomes for Blacks and northern states. The fact this is not widely known reflects the administration's priorities. #LetsGoBrandon
The experimental #mRNA/DNA drugs don't prevent #COVID19 infection or transmission. Therefore the #CDC changed its definition of #vaccine for marketing purposes, enabling the drugs to be advertised without mentioning side effects. #Mandates#LetsGoBrandon
Authoritarian regimes do not need trick smart people into believing their propaganda, as long as they can intimidate most of them into keeping quiet. #Science has been largely corrupted by money and threats. #VaccineMandates#LetsGoBrandon
If the establishment cared more about saving lives rather than enriching corporate donors and creating the infrastructure for a totalitarian social credit score system (starting with vax status), evidence of the effectiveness of IVM, Vit D, etc. would be well publicized. #FLCCC