1. of course, there are not enough super rich to go around so this would trickle down to middle income / middle wealth families. Moreover, will pension plans be excluded? #401K, #IRAs? (/)
2. but let's assume there are: what will be the evaluation price? taxing EARNED financial income means that demand has balanced the supply generating that income. In this case, since no stake gets sold, that won't happen.(/)
So, a strategy for the #Bezos and #Musk of the world would be this: check if the date approaches for the application of said tax. Then, sell ALL of your stake... minus the voting rights. At that point, it's "earned capital gain tax", but at least you get taxed on real money.(/)
Bear in mind that you would have to sell part of the stake anyway to pay for the tax (no lending against your shares, not convenient😉); so why not ALL, if you can retain control? at the margin you could set it up like this:(/)
you put them in a vehicle which issues one for one against the shares, except that it retains voting rights and a preset sunset clause at a price which increases at a preset rate equal to the average required IRR of big pension funds on an event:(/)
That clause can get exercised within 120 days if and only if that tax law is repealed either in court or by Congress. Neat, uh? 3. given that the vast majority of invested money is in some kind of mutual funds or pooling arrangement, what happens there?
4. And since at some point those unrealized gains are either taxed on an inheritance basis or otherwise protected via trust arrangement and such, is #Yellen effectively voiding all Trusts (pun intended)?
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La cosa è stata aggiunta al pamphlet consegnato ai filogovernativi, perchè ormai, per chi segue le trasmissioni italiane, lo schema di risposta della parte publica/elite/media è questa: (/)
Tema : "ci sono manifestazioni contro il #GreenpassObbligatorio "
"1. la vaccinazione è importante e dare il messaggio che non lo sia è sbagliato; 2. vaccinatevi tutti che l'alternativa è chiudere; 3. il Green Pass non discrimina ma aggiunge libertà; (/)
a @StaseraItalia c'è stato un lungo dibattito sul Green Pass. Ci si fanno molte domande, naturalmente. dalla rabbia mi verrebbe da dire "tutte sbagliate", ma comprendo le ragioni dell'altro. Ma se mi si permette, vorrei fare le MIE domande. (/)
1. Qualcuno sa quanti Italiani erano nella situazione di avere diritto al Green Pass senza che il sistema di assegnazione lo avesse generato? Qualche giornalista o politico tra quelli a favore sarebbe così gentile da fare una interrogazione parlamentare chiedendo quel dato? (/)
Peraltro, Vit, sarebbe bello conoscessero "le basi delle basi"; l'universalità nacque per evitare che i più poveri fossero il brodo di cultura delle malattie, come mi spiegava papà medico condotto. Per chi non lo sapesse, in quella forma il medico dipendeva dal comune.(/)
Il suo compito era l'assistenza di base ai cittadini sprovvisti di copertura, allora privata o data dalle Mutue aziendali. Quello che succedeva prima della nascita della condotta e della figura di "Ufficiale sanitario" era che i poveri, se si ammalavano, non si curavano(/)
Spesso la parrocchia cercava di fare qualcosa. Ho sempre sospettato quello fosse il motivo per cui l'ambulatorio al paese fosse sulla piazza della chiesa (oltre che per permettergli di giocare a ping pong col viceparroco all'oratorio) @QuinziUgo (/)
So, I want to explore the political issue about lockdowns, since COVID is a POLITICAL crisis more than an economic one. There have been many, many decisions along the way which fit reality only if politicians prefer power above citizen's lives(/)
I already said that i have my indicators, which are parts of the apparatus which are, by the Elite's own admission, idiotic use of citizen's miney, yet they are surviving the worst crisis in two generations.(/)
First, it must be said clearly that while Economist use math, it's a humanistic discipline and not a "science" when taken as a whole, no matter how much you stuff the syllabus with difficult scientific courses.(/)
Anyone involved in the Banking regulation, while quite probably won't admit it under physical torture, would admit that the more "improved" according to "innovation" it got the more difficult it has been to ward off the system from collapsing.(/)
It has to be reminded that it did NOT work on #HongKong, where the main driver was treaty expiration, NOT Chinese pressure. Even there, economic, political and military considerations made it unpalatable.(/)
Yet treaty duly expired, since there was no way for the UK to act otherwise. If anything, what should worry #Taiwan is NOT #China. It's #Germany, which is turning into a sort of Neutral player whose goal is to displease no one.(/)
However, Since Germany is #Europe's bank it has a disproportionate influence on policy, hence the soft touch with Russia, China, Turkey, Iran, you name it. Any country where bosses have an Iron hand on trade issues get treated well.(/)