1️⃣ Autonomy in code.
No silver bullets and golden hammers.
Testing the code : is my model doing what it should do? Doesn’t matter whether you use sociable or solitary tests.
This map will help you choose which type of test you need to do ⤵️
2️⃣ Autonomy in teams.
Individuals and interactions rather than processes and tools.
Autonomy is not dictatorship. Nor an excuse to hold something against someone.
Problem: “we do not deliver regularly enough coz developers compete to change the same code”. Branching won’t help if there’s a polarity problem. Start pair or mob-programming.
3️⃣ Autonomy between teams.
The “Ivory Towers”…
Size of software, services, product and teams should be limited so the cognitive load stays manageable.
Don’t stay too long in the lower quadrants.
4️⃣ Autonomy in organisations.
A continuous negotiation.
Do we make centralized or decentralized decisions?
10 ans après les fameuses vidéos sur le modèle Spotify, @duboisrachel revient sur les ingrédients clés auxquels on n’a pas forcément fait très attention. À tort, car lorsqu’on parle de #culture#produit, les Squads, Chapters, Tribes et Guildes n’importent que peu.
Fun fact : 6% de l’humanité écoute Spotify (et 2% paie pour cela).
En 2012 le “modèle Spotify” s’est popularisé alors que la boîte était composée d’une centaine de personnes. Probablement l’un des messages les moins compris au sujet de l’Agilité.
La structure est la dernière chose à regarder quand on veut instaurer une culture produit.
In this session by @danvacanti we’ll explore some common mistakes associated with the definition, collection, and interpretation of #data.
You may have heard words like trend, outlier, signal, noise. But are any of those concepts real or relevant? 🏀
The greatest basketball game of the US took place in March 1962. Why did Wilt score 100 points, was it really because he changed his free throw shooting technique?
Comment les jobs-to-be-done nous aident à prendre de meilleures décisions #Produit ? Quels impacts peuvent-ils générer au sein d’une organisation ? Et comment aident-ils au quotidien les équipes à innover ?
How do you move an organisation of 15 teams and their single shared monolith from bi-annual releases to fortnightly releases in under four months? How do you reduce release pain and cost?
This agency addressing the full Belgian population used to freeze code to release 2 or 3 major releases per year, and (of course) many hot bug fixes were still needed each time.
In Sept. 2018, they asked @tdpauw to change the 15 teams and their single shared monolith to fortnightly releases by December.
What he didn’t want to do was applying a maturity model, since they are flawed.
There are things you don’t talk about with your colleagues - even less so with your boss. Mental health issues are certainly a big no-no. Are taboos compatible with an #agile#culture?
“When I first started working as an agile tester, I kept my history with mental illness secret. As a result, I couldn’t speak openly about topics that are close to my heart: mental health and self-care. I didn’t want to seem weak and vulnerable.”
“In the Agile World however, we value respect, courage, and openness. How do you reconcile this with these taboos?
Can you really be courageous and open if you deny a part of yourself?”
Jakob Nielsen, dans les années 90, s’attache à l’UX des sites web. Il explique que le visiteur ne devrait pas avoir à connaître l’organigramme de votre société.
Nigel Bevan complète, en disant que c’est aussi la stratégie, les intérêts de l’entreprise qui se révèlent sur un site.
Allez analyser le site (version 2022!) d’un cabinet de conseil ayant souffert d’un bad buzz pour avoir pas mal facturé aux contribuables français, vous comprendrez.