So, #PrideMonth is almost upon us, which means its about that time when charities start thinking about changing their logos for a month to 'celebrate' #Pride
Which means it's time for a #thread 🧵 about why you should pause 1/10
And consider, have you engaged in a meaningful way with your charities #LGBTQ+ stakeholders, including staff, service users and volunteers over the past year? Has this resulted in any great content that's worth sharing? #CharitySoStraight#RainbowWashing#Pride#Pride2022 3/10
PLEASE only change your logo if the answer is YES! *and* you have thoughtful and relevant content that demonstrates meaningful engagement with your employees and the communities your charity serves #CharitySoStraight#RainbowWashing#Pride#Pride2022 4/10
So, if you're a #charity CEO or head of comms, please don't sign off on #RainbowWashing your logo this #PrideMonth + certainly not if you don't have great #EDI policies in place to recruit.... 6/10
And we LOVE to see examples of charities who are doing this really well, so please do flag any great examples to us as we want to share inspiring and thoughtful content to help others do better next year! #CharitySoStraight#RainbowWashing#PrideWashing#Pride#Pride2022 10/10
Please don't Rainbow Wash your charity brand this year in #Pride season (it's never a good look) Meaningfully engage with your #LGBTQ+ stakeholders + audiences instead #Authenticity#RainbowWashing#branding
2/10 Think about how your charity depicts the people it works with. Do you show a diverse range of people including #LGBTQ+ / same sex couples online/in your marketing collateral? Consider what message this sends to potential employees + service users if not #CharitySoStraight
3/10 think about what data you collect when you're recruiting + consider how you can use that data to benefit your #LGBTQ+ employees. You can't support the needs of your workforce if you don't know who they are! #diversity#CharitySoStraight#recruitment#CharityRecruitment