This #RoshniAct was a plot devised by Farooq Abdullah to officially hand over to Muslims in Kashmir the homes, shops, gardens, and fields of Hindus who had fled Kashmir in 1990, a plot in which the #Congress was also deeply involved.
All of the Hindus who fled Kashmir in the 1990s were slaughtered by their own Kashmiri neighbours, with whom they used to have breakfast and lunch together, enjoy festivals together, and drink tea together for decades!
When the entire Kashmir valley was devoid of Hindus, the Muslims petitioned, with the support of the bureaucracy and Farooq Abdullah, for some rules to be enacted so that these Hindus' houses, shops, farms, fields, and barns could be given to Muslims.
So Farooq Abdullah, as Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir, signed The #RoshniAct, which allowed any Hindu to convert their land, farm, house, or shop to a Muslim for just Rs.101 (USD 1.30).
The following was the trick:
Since 300,000 Hindus were slaughtered, raped, n forced out of the Kashmir Valley in 1990, they have left everything behind in Kashmir, including all immovable possessions such as houses, stores, offices, and agricultural buildings.
They couldn't pay the power bill because they were afraid of dying if they returned to the Kashmir Valley, therefore the electricity connections to their fields, shops, and residences were initially removed by the J&K government for non-payment of dues.
The fact that Hindus who resided around the houses of Muslims are no longer in Kashmir was left out of the disconnection orders.
Because the electrical meters had been disconnected, there was darkness around these residences, posing a threat to the Muslim neighbours.
That is why such features needed to be illuminated!
Farooq n Omar weaved the fabric of the #RoshniAct in this fashion, with the backing of other CMs like Mehbooba Mufti and Congress.
Then Farooq Abdullah got the #RoshniAct (Light) passed by the State Assembly.
By virtue of this Act, any Muslim could apply in his name for an energy connection for a Hindu's farm, farm house, or business for only a fee of Rs.101.
In this fashion, the electricity bill was generated in the name of the applying Muslim, and after a few years, the Muslim was given full ownership of the Hindu's house, shop, or farm!
As a result of the #RoshniAct, Chief Minister Farooq Abdullah and all the other pigs named above sold the precious properties of 300,000 Hindus in Kashmir Valley to Muslims for cheap Rs.101 (USD 1.30).
The most shocking thing is that the Indian Left media has never mentioned the #RoshniAct in the last 30 years, hence sharing this info, thanks to the power of SM.
By the way, the same thing happened in Europe with the wealth of the Nazi-murdered Jews and their neighbours.
Your responsibility is to spread this info to all by sharing this news, so that Farooq, Mufti, GN Azad n Kashmiri bureaucrats, are brought to justice n put to death for the murder of 10,000 Hindus and the systematic expulsion of 300,000 KH from their Motherland!!
The earliest patents for electrically propelled personal transportation devices were filed in 1895, and modern scooters can be traced all the way back to that year.
Many people are unaware that in 1980-81, a firm in Mysuru produced over 500 electric mopeds known as 'Komal.' 'Electromobiles India Limited' was the company that made electric two-wheelers in Mysuru.
This man works for the people 24 hours a day, seven days a week. He is a Yogi, but a modern one; he wears a watch, owns a smartphone, drives a Toyota Fortuner, and craves Gulab jamuns.
After years, the rooms of all the houses that did not have access to electricity feel the light of Diwali every day, and the ink of the journalists who review crimes on the basis of Dalit-Muslim and caste has also dried up. All of this work is sufficient to assess his performance
Kranti is a Sanskrit word that signifies "transformation." Sankranti means "whole and complete transformation." Sankramana or Sankranti symbolises the shift of the month when the Sun travels from one zodiac sign (Rashi) to another.
The day of Sankranti is dedicated to Surya Deva, and it is regarded as a crucial day for Surya Deva worship. Although the Hindu calendar has twelve Sankranti, Makara Sankranti is the most important of them all because of its sacred significance.
Many people mistakenly believe and celebrate Makara Sankranti as Uttarayana Day. The astronomical and religious events Makara Sankranti and Uttarayana are two different astronomical and religious occasions.
Answer: It is customary for us to come out after visiting a temple and sit for a time at the temple's foot.
Do you have any idea why this custom exists?
This ancient custom was created for a specific reason. In reality, one should recite a shloka while sitting silently at the foot of the shrine. This verse has been forgotten by modern people. Recite this shloka and pass it on to the next generation.
Only one bird (Khag) has a great sense of self-worth and self-respect; may Chataka (that bird's name) live a long life (Chiranjeev). Chataka would prefer to die of thirst, but will only beseech God Indra for water (Purandar).
That is, he solely drinks rainwater. He will never consume pond water or water that has been stored. The bird has a lot of self-respect and self-esteem.