@margaretbarthel@Polk_Azov@Ukraine What does insipid transplant Barthel know about this history? McClean is an art historian & the destruction of those superb equine statues, great works of art that put Richmond on European tour guide lists as a place to see, is cause of destruction of $2B History/Heritage toursim
@margaretbarthel@Polk_Azov@Ukraine Adding context explaining the real history associated with equine staues was recommended, along with removal of Jeff Davis, and addition of statues of The Fourteen African American Union soldiers who helped win key battles outside Richmond, each winning Medals of Honor.They WON/2
@margaretbarthel@Polk_Azov@Ukraine Contrasting TheFourteen African Americans, who WON the war with the DEFEATED Southern generals added INSIGHT, understanding, perspective & healing. Itg is imperative to stop inflicting Victim Consiousness on African Americas & to empower them, while accurately telling the story.
@margaretbarthel@Polk_Azov@Ukraine@VirginiaMuseum 5/ Virginia history extends more than 437 years, with #Jamestown as the first permanent settlement. Descendants of those shipwrecked on Bermuda in #TheTempest still live here. The CivilWar lasted 4 years, less than 1% of that history. So many died in the Civil War, that mattered.
@margaretbarthel@Polk_Azov@Ukraine@VirginiaMuseum 6/ Such loss, such devastation does remind me of #UkraineRussianWar I get that. Only 6% of Virginians owned slaves at the beginning of the Civil War. The others fought because they were invaded, barns burned, homes looted. I know from family history, nothing burned, just stolen.
@margaretbarthel@Polk_Azov@Ukraine@VirginiaMuseum 7/Those who enlisted went to defend their homes & families, as Lee also did initially, he said he would lift his sword only to defend his country, #Virginia After Davis wanted him to go to Mississippi to defend HIS state & plantation, Lee dodged by proposing taking the war North.
@margaretbarthel@Polk_Azov@Ukraine@VirginiaMuseum 8/ Lee decided to attack #Antietam, losing badly, many killed. Then #Gettysburg, again not a defensive battle, lost badly, turning the tide of the war. Most of the southern soldiers who enlisted were not slave owners, & opposed slavery, including JebStuart, most in the VaValley
@margaretbarthel@Polk_Azov@Ukraine@VirginiaMuseum 9/Like Iraq's Sunni tribesmen, who had no love for Sadaam, were not Bathists, they fought to defend their homes & families against a more powerful invader with more money, manpower, technology. It is like #Ukraine in that sense. At a point, though, it became ONLY about slavery.
@margaretbarthel@Polk_Azov@Ukraine@VirginiaMuseum 10/ The Confederacy called a draft, but sons of fathers who owned at least 20 slaves were exempt from the draft. From then on, it was ONLY about slavery. There were other issues such as 1828 & 1832 tariffs imposed on agriculture-tools & products. The draft was about slavery.
@margaretbarthel@Polk_Azov@Ukraine@VirginiaMuseum 11/ That's when the war became solely about defending slavery. History is always more complex than the stories that become a dominant narrative. And History is always written by the winners.
@margaretbarthel@Polk_Azov@Ukraine@VirginiaMuseum Anyone interested in understanding people's lives of the era, I recommend a book of letters from that time compiled by the descendants of Sally Strong Baxter Hampton, "A Divided Heart" Sally was an intelligent, educated northern belle of prominent family who came south.On Amazon
Thanks @RTDNEWS for info on Diamond District. It's to be funded byTIFs like Navy Hill. It's Navy Hill+6th Street Market Place combined, funded by TIFs, known to impact school funding. Interest rates must be paid from annual budgets as interest rates rise. #RVA@KatherineJRVA
@RTDNEWS@KatherineJRVA Here's @TheWeek article about Navy Hill. Farrell was not pushing for this. Other backers hidden by shell company NH District were. Political figures to benefit too, but TIFs are known to siphon local funds from schools. Info on TIFs: p1-2 #RVACouncil declined. Get new $$ data.
P.3 There's no smell of bid rigging here since there are 3 offers, but the threat to finances remains. #RVA is maxed out on bonds so TIFs are floated, siphoning real estate tax $. Interest rates rising, paid from annual budget, so that hits NOW. Recalculation on $ impact needed.
I like you @GovRonDeSantis but this shows you're ill informed on America's founders. I'll inform you.
Florida offers new training for teachers that says it was a 'misconception' that 'the Founders desired strict separation of church and state': report msn.com/en-us/news/us/…
Virginia was 1st colony of what became the British Empire, named for Protestant English Queen Elizabeth I, preceded by her Catholic sister Mary Tudor, for whom Bloody Mary drink is named, who burned so many protestants who refused to convert back to Catholicism. @GovRonDeSantis
Religious freedom was our First Freedom, encoded in Jefferson's Va statute @GovRonDeSantis James Madison, principle author of the Constitution, viewed established state religion as a denial of the right to exercise his or her own freedom of conscience.
Walls work @JoeBiden Open borders DON'T. The Supreme Court WANTS to see a flood of illegal migrants flooding across US borders & into Texas @BetoORourke Those visuals will erase any memory of Roe come Nov 1.
Europeans are building walls to protect THEIR borders. Secure borders are mandatory for a functioning country. Secure America's ports & borders! @JoeBiden
Gentlemen, please do not vote for Senate marijuana legalization bills. Protect America's youth. @jontester@Sen_JoeManchin#Science below
Cannabis Regulatory Update: Schumer's Chief Counsel Reveals What's Happening With Federal Marijuana Legalization Bill msn.com/en-us/money/ma…
My PhD & PostDoc research were funded by NIDA(NatlInstonDrugAbuse)/NIH to study psychotomimetic drugs -mimic psychosis, cause hallucinations/psychosis. Sons of 2 Va legislators died from pot. 1 ate buds, died, 2nd psychotic episode, suicide. 3 children ate gummies, died last wk.
Too little research has been done to safely develop products. THC is dangerous. The benefits come from CBD cannabidiol. But safety testing & all the usual tests done for any drug you can buy over counter, OTC, at #CVS have NOT been done. Drugs 4 allergies, upset stomach HAVE
Putin's vision:Dugin's Philiosophy of Russia's destiny "China, too, must fall. Russia’s ambitions in Asia will require “the territorial disintegration, splintering and the political and administrative partition of the [Chinese] state.” @MFA_China@chinanews.yahoo.com/putin-messiah-…
In the coerced Amur "Annexation" treaties, Imperial Russia physically forced Qing Dynasty to sign over Chinese land in SE Siberia (rich in resources) Again in 1900 Russian Empire attacked @china invaded Manchuria, a Russian victory. More conflicts after 1917 @MFA_China@PDChina
@china@MFA_China@PDChina#Putin's Imperial Russian vision, conceived by Russian nationalist geopolitical "philosopher" Aleksandr Dugin, the visionary fascist prophet called Putin’s brain, who pushes a maximal Russian Imperium. @MFA_China@PDChina@china