A vaccine is a drug. And as with any drug, it carries risk of adverse reaction.#Vaccineinjury needs to be discussed openly & honestly. Failure to do so will erode trust in future vaccination programmes. Patients who performed there civic duty should not be abandoned or gaslighted
And for the albeists out there, ‘vulnerble’ includes YOU. You are mistaken to believe being young, fit or healthily will protect you from the harms of #SARSCoV2. Covid doesn’t discriminate. #CovidisAirborne#CovidIsNotOver#WearAMask😷
Mild Covid cardiovascular damage: A large-scale study of 150k people showed even a mild case of COVID-19 can substantially increase a person’s risk of cardiovascular problems - some 20 types in all - for at least a year after diagnosis..
.. For example, the study found those recovered from COVID-19 were 52% more likely to have a stroke and 72% more likely to experience heart failure compared to a control group.
1/ A word of warning. It doesn’t matter on which side of the fence you sit - left or right - everyone living in the UK should be concerned right now. Current government have already removed our right to peacefully protest. Now they want to remove our #HumanRights 🧵
2/ The European Convention on Human Rights (#ECHR) are international laws which protect us all.
They protect our right to freedom; our right to marry; our right not to be tortured, and more..
3/ Do not be fooled. The European Convention on Human Rights has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with being a part, or not a part, of Europe. Do not let this government convince you otherwise.
2/ The LCRI is a collaboration between Long Covid patients, researchers, and clinicians to rapidly and comprehensively study the topic of SARSCoV2 #viralpersistence in Long Covid and the general population.
3/ The organisation was founded by patients and those with close ties to condition, and the research programme is being led by Chief Scientific Officer @microbeminded2.
New preprint in @medrxivpreprint which found circulating levels of components of #SARSCOV2 (viral RNA and spike protein) are associated and may contribute to the development of #LongCovid 🧵
1/3 In the first six weeks of Long Covid, I experienced neurological sleep apnoea. At night, I would stop breathing. My body would wake me from sleep, or the edge of sleep, to remind me to breathe.
2/3 At the time, I suspected brainstem involvement and recognised I was severely unwell even if no one else did. We now know Covid has a predilection for the brain stem, a region where ACE2 receptors are plentiful.
3/3 Those who should’ve cared for us, did not. This paragraph tells me nothing I did not already know, but it brings validation. My heart breaks for any one else who has been through this. healthrising.org/blog/2022/07/1…
🚨NHS workers, you have a legal right to work in safe environments.
Section 44 of the Employment Rights Act 1996 states employees are entitled to down tools & stay off work on FULL PAY if their employer refuses to make their work place safe. Demand #FFP3.🧵 @TheBMA
2/ It is wilful negligence to expose healthcare workers to a known deadly airborne pathogen. All public-facing NHS workers must be equipped with #RPE, including #FFP2#FFP3, given #COVIDisAirborne. @H_S_E
3/ UK government and hospital trusts must now start to invest in #CleanAir. Masks are a short-term solution, the installation of air filtration systems are a long-term investment. @wesstreeting@SteveBarclay