.@spillerfornjea Thinks that making masks mandatory keeps schools safe. He couldn't be further from the truth. Burbio tracks Mask policies across the US, you'll note than there's only a handful of states that mandate masks. All the others? Local Flexibility.
Meanwhile the @NJEA claims that we need mask mandates to keep schools open, yet per Burbio, the majority of closed schools are in states where masks are already mandatory. Why is the #NJEA failing your kids while there are 0 schools closed in Florida and mask mandates are banned?
Don't let these people get away with harming your children. Reach out to your legislator today and tell them you want mask mandates GONE.
These 60 schools got 1.3 BILLION of US taxpayer money to keep schools open, and they failed to do it.
#NJ#COVID19 NJ finally released its interim TTS guidance. Its a disaster. They add so many extra hoops to jump through, many districts will tune it out. They still have not accepted 5 day quarantine despite the fact the CDC has said its for schools, too
First, schools need access to testing, but the state wants them to perform the testing ONSITE. They also lie about the vaccine reducing the spread of Covid19. This has been thoroughly debunked with Omicron.
Second, its only good for in school transmission. WTF?
Third, you have to agree to let THEM test your child. You cant have their pediatrician or any other source do it.
Fourth, they want a CLIA waiver for in school testing, essentially turning schools into testing facilities.
Fifth, all tests will be reported, prolonging this.
#US#COVID19 Regarding the Sixth circuit ruling tonight, here are my thoughts (I'm no lawyer)
- Original En Banc vote was 8-8. Of these who wanted En Banc, 1 submitted an opinion for, with 7 others joining. 1 submitted an opinion against, with 5 joining....
- 3 who voted against En Banc but who did not join a submitted opinion were the 3 who were assigned the case from the 3 judge panel.
- Since the vote wasnt the majority, The En Banc motion failed
- The three who heard the case voted today, 2 to lift the stay and 1 to maintain..
- If the parties are permitted to go back to reconsider En banc, Note that 8 voted for En banc originally who werent assigned, and 5 voted against En banc who werent assigned. 3 heard the case
- Since stay was lifted, judge who voted to maintain stay will likely want En Banc now
Updating my charts and adding several others from this data back in December.
Last several weeks of data points has shown a leveling of breakthrough infection. Meanwhile the breakthrough data continues to show only small increases during this most recent wave.
Looking at reinfection alone, we aren't seeing much difference from the last look in, which under 2% of all cases being reinfection. This has been the case for the majority of the pandemic. Will be interesting to see this data once Omicron hits this area.
Breakthrough infection versus % of population vaxxed does show a leveling in the last several updates. Will also need to keep an eye on this since to date this has been a mirror (but delayed image) of Vaccine uptake timing.
Haven't updated these in a while. These will be Cases/Hospitalizations/Deaths on a raw basis by age group, and then Cases/Hospitalizations/Deaths on a percent basis by age group
First up, raw 7d avg cases by age group. Cases driven by overtesting 30-49 and 0-17
Second, raw 7d avg Hospitalizations by age group. No surprises here, still being driven by older age groups. At the same case rate during the 2020 Winter wave, hospitals were slightly lower in most age groups.
Third, raw 7d avg Deaths by Age group. Again, no surprises. We've been sustaining flat death rates since the summer wave, no doubt this will go higher in the coming weeks.
Those under 50 look to have seen no improvement in the post vax era. (Not worse, either)
#MN#COVID19 So thanks to @EWoodhouse7, I went down the rabbit hole of looking through Minnesota data. They are one of the few states I've seen that tracks both breakthrough cases and refinfections. They also track it in a transparent way which makes it easy to follow
First up, reinfection. While I'd love to see more details on these (severity/age/etc), you can see that for the most part under 2% of the cases are reinfections. This is a 7day average to smooth the data. The bumps in Feb/Mar/June bumps are unexplained and interesting.
Second, breakthrough infections. This has been a steady climb higher since they began tracking, and now represents 45% of all cases in a given week. This is data reported as a sum of breakthroughs divided by sum of total cases for the week.