Bobby Rajesh Malhotra ⁴⁴⁴ Profile picture
Feb 28, 2022 84 tweets 81 min read Read on X
Fastest EU-membership negotiations ever, even faster than @Eurosurveillanc's rapid response.

Congrats @vonderleyen, @ProfKlausSchwab, @georgesoros.
Ah, btw. Uncle @ProfKlausSchwab, why did the @KremlinRussia_E hide this link?

It's just 4 months ago. Memory-holed?

Asking for my mommy.… Image
Ah, btw. @ProfKlausSchwab, why did you hide Putin's @wef-profile?

Why would you do that? Klaus?

I had to extra-retrieve it from That's not user-friendly.

Archive: ImageImage
Ah, btw. @ProfKlausSchwab, what did you say here? Young Global ... what? Tony Blair? Merkel? Putin? Really?

Wow! Gimme that Wodka-Gorbatschow. I need 8cl na0.

Ah, btw. @ProfKlausSchwab, did you say that in 2017 too? Why didn't Putin ever debunk that?

Gimme another 8cl. This time Jelzin-Wodka plox.
Ah, btw. @ProfKlausSchwab, I like it very much, when you talk about "The Great Narrative", it reminds me of 'Neverending Story'. Even @SadhguruJV is sitting in the audience and is also reminded of grandpa storytime (though mask & beard is a bit of heresy).
Ah, btw. @ProfKlausSchwab, do you know that evergreen video shot by @whitehelmet_? It's a real classic when it comes to "The Great Narrative" (something like The Silmarillion for the Lord Of The Rings).

If possible Professor, could you share it?

Sharing is Caring.
And Action!
Oh look, @ProfKlausSchwab, @AlabedBana was also part of this. Great times!
Managed by @TBP_agency (we'll come back to this in a seperate thread).
@DrAseemMalhotra a.k.a. #BuildBackBetter is also managed by them, and some other Golden Nugget E Celebrities. ImageImageImageImage
Oh, what's that @ProfKlausSchwab?

ANO Digital Economy?

@KremlinRussia_E & Digital Economy?

What's that Moscow addy? You mean... oh....

... WoW! Gimme 23cl of the Black Jelzin.

#4IR #RussiaUkraine ImageImage
Now I understand why uncle @georgesoros started writing Twitter Threads. Maybe I should switch to another Vodka Trademark... a more expensive one... not as good as the Russian Homebrews, but better than nothing... ImageImageImageImage
You know what @ProfKlausSchwab?

Yung Hurn predicted this.

Time for 33cl @Stoli.

The End.

🐭🐓🐀☠️ - 1 = Ο
Addendum. Image
Addendum #2. First video of this Mini Thread ... Thx to Tobias Kowitt in my Telegram Channel for pointing out. The real deal PsyOps are there, on Twitter you'll only find Jikky The Glowie Mouse Crap.

Addendum #3. Thx to Gary for pointing out.
Addendum #4.

thx 2 @robertgroenen for pointing out.
Add.#6: "Ok, listen, after the sniperfire, driver immediately - within 4 secs - will lay on the street - allegedly shot (makes no sense, doesn't matter), he'll raise his head to signal the sniper that he's still alive... don't worry, Twitter won't censor."
Add.#7: Once this douchebag is at a protest, you know, that grandpa & uncle @ProfKlausSchwab had his 33cl of Jelzin Black mixed with @Gatorade (not @redbull).

Add.#8: Oh wow, @ProfKlausSchwab, @georgesoros seems to be all good with Xi Jinping again. Is it because he is co-managing China's Belt & Road Initiative in East Europe?
Mind blowing!
PR-Stunt & Smoke Screen?
33cl Jelzin Black mixed w/ @MonsterEnergy pl0x. ImageImageImage
Add.#9: Essential Additions concerning "Add.#7".
(Thx Maxim!)
Add.#10: @ProfKlausSchwab-here's a "The Great Narrative"-Predecessor Module & Evergreen, category "Shock Rock" (hire me, I know now all the tricks needed for proper public perception-tweaking).

..Aaaand Action.🎬
Credits: @whitehelmet_ & ISIS (aka Mossad)
Add.#11: Dear @ProfKlausSchwab & @georgesoros:

Can you please leave that out in "The Great Narrative" Sequel?


That's naughty, naughty, naughty, I mean it.

Red lines are red lines, ok?

#JikkyLeaks #ModernaGate…
Add.#12: I'm sorry @ProfKlausSchwab & uncle @georgesoros: I shouldn't have mixed the Jelzin Black Vodka (33cl) with @JagermeisterUSA, @MonsterEnergy & @pepsi. I'm completely wasted now, fell asleep during "The Great Narrative" b4.

I'll catch up tomorrow.…
Add.#13: Referring to "Add.#8": The retweet was deleted. Core content was referring to Open Society's & all the other #philanthropists' efforts to advance #DigitalID in China even further - China has always served as testing…
Add.#15: "We fight for the New World Order, we know we are the shield for Europe".

[thx 2 @aya_velazquez 4 pointing out]
Crying simultaneous translator, feelings over feelings, I had to cry too (and it was not due to alcohol overdose).

Did you write that piece, @AlexanderSoros? Was it papa @georgesoros's idea?

So sweet, we need a sad piano version.

Did you see that grandpa @ProfKlausSchwab?
Add.#17: This is btw. Kira Rudyk (@CongressKira), head of "Golos"-faction in Ukraine. There was scandal about her having US citizenship.

"Golos" was a project of domestic pro-western #philanthropists like V. Pinchuk, AND ....



Add.#18: Intermission.
(thx 2 Daniela 4 pointing out)
Add.#19: When reality and memetics merge.

(thx 2 @JH16124219 for pointing out) Image
Add#20: In order to embed @ProfKlausSchwab's 'The Great Narrative' in a convincing scripted reality script, #DeepFakes are the name of the game.
Ukraine Intelligence & Marco Rubio hide: All sides are well equipped, it's open source.…
Add#21: When the backstage VIP area "intermission" break wears off after some days of trippin' out hard and leads straight into forced "cold turkey" (otherwise the 90% pure stuff won't work in a few days again).

(Thx 2 P 4 pointing out in my tg VIP-group)
Add.#22: When plane-crashes are copypasted in the propaganda-script timeline.…

(Thx 2 P 4 pointing out in my VIP TG-Group)

Add#23: #UkraineRussiaWar is turning out to be a Glowies/@OpenSociety/@wef "Great Narrative"-Milestone.

Igor Kolomoisky (billionaire oligarch) financing @Polk_Azov Neo Nazis-is a @CIA & Mossad-PsyOp:

Next Episode: #BuildBackBetter
Add#24: Meanwhile: @AlexanderSoros appears for a special VIP-backstage intermission with @karlnehammer. 🇦🇹 is right now a confusing clusterfck & out-of-service propaganda-potpourri shtshow.
@BgmLudwig (jab fetish) is loosing ground.
Add.#25: When Miss Ukraine Anastasiia Lenna decides to shake up war-fronts (after meditating with @AlexanderSoros, @georgesoros, @ProfKlausSchwab), but packed by mistake her airsoft gun.

Add.#26: Underrated:
When the quick uplifting drive & fresh air through both nostrils LARPS @ZelenskyyUa into insta-wartime-mode and uniform-hedonism, but then it turns out:

Pics are from April last year.
Add#27: Underrated, overseen & postcript:

"@JohnKerry urges @KremlinRussia_E to not let Ukraine invasion distract from combating climate change"

“I hope President Putin will help us to stay on track with respect to what we need to do for the climate” He could use some Malone Pi...


I decided to quick-travel to Ukraine & loot an highend GPU.

Learned that during @OpenSociety #BLM field-excercises and real deal color revolutions around the globe.

Thx grandpa @georgesoros!

Expect some hardcore face-swapping, grandpa @ProfKlausSchwab! Image

Flashback, June 2021:

"Putin cautions against linking politics to fulfilling #SustainableDevelopment goals"

"[.]🇷🇺 works hard in implementing the #Agenda2030 for @ConnectSDGs Development, cooperates with [.] organizations under the @UN [.]."… ImageImage

Flashback, Nov 2021:

"Russia will soon implement nationwide digital passes showing proof of vaccination or recent recovery from coronavirus to enter public areas and events, [.]."

“[.] no accident that the regions are introducing QR codes" Image
Add#31: When a 🇪🇸tv-network finally airs all the fireworks needed to be less war-horny. Here you can precisely see how 🇺🇦 defense-forces are firing with cutting edge tech coming from most probably @DeptofDefense.

Big Thx @JoeBiden!

Problem: It's a computer-game: @arma3official
Add#32: "Muuh, you're a liar Bobby! You're #PutinHitler gagging @ZelenskyyUa, antisemite, mysogynistic, homophobic arse I'll have to endure in the coming years until you're exterminated by social pressure"

Answer: Nope, @wef-soaps!
Add#33: @TheDemocrats/@Ukraine Corruption & Conflicts Of Interests (COIs) - System Graph

@KremlinRussia_E's COIs will be dissected separately

International Main Hubs:
@georgesoros, @JoeBiden & 'frens'


Hi Res:
right click/tap → open img in new tab Source PDF by CombatLVL (TG...
Add#34: To grasp the current impotence in the face of the almost unbelievable mass of diversionary maneuvers, one has to understand the monotheistic religion of Economics.

'Resilience' is defined by Sendai Framework:…

#4IR 🧵-List:…
Add.#35: My fav. thread atm, thx to @NickHudsonCT for pointing out.
When during advanced pregnancy you've to carry stuff yourself while Russia's targeting the Maternity clinic.
Luckily price stickers of the stair railing are still intact, toilet paper is being evacuated too.
Add.#37: Leo did a deep dive on the story, if I find anything that is worth adding, I'll do it in this thread.
Add.#38: Bombs make the animals nervous, time for a dance for the elephants.

(You gotta love @ProfKlausSchwab fetish for Bollywood-esque vibes).

Thx to P for pointing out.
Add.#39: As always it turns out - my desi origin is as corrupt as in the original sub-continent. Dance for the elephant turns out to be a dance for @AlbertBourla (@pfizer).
Can we stop this now please, this's a 10D PsyOp. Albert, @ProfKlausSchwab, stop it.
Add.#41: Flashback: Feb 4th 2022:
"[.] Russia & China intend to encourage [.] the fields of public health, digital economy, science, innovation & technology, incl. #AI-technology, as well as the increased coordination between BRICS countries [.]."… ImageImageImage
Add#42: "But muuh Bobby, @ProfKlausSchwab excluded Putin from the Great Reset"

PR-bluff. 🇷🇺has been prime @wef-partner for years, whether it's #Cyberpolygon or any #4IR mod you can think of. Fools fall for Soros VS Putin PR-PsyOps, geopoliticians don't. Image
Add#43: Flashback: 1 month ago:

"@wef, @INTERPOL_HQ , and @bizone_en are teaming up again on July 8 for #CyberPolygon2022 under the theme 'digital resilience in the cloud age'.”

Bi Zone? They've their headquarters in Moscow.… ImageImageImage
Add#44: Putin & Kissinger - A Love Story:

"[.] Kissinger has been described as a "frequent guest in Russia", [.] 'trusted adviser'"

"[.]'old friends' [.] met 8 or 10 times over the years, once dining at Mr. Kissinger’s home [.]" ImageImageImage
Add#45: 1992-Magick:
"@ProfKlausSchwab just recalled that we met in 1992. Indeed, I visited this important forum many times."

"1992: [.] 3 young men who would rise to prominence within the next decade [.]: Kudrin, Miller, Putin." ImageImage
Add#46: And who was mentor for @ProfKlausSchwab & @wef?
Correct: Henry Kissinger
Flashback, 1992, Davos:
Henry Kissinger chairing a panel session on “The New Partners”ft. Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Ukraine, Uzbekistan ImageImage
“Today, USA would be outraged if UN-troops entered L.A. Tomorrow they'll be grateful! [.] especially true if they're told that there're an outside threat, individual rights [.] relinquished for [.] well-being granted by the World Government.”
Kissinger, Bilderberger, 1992 Image
Add#48: Flashback 2012: @2045Initiative, Moscow:

"@russia2045 transforms into World 2045."

"[.] a global network [.] to further research on [.] the ultimate goal of transferring [.] consciousness to an artificial carrier."
Add#49: Flashback 2012: @2045Initiative, Moscow:
"@sseagalofficial has written an open letter to [.] Putin, asking for support of the @russia2045 movement that aims to make 🇷🇺 the center of immortality and artificial body research."
Add#50: "Muuh Putin's anti-transhumanism"

Wrong. Putin is pro-transhumanism, 🇷🇺's a biohacking-mecca:

"brain government-program to implant chips in the human brain by Russian Academy of Sciences & @msu_ru, approved by Putin"

Add#51: Quote:
"[.] federal program 'Brain, Health, Intelligence, Innovation', [.] will require 54 billion rubles by 2029.
'brain-computer' implants for direct transmission from external devices."

"Putin's daughter discussed CRISPR Babies with Denis Rebrikov

Maria Vorontsova, eldest daughter of [.] Putin, hosted a roundtable on human gene-editing

[.] strengthening ethics as much as development of such technologies"…
Add.#53: Flashbacks:

"Putin Says Communism Comes From the Bible, Compares Lenin to a Saint"

"Russia, China embrace uneasily, aim for 'desirable world order'"

Russia and China are NWO script-slaves. ImageImageImageImage
Add.#54: "Muuh Putin's excluded from the Great Reset goddamnit"

Why isn't @SPIEF-St.Petersburg International Economic Forum-scheduled for June 2022, not cancelled then?

@ProfKlausSchwab: "Russia's one of the responsible global regulation leaders"
#SPIEF… ImageImage
Add.#55: Let's dig deeper to understand the real backstage-spinning behind the #UkraineRussiaWar.
"The Great Narrative" embeds "The Great Reset", and delivers via another vehicle.
Same same of the same globalist's coin.… Image
Add.#56: NWO101:

@RockefellerFdn-Plan for a BRICS NWO
"Prospect For America", 1956

•Let the oppressed join & beat the West
•The NWO is the final victory & ascension to equality, "the bringer of light"

Co-author: Kissinger Image
Add.#57: Belt & Road 101:
Before we dive deeper into the Rockefeller Panel Report from 1956, we should first scratch the surfaces of "The Millennium Development Goals Report 2009" by
@UN, also incorporate contemporary news: BRI corridors, BRIC countries.…
Add.#58: Bollywood Twists:
Pentagon spooks say: @ZelenskyyUa is a cousin of @georgesoros.

What's next? @ProfKlausSchwab uploaded himself to VR-Chat?
Let's continue this clusterfck of color revolutions for "Public Private Partnerships"-thread for ce LULZ.
Add.#59: "But muuuh Bobby, that is alcoholism"

Answer: Nope, that is called "Mischkonsum" in German, which translates to "Mixing Drugs".

My (imaginary) money is on: First cocaine, afterwards alcohol to "chill out".
I have been working in bars since 1999.
Add.#60, referencing "Add.#58": @OsintUpdates deleted their @PFPAOfficial Spooks Tweet.

I archived it:

Old Glowie-Game: Such Spooks Entertainment Headlines coordinated with Kremlin always merit overpropotional truth, even though then fact-checked away. Image
Add#61: Script offers an 🇦🇹Twist: Former (disposable) PM @a_schallenberg (now FM) fulfills the @georgesoros suspense trigger:
"Ukraine should not be offered EU membership"…

Next: @vonderleyen cross-legging (inspired by @sharonstone)
Add#62: Meanwhile.. @ProfKlausSchwab has a twist prepared for The Great (BRICS) Narrative.

Add.#63: Finally, @ZelenskyyUa starts a crowd funding campaign for weapons VS @KremlinRussia_E via "Ministry of Digital Transformation" (LEL):

"Zelenskyy launches new global crowdfunding platform to help Ukraine fight Russia"…
Add.#64: Thank God! @WorldBank is backing / supporting the "Totenkopf"-Division of Ukraine.


"Ukraine cuts Russian gas flowing to Europe via key pipeline sections"

Category: We can maybe all agree that @ProfKlausSchwab and his Great Narrative, including the Great Reset is a big #fail in every PR-sense.…
Add.#66: Meanwhile at @wef:

@georgesoros Nightmare-Mode activated:

"slams Merkel for "special deals" on Russian Gas"…

"civilization may not survive Putin's war in 🇺🇦"

..while being member of the @CFR_org… ImageImageImage
Add.#67: Intermission: Memes of Truth Image
Add.#68: Still intermission:

When reality turns into a meme or when the @ZelenskyyUa-cocaine provided by @CFR_org kicks in and @georgesoros is scouting for modern art at #Davos2022 .
Add.69: Western Media on Ukraine before 2022, which turned into "SLAVA UKRAINI" chanting.

Add.#70: "Lost In Bukkake"#1:
@AndrzejDuda is butthurt: @OlafScholz broke the bukkake promise

“🇩🇪 has promised to deliver these tanks to us [.] not fulfilled this promise"


Add.#71: "Lost In Bukkake"#2:

@ZelenskyyUa is butthurt: @JoeBiden is too senile for any kind of bukkake-games.

"U.S. will not send Ukraine rocket systems that can reach Russia, says Biden"…
Add.#72: Time for a relaxing QRD-GIF Composition, summarizing the status quo of "The Great Narrative".

Add.#73: Reading Time:
2019 DoD Doc, @librarycongress:

US pulling out of INF Nuclear treaty
Reapproving Leathal Aid supply to 🇺🇦
Drawing 🇷🇺 into a war in 🇺🇦
Applying hard sanctions on 🇷🇺 Oil & Gas
Pressuring 🇸🇪 and 🇫🇮 to join @NATO

(thx2AnonFren)… Category: In your face, alr...

• • •

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More from @Bobby_Network

Jan 11
1/17: Let's examine why @Alice_Weidel is merely a banking syndicate-NPC and why all of the buzz by @elonmusk's low-effort clickbait (#MuskWeidel) is at best brain-cancer copium a.k.a. Divide_Et_Impera.exe…… Image
2/17: Let's look through the @GoldmanSachs -lense: Weidel worked for the banking syndicate as financial analyst, lived in China for 6 years, speaks fluently Mandarin ...all that... she fails to mention in that interview - even though closely connected to her half-baked babblings. Image
@GoldmanSachs 3/17: Not only was she integral part of Goldman Sachs, which - in hindsight - particularly financed Hitler's rise in history in the first place, ... Weidel simply sweeps these pre-/post- ww 1 & 2 - pills under the carpet. Is it illiteracy?
Read 17 tweets
Jan 9
I'll leave this just here.
Let's sum a bit:

a) We have an astonishingly accurate @realDonaldTrump here - just 3 months before at the biggest podcast of the planet.
@realDonaldTrump b) We have a media-stunt, gone horribly wrong - at CNN headquaters, what else?
Read 9 tweets
Sep 27, 2022
Why was the USS Kearsarge there with transponders off some weeks ago?……

What did @JoeBiden mean by this?

What did @Luisamneubauer mean?

What did @ABaerbock hint?

What did @radeksikorski mean by this?

Can Jetfuel melt steel pipes?
Some accompanying AI art for the proper surrealism. Image
Read 25 tweets
Aug 21, 2022
То, что меня не убивает, убивает кого-то еще.

Translation: "What doesn't kill me, kills someone else"

Dugin posted this exactly 1 year ago. Image
Glowies already baiting before the car bomb exploded?

Things are getting complicated: National Socialist Bolshevik Movement intertwined with Chaos (Sex) Magick? The Left Hand Path is the new Right Hand Path or Vice Versa?

Rust ist turned into Gold?
Read 9 tweets
Aug 5, 2022
That's heart-breaking!

@ProSieben, did you take notice back then in May 2019?… She was wrong, there was an entrance to McDonalds ...
Tragic! She was a big fan of DJane SimOne apparantly.

The day after her death SimOne had a gig in Vienna - 29/07/22 ...… Image
Heart-Breaking: She recognized the importance of Greta's #FFF msg (even though it fucked up 🇱🇰 later, but that's perfectly normal w/ new thought schools, not?). She should have become Chancellor of Austria too, when Greta couldn't.… Image
Read 15 tweets
Feb 21, 2022
Luckily nothing happened and the professional stunt horse did an excellent job with a fake step on the crisis actor.

They spare neither cost nor effort and simply book the best who know something about the matter.

Oh noes! Terrorist armed with a bicycle threw it at the direction of the (professional stunt) horses. Cruel!

Leaf Frens: Overthrow the government, @ProfKlausSchwab will think of the rest!

Dark Winter II is over, #Agenda2030 na0!

Such a wicked world, poor Crisis Actor is also from the #Mohawk Tribe; just like @Tamara_MVC is a metis & white supremacist, right? That's racism in action! Let them all burn, bastards! She's dead, isn't she? Yes! No? Yes! No? Yes!
Read 21 tweets

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