"Italians received first energy bill 2022: +100% from last years for households, up to +300% for industries. This is BECAUSE Italy invested 220 bln in renewables in the last 10 years."
There, fixed that for you. (/) @jacopogiliberto@chiccotesta@CarloStagnaro@pietercleppe
just so you know, THIS is the most expensive and newest western European Nuclear plant: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olkiluoto…
Let's make it a round 10 bn. EUR instead of 8.5 bn.
220 bn is 22 power plants at 1.600 MW nameplate, marginal cost of fuel is negligible.(/)
Had we done half that, Italians woudl be reading in the papers "Italian puzzled at the natgas price fracas in Europe". @FurfariSamuele@Nuklearia
update: German electricity consumption. Italy is smaller
Just for the foreign crowd, NO lay person in Italy knows that #Germany actually HAS a president of the republic, let alone who the person is. Yet the election for the Italian one makes "Cat on a hot tin roof" an image associated with Xanax. (/)
That's because contrary to other countries, in Italy the President wields enormous power and he's not afraid to use it. We have a decent track record of things which are intuitively against our Constitution that are not only signed into law, but are then defended by pundits.(/)
The trouble is that this is a "Negative" power, i.e. it's the power to control the Executive AND the Judiciary at the same time, without having a stated power to actually propose any initiative or law.... yet. And this is one of the two weaknesses of the #Draghi candidacy.(/)
Even countries who traditionally compensate a small military instrument with either technology/ training (Israel) or "Élan" (France) are hampered now.
If anything, what hampers #Putin, ironically, is *NOT* his adversaries.(/)
No, his BIG problem is... his friends, namely #Iran and #China.
Even if he could extort a standstill on other theaters, he cannot act on the premise that it would be honored if he didn't succeed (he plans to win), but most importantly should he WIN.(/)
Ostensibly this enabled them to quieten the leftist/pacifist part of their political spectrum (remember the Euromissiles fracas?) but again, that was only a superficial issue. There was a real one tough. (/)
Economically and on a technological level, Europe was perfectly capable of producing a military instrument on a par with WHATEVER US contingent was planned to be deployed to Europe in a conflict.(/)
*cough* forse sarebbe il caso di ricordare che la gran parte dei vaccini obbligatori, in termini di efficacia rispetto a questo, sono un Iron Dome paragonato ad un cannoncino. FUNZIONANO e basta, quindi il vaccinato non ha controindicazioni di salute dai non vaccinati.(/)
Il che in parte spiega le blande sanzioni presenti su chi "evade" i vaccini obbligatori: perdonerete la brutalità ma in sostanza la collettività dice "cavoli suoi". Qua "ricadono anche sugli altri" perché contro i virus anti influenzali c'è... un aleatorietà. (/)
Solo che i campi contrapposti ormai non vedono più il problema sanitario nello specchietto retrovisore neanche se fosse uno di quei TIR con luminarie alla Carlo Verdone: siamo a "Mangia la minestra!!!!" "NO!".(/)
1. of course, there are not enough super rich to go around so this would trickle down to middle income / middle wealth families. Moreover, will pension plans be excluded? #401K, #IRAs? (/)
2. but let's assume there are: what will be the evaluation price? taxing EARNED financial income means that demand has balanced the supply generating that income. In this case, since no stake gets sold, that won't happen.(/)
La cosa è stata aggiunta al pamphlet consegnato ai filogovernativi, perchè ormai, per chi segue le trasmissioni italiane, lo schema di risposta della parte publica/elite/media è questa: (/)
Tema : "ci sono manifestazioni contro il #GreenpassObbligatorio "
"1. la vaccinazione è importante e dare il messaggio che non lo sia è sbagliato; 2. vaccinatevi tutti che l'alternativa è chiudere; 3. il Green Pass non discrimina ma aggiunge libertà; (/)