Cult recruitment: In order for ‘cults’ to be successful they rely on ‘recruiting’ others. They target ‘vulnerable’ isolated, alone, neglected children or adults. For vulnerable people, #cults are very tempting because the cult provides love-Bombing #stage1
A sense of safety, promises of rewards friends & actual rewards. Who could possibly refuse? They typically use becoming more joyful, happy, obtaining bliss as a #promise Who wouldn’t want that? A new family? #Acceptance? Love? It’s a nice loving supportive environment initially
#stage2 Cults are now online. Recruitees may be constantly bombarded by cult jargon new #language new wording The group expects recruitees to divulge everything about Themselves. Those recruited usually have #epiphany of some sort which drives them further into the cult #stage3
They may all of the sudden start believing they have found the reason for why they are different. They start believing what they have been told. Various forms of #psychological manipulation, extreme fear, #deception, propaganda, and a solution to this fear is provided. #stage4
Recruitees are grieving in unison and offered a solution for their #distress, pain or fears. Recruitees lose their sense of autonomy critical thinking skills, their ability for perspective taking (if they had it in the first place), and are forced to be dependent on the
group to guide them In their #perception of what it is that they are ‘seeing’ to groom them and reinforce them. They are separated, isolated and kept away from family members all loved ones and former friends. This is imperative for a cult. #stage5#reality#ideology
Enter the US vs. THEM division where the outside group is the ‘enemy’. #stage6 This maybe family members, friends or entire world. Outsiders are not welcome. They have a single-mindedness and reinforce each other Recruitment is done by seduction #Charisma and for a better ‘cause’
Sex or #sexualisation is most often a part of the picture. As is a breaking down of #boundaries. What people see is crazy is the groups ‘reality’. The group members don’t have a sense of individual Identity and they merge, like@a hive mind often looking the same speaking the same
words & language. Social proof is #controlled by the group only. This maintains that it remains in its echo-chamber. The group is a full social group & they are extremely #powerful. No one outside the group is allowed to interfere and may be referred to as all
kinds of derogatory dehumanising names. Cults make it as difficult as possible for the members to leave. There is a deep commitment and #devotion to the cults way of life which makes it difficult for members to leave the cult due to lack of supports, money, friends, family
The strong sense of #shame and limited choices of what to do outside of the Cult reinforces them into staying. Before and after pictures of cult members are very different. That may act, think, behave look and/or speak very different from their former selves. #dramatic
What was formally their unique #personality has been pushed down or repressed by the #groupthink cult personality hence the dramatic change Their #feelings for their Guru are the objective proof for them they are doing the right thing.
🧘♀️ For those who what to learn to control your mind, I highly recommend the ‘Leaf’ exercise. You cannot manifest anything without controlled sustained, attention, thought & feeling. 1. Sit somewhere very quiet 2. Close your eyes 3. Breathe slowly 8 counts in & out
4. Imagine you are sitting outside by a lake & your favourite leaf 🍁 Is floating down from above and in front of you. It is floating Slowly side to side down to land on the water in front of you. As your eyes follow the leaf, think of how the leaf looks, how it floats & moves
When a thought comes in, focus your attention back on the 🍁 When the leaf touches the water, imagine the water 💦 rippling out & the leaf floating away slowly. ‘Feel’ the awe, gratitude & happiness of the beauty of nature. Use all your senses #attention#focus#mindcontrol
🔥Toxic pity & empathy are the biggest tactic an adult will use against you. Do not pity them. People sneak pity in renaming it sympathy, empathy, compassion. You will be harmed by this because #clusterB use this as their primary strategy to manipulate you. Do not do anything in
Relationship because you feel sorry for them, ever. This leads to an assumed action. #clusterB get you to feel sorry for them are 🚩 They are ‘victims’ who can’t help themselves. Many periods can help themselves. Feeling sorry for them may not be the best course. All
#clusyerB are not nice. They are entitled to harm others, grandiose and are interpersonally exploitive. #clusterB’s have more than one personality disorder. Can they ‘use’ pity, empathy, false sympathy, a sob story, victim stories to manipulate you? YES, all the time. The sob
🔥Thread on having too much empathy 🧵: why can having too much empathy be bad for society, cause health professionals or autistic people to get into trouble? Some examples from my career: Having too much empathy can blind you to common sense & reason. For example, one person
May Feel entitled to doxx others for their activist ‘empathy’, when not deserved. an autistic teenager starts bringing home stray cats and eventually a homeless male stranger placing herself in danger, a therapist allows her teen client to stay at her place overnight and faces
investigation disciplinary action & supervision, serial killers have fans who believe in the rehabilitation/rescuing and fall in love with them, the abused stay in abuse cycles because they fell sorry for their abusers traumatic childhood. Highly empathise people when
🔥 How to have a better life: KNOW the 6 DARK red flags 🚩 of toxic people & stay away from them: 🔥1. Constant Drama 🎭 those that create, spread or are complicit in gossip, lies, manipulation, deception & gaslighting. Many people are unconsciously addicted to drama due to toxic
Childhood/parents, TV, SM, MSM, government. Be honest with yourself and ask “why am I doing or allowing this?” 🔥2. NARCISSISM: The levels of narcissism have reached epidemic proportions in society. Many people think this is ‘normal’. It’s not. It’s unhealthy & dysfunctional
Notice how the conversation goes back to them. Notice how the subject topic is switched back to them. Notice how it’s all about them. Notice how discussions & conversations go back to them. Notice how they ‘fish’ for compliments. Notice how they hate/envious of others success
Therapist Tip: Learn the language of ‘gaslighting’. 🔥Gaslighting IS the ‘denial’ of reality🔥1. “I never said that” 2. “You didn’t say that” 3. “I never did that” 4. “That didn’t happen” 5. “I didn’t go anywhere” (after ghosting you) 6. “You are crazy” 7. “You are a fraud”
8. “You must be forgetting things” 9. “You aren’t remembering it right”. 10. “You have a bad memory”. 11. “You need to get help” 12. “You are making that up” 13. “You are fabricating lies” 14. “It’s your fault” 15. “They all agree with me” 16. “You always remember things wrong”
17. “If you weren’t so…then I wouldn’t have to…” 18. “You made me do it”. 19. “Look what you made me do”. 20. “You always take things the wrong way” 21. “You’re imagining things” 22. “I wouldn’t have done that to you” 23. “You need help” 24. “Why are you always so defensive?”
The ‘eyes’ thread for beginners 101: Many people are finding my ‘eyes’ tweets helpful, interesting, fascinating & disturbing. I was trained in this during my post-Masters externship. As the world deteriorates & more people become harmful, it is imperative you learn
about the eyes, facial affect or expressions, inappropriate facial affect that does not match content & context, #bodylanguage & forensic statement analysis. People cannot control their #subconscious behaviors & words, ‘leaking’ out #psychological information about themselves
This is known as ‘leakage’. First off, non verbal body language including the eyes & statement analysis is not something the ‘subject’ can control. This is ‘leakage’ or ‘tells’. The first thing you need to do is study 7 basic #emotions & what true facial expressions look like.