In case you prefer to read this online rather than from tweets, here’s the link to the material I will be discussing :…
And before I start I finally want to thank @ZevShalev ´s @NarativTv for bringing this to my attention in the last episode of his podcast where the no fly zone is discussed very astutely by two of his guests @mhmck and @ericgarland .
I only just understood that while neither Ukraine nor Russia are in #NATOpact , there IS (naturally!) a pre-existing international document that explicitly pertains to the situation that #Ukraine and hence the World are now in. That document is known as The Budapest Memorandum.
and for those who don’t know or can’t immediately remember what OSCE is:
So moving on from that stage setting for lay readers, voici la “pièce de résistance” (and yes, pun intended), ie what is actually in the memorandum. First, a simple overall summary:
Now, while the history of how the memorandum came about it is fascinating & I encourage all readers to remind themselves of it, let’s continue on with detailing the content:
Okay, so to summarise #Ukraine and two of its neighbours gave up their past, present and future abilities to make, house or use #NuclearWeapons against an agreement from their real and potential ennemies (Russia and China) not attack them and a strong (from 🇺🇸 and 🇬🇧) & slightly
less strong (from 🇫🇷) promise from their allies that they would act in every way possible to defend them should their ennemies attack them nonetheless. Moreover it is clearly stated that the Allies can call upon the #UNSC at any point to ask for help in providing said protection
Ok, just another brief digression for any lay readers who might need reminding of what #UNSC actually is (other than the UN committee #Putin and #Nebenzia, who was then chairing it, publicly insulted by initiating war while it held a meeting on the situation in Ukraine) & does:
All very good and important Methinks but before I continue to give you my conclusion, let’s finish reading some of what that truly excellent #Wikipedia article says (NB this is mostly for specialists only, except in yellow where I highlight what might be of general interest) :
And more, sadly:
And further, up to now, even more sadly @POTUS@VP@UNAmbUS , though crucially IMHO, the vagueness of all this means you are free to reinterpret that point any way you see fit presently :
Indeed, others have already done this for you and IMHO with good justification and great skill:
FINALLY an important conclusion, testifying again that unlike #Putin’s , #Ukraine’s word can internationally be relied upon:
And now let’s sadly move on to the 1st major breach of this Memorandum, 2cd being even more sadly the present aggressive and unprovoked invasion of #Ukraine by #Putin’s Russia:
Of course many realised at the time, and those that didn’t do so now, that this Annexation, its initiation, its international reception and its consequences were eerily reminiscent, of the Annexation of the Sudetenland that eventually brought about WW2:…
For conciseness’ sake (!), only how it was internationally dealt with will be described here:
And the now also globally infamous #Lavrov , #Putin’s foreign minister who was unanimously shunned at a Human Rights conference in Geneva last week, demonstrated already the disgusting sickness of his mind:
A little bit more that on one, to let the enormity of #Lavrov lie really sink in:
And that finally brings us to the present day crisis, into which enters also of course the remarkably clear thinking and prescient President of #Ukraine@ZelenskyyUa :
Ok, so what can we conclude from all this regarding our initial starting point, the #NOFLYZONE that @ZelenskyyUa IMHO so rightly minimally requests, from the above exposé?
Well, Methinks the following:
evidently, and quite indisputably IMHO, there exists at least one other route internationally pre-agreed route, besides the extension of @NATO, that has so far been insufficiently explored to provide #Ukraine with the help it needs. And that involves
the Allies (US, Britain and France) making use of point 4 in #BudapestMemorandum to appeal to @OSCE (which has observer status at UN) & @UN and in particular to @sec_council for IMMEDIATE assistance in imposing the #NOFLYZONE & humanitarian corridors @ZelenskyyUa is begging for.
.@USAmbUN, I thought your interventions (as I understand it carefully coordinated with @POTUS) during that faithful #UNSC meeting so monstrously desecrated by #Nebenzia were especially eloquent. . At one point you said to #Putin that he should…
he should « Send his tanks etc back. And send his diplomats to the negotiating table » . There are thankfully peace negotiations already ongoing between #Putin and @ZelenskyyUa but in the meantime however there is MUCH you, @BWoodward_UN & @NDeRiviere can do to…
to make sure the @UN does not remain a place where so much is always said and yet so little is ever done, and thus a mere « machin » as my former President Charles de Gaulle ever so disdainfully called it :
so it can no longer inappropriately and unethically exercise its right to veto (…) when #Ukraine is discussed (car on ne peut pas être à la fois juge et partie!) or whether you systematically refer your decisions to the General Assembly.
Personally, if I were in your (for me by far too outstandingly accomplished!) shoes @USAmbUN, I would opt for former because: It’s high time the Free World taught #Putin & ses sbires lugubres qu’on ne peut pas ou plus, littéralement, se foutre du Monde sans conséquence aucune!
Bravo. Great day, indeed for #Freedom &. @NATO ! The best bit is that the Russians already know the Finns are even better and more persistent #Resistance fighters than the Ukrainians, that is if that were even possible.
#Putin it is time for you to reopen World War II history books and read what really happened up north then and thereafter, not the fake history you imagine or want your people to believe.
Put one toe over the new 800 km Finnish border with @NATO , and you shall feel the full might of the #AlliedFreedomForces. C’est comme dans Les Trois Mousquetaires: « tous pour un et un pour tous » et mon D’Artagnian à moi, c’est @jensstoltenberg !
.@allisongill@dailybeanspod ON THE SUBJECT OF CALICO CATS, a short thread for nerds, geeks and other woke types. It has come to morning attention that the good news section of your show has recently been discussing the subject of female tricolour cats.
Allison, I have a confession to make: I too am of a dreadfully nerdy type. In fact, that is why between the ages of 19 and 21 I ended up writing a book on a subject that I was also then studying at University College, London: Human Genetics.
From the cover of the book above, you can see I did not write this book alone. I wrote it with an outstanding french chemist called Lionel Salem, who has been a lifelong friend of my mother. She sadly passed away last summer, but he is thankfully still well and truly alive.
Okay, now looks like this (bottom) may be an additional front opening soon in addition to one already threatened earlier today (immediately below) : Will Putin thus initiate WW3 all long his West facing border? If so he now utterly insane!
Moscow on Saturday accused Azerbaijan of violating a ceasefire agreement by entering Russian peacekeeping mission’s zone in breakaway region of Nagorno-Karabakh, the first time Russia publicly assigned blame for violating the 2020 deal made after Azerbaijan’s war with Armenia.
The Russian defense ministry also accused Azerbaijani troops of using Turkish-made drones to strike Karabakh troops, while the foreign ministry in Moscow expressed “extreme concern” over the spiraling tensions in the region.
Hang on! Am I reading this right? The #SadisticRussianOccupier expects the #MartyredUkranianPopulation of #Melitopol, or rather what remains of it, to PAY to attend a rally in the centre of their nearly flattened town to raise financial support for their inhumane aggressor??!
Well, clearly the @KremlinRussia_E located basketcase who is requesting that such outrageous things be organised needs to hear again the last words of the first #Ukranians he had killed in this unilaterally aggressive war he started..,