I hear a public comment period is coming next week on CDC opioid 'guideline' revisions. This link shows who was involved in the 'opioid' revision workgroup, and what topics of concern were discussed. 😔 #GetLawEnforcementOutofHealthcare #ChronicPain cdc.gov/injury/pdfs/bs…
2-Listed in this thread the people who are influencing 'guidelines' for chronic pain treatment and pain treatment in general.
Dr. Wilson M. Compton serves as the Deputy Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. nida.nih.gov/about-nida/org…
3-Anne Burns, BSPharm Vice President, Professional Affairs, at the American Pharmacists Association
Responsible for the Association’s strategic initiatives focused on advancing pharmacists’ patient care services in team-based care delivery models, ahip.org/speaker/anne-l…
2-A patients need for opiate pain meds should not be determined on addiction treatment issues. Nor should it necessitate recreational drug advocacy. Those are NOT our fights.
People in pain have been deemed acceptable collateral damage in an ongoing, doomed to fail drug war.
3-And here we are. Tens of millions of people in pain told that we should be helping get access to #MAT for thoes w/addiction issues, and help legalize recreational drugs, all while we watch our frends in the pain community dying due to lack of needed legal/safe MEDICINES.
3-Most #chronicpain pts are told to just 'follow the rules' and/or agree to go to 'pain management' clinics to get care, yet Pain Clinics are targeted by LE/DEA & shuttered.
Patients abandoned.
'No opioid Interventional Medicine' has become standard of tx. visaliatimesdelta.com/story/news/202…
Covid #LongHaulers please take note.
Those in the #MEcfs community has been down the Post Viral Sydrome road for decades now.
The CDC is fully aware of our plight, but has done little in the way of research or help. #ThisNeedsToChange
2-It begins, usually, with an infection.
For the majority of #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis pts it was the Epstein Barr Virus. But there are other infections that lead to #MEcfs as well. In almost every case the person knows that from that point, they were never the same again.
3-For some the progression is slow, fits & starts of decline.
Many continue with some sense of 'normalcy' in life for years. For others the onset of their post viral syndrome happens immediately and functional decline deterioration of all body systems is rapid. #LongCovid#MEcfs
We've lost too many in this insane '#opioid' war.
The sick & injured are spending the last years of their lives fighting, suffering, begging MDs & GOV for the medicines they need to mediate their pain.
They say taking our medicines away is to 'save' people.
No one is being saved.
How many ways can a pain patient be screwed out of getting needed medicine?
1st-By MDs.
2nd-By pharmacies.
3rd-By insurance companies.
4th-By DEA/GOV corruption/lies.