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Dec 13th 2022
#OTD in 1862, #Confederate soldiers repulsed a massive #Union assault on the second day of the #Battle of #Fredericksburg. Wave after wave of Union soldiers were mowed down during a full frontal assault against Confederate troops positioned at Marye’s Heights. Image
After the Battle of #Antietam a few months earlier, General #McClellan allowed Lee's Army to retreat back to #Virginia to fight another day. #President #Lincoln then relieved McClellan of command and replace him with General Ambrose #Burnside. Image
Burnside quickly planned a fall offensive to move on #Richmond. However, the Union Army's operation faced logistical setbacks, allowing Lee to settle in at Fredericksburg. Burnside chose to attack Lee head on, a decision that proved disastrous.
Read 9 tweets
Jul 18th 2022
@margaretbarthel I don't do podcasts. I prefer to read the text, Faster. But the @Polk_Azov Battalion, #DefendersOfMariupol do NOT identify with Hitler. Their hero is #PatrickHenry They ID with #AmericanPatriots They are @Ukraine's #Patriots They want freedom. Is she McLean as in McLean House?
@margaretbarthel @Polk_Azov @Ukraine What does insipid transplant Barthel know about this history? McClean is an art historian & the destruction of those superb equine statues, great works of art that put Richmond on European tour guide lists as a place to see, is cause of destruction of $2B History/Heritage toursim
@margaretbarthel @Polk_Azov @Ukraine Adding context explaining the real history associated with equine staues was recommended, along with removal of Jeff Davis, and addition of statues of The Fourteen African American Union soldiers who helped win key battles outside Richmond, each winning Medals of Honor.They WON/2
Read 14 tweets

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