0/10 What is a DAO?
A Decentralized Autonomous Organization, means that an organization has no central authority nor is it run from a centralized location. A #DAO is an organization run by the people, for the people.
3/10 After feedback has been given, and the proposal updated (if needed), the delegates signal that the proposal is ready for voting & they are willing to support it by posting a text message.
This phase is often called “temperature check” phase and lasts for a week (7days).
4/10 For a proposal to go through to snapshot voting, it must first pass the delegate voting phase.
At least 3 delegates, each with a minimum of 50000 $KROM voting power need to sign in agreement of the proposal on #Discord.
7/10 If you are a $KROM holder, and don't want to delegate your voting power to anyone, you can either participate in governance yourself or contribute by snapshot voting on proposals that pass the "temperature check" phase.