I developed #LongCovid from my 2nd contagion that was serious at the time, I required hospitalization in #ICU and oxygen therapy.
Since Dec 2020 I have lived with #LongCovid since then and when I understood the Multi-organic gravity of #LongCovid
That's why I go to the #RRSS they always have a greater impact.
The Cardiac MRI has a value of $500 thousand Chilean pesos, about 500USD.
This exam isnot covered by any health Insurance #Fonasa or #Isapre is 100% #Private
And it's not the only one I have to do #Holterarrhythmia
#HolterPresion & blood exs to evaluate cardiac enzymes among other parameters. It's complex to ask for help, especially if it's about #Health #Chile doesn’t attend to its #HeroesSanitarios
On the contrary, it discards them as my former employer did #HospHigueras who abandoned me
Whom I thank for the opportunity to learn and teach about #LongCovid
I tell you all this because I need your support to survive again #LongCovid
As I already said, the @ministeriosalud of #Chile does not recognize or accept #LongCovid, much less cover its requirements.
Because of this lack of support I turn to this global community.
Today I need to collect $1,500,000 Chilean(about 1500USD)
All this to cover the medical expenses that I will have to pay now.
You can live without a kidney, but with a damaged heart it becomes even more difficult.
There are those who support me in making this call like @sfcem_mexico to name a few, and I hope I can get the support I need.
He tenido #COVID19 3 veces en lo que va de pandemia.
Desarrollé #LongCovid desde de mi 2do contagio q fue grave en ese entonces, requerí hospitalización en #UCI y oxigenoterapia.
Desde Dic 2020 q vivo con #LongCovid desde entonces y cuando comprendí la gravedad Multi orgánica de #LongCovid