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Le #Brexit , c’est la victoire du #mensonge, de la #manipulation de masse, de l’#ignorance des acquis de l’#UE, et surtout la volonté des Tories de se débarrasser de certaines lois Européennes qui les empêchaient d’exploiter les gens,
(travail , droits humains, droits sur la sécurité, la santé , etc) . Évidemment , ils ne l’ont jamais dit, pas plus qu’un Frexiter ne l’avouera jamais, la surprise arrive ensuite , quand il est trop tard.
Le 31 décembre 2023, la loi sur les libertés du Brexit (comprendre suppression des dernières lois restant de l’UE) entrera en vigueur au Royaume-Uni, supprimant le droit aux congés payés,
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(1/7) Have you ever heard of the "Committee of 300"? 🤔 Let's dive into this intriguing web of power and influence. 🕸️ Hold on tight as we unravel the secrets behind this shadowy group. #Committeeof300 #ConspiracyTheory
(2/7) The Committee of 300 is believed to be a secretive organization comprising influential figures from various sectors: politics, finance, industry, and more. Some claim it to be a global elite cabal orchestrating events behind the scenes. 🌐💼 #GlobalElite #ShadowPower
(3/7) Allegedly, the origins of the Committee of 300 can be traced back to the British East India Company and later to Cecil Rhodes, a British businessman and politician. It's said to operate as a network of interconnected individuals with shared objectives. 🌍🔗 #PowerNetwork
Read 12 tweets
Friday Fact-Check Overview: 12-05-2023

#russian #Disinformation #Ukraine️ Image
#Ukraina #mordowała ludność #Donbasu i #Ługańska? #Fałsz (#Ukraine #murdered the people of #Donbass and #Lugansk? Falsehood)”

“Narracja o #ukraińskich #zbrodniach na #ludności Donbasu i Ługańska, które poprzedzało łamanie praw tamtejszych mieszkańców #Ukrainy, [1/4]
to element rosyjskiej propagandy, a #Putin przedstawia się jako obrońca ludności tego regionu. W naszym serwisie wielokrotnie pisaliśmy, że takich opinii nie potwierdzają żadne #fakty. [2/4]
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#Cybertroupes et #cyborgs.
"Stratégies, outils et techniques pour la #manipulation des réseaux sociaux". Etude d'Oxford de 2017, sur 28 pays sur comment des "troupes #cyber" interagissent avec les utilisateurs sur #Twitter, FB et autres réseaux.… ⏬suite ImageImage
Comment ces #cybertroupes, financées par des gouvernements ou des partis ou des groupes privés interagissent avec les utilisateurs sur Twitter, FB et autres réseaux.
Interactions négatives (insultes, harcèlement, #trolling) avec les dissidents politiques ou journalistes.. suite⏬
Parfois les cybertroupes postent des messages neutres juste pour distraire du sujet initial. "Empoisonnement de #hashtag" par exemple en Arabie Saoudite où ils postaient du spam sur un hashtag en tendance, pour le faire baisser. Ou répondre par un article de fact check. suite⏬
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➡️ #désinformation
Voilà à quoi ressemblent ces #suspendus radicalisés que certains veulent réintégrer en dépit du bon sens
#tromperie #mensonge #manipulation
Appliqueront-ils les prescriptions médicales les protocoles?
Rien n'est moins soir
Ns ne pouvons pas leur faire confiance
Ces #suspendus parce qu'#Antivax, n'ont plus de limites
Ils mettront, à l'instar de cette #infirmière, en danger des gens vulnérables
le #Vaccin les a débusqué et sorti du système de soin
Faisons en sorte qu'ils ne reviennent plus
@Sante_Gouv @HAS_sante @OrdreInfirmiers @ordre_medecins @Ordre_Pharma @ARSPaca
Respectez les soignants fiables intégres qui n'ont jms abandonné patients/collègues la Fr🇨🇵 et ce même ds les moments les +pénibles voire dangereux
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Je me demande quand certains vont ouvrir les yeux sur la #Manipulation de masse orchestrée pour #déstabiliser les #démocraties et voir que ça n'est pas limité à la France ni imputable au gvt. Chaque pays de l'#UE est ciblé selon un thème
et via la #5èmecolonneRusse on utilise les #Agitprop pour mettre les gens dans la rue
En France #RN et #LFI les 2 partis pro Poutine utilisent en ce moment le prétexte de la #ReformeDesRetraites
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#Denounce, #deny, #deceive - 6 common tactics of media manipulators and why they work to sabotage public discourse

It is time to stop being naive about online discourse.

“The discourse holds so many traps for the unwary. It’s a bit like financial scams and gambling that are a tax on the financially naïve. A similar tax is being levied on the intellectually naïve.” —  @ArthurCDent

@ArthurCDent In the article, I lay out 6 common #manipulation tactics and why they work to sabotage discourse on scientific topics.

First up is "just asking questions" or "#sealioning", which uses social expectations and #framing effects to distort conversations.

Read 12 tweets
1/ Oh...! Schlafschafe denken:
"Gut haben es die Medien gebracht, SBB krebsen zurück und haben es falsch eingeschätzt"?
Glaubt ihr das? Nichts passiert zufällig.
#Aufklärung, Auflösung am Schluss...: Image
2/ wie alles begann: K-tipp brachte die Story... Die (staatlich geförderten) Mainstream sind brav aufgesprungen; trenden das Thema zuerst... Datenschützer und Kommentatoren springen auf...…
3/ mit etwas Abstand bringen die Mainstream (vermutlich brav gefüttert von SBB und SW-Lieferanten) dann Aufklärungs-Story "alles halb so schlimm"...… Image
Read 19 tweets
Multiplexed barcoding of cells:
Fluorescence Polarization Spectroscopy…
I fucking knew it. That's just wonderful. 😑
Read 64 tweets
#lies #religious #History #Manipulation #Jewish

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@LEXPRESS publie un article pour lequel il m’a interviewée, parmi d’autres spécialistes de la question :…

Extraits et recommandations : 1/10
« En octobre 2022, l'Observatoire paritaire des métiers du numérique, de l'ingénierie, du conseil et de l'événement (Opiiec) estimait ainsi le marché du coaching professionnel à 750 millions d'euros par an, et celui de la supervision professionnelle à 22 millions d'euros... 2/10
En moyenne, le tarif horaire d'un #coach est, lui, estimé à 240 euros, pour un chiffre d'affaires moyen de 45 000 à 50 000 euros par an... De quoi susciter des vocations. » 3/10
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Cult recruitment: In order for ‘cults’ to be successful they rely on ‘recruiting’ others. They target ‘vulnerable’ isolated, alone, neglected children or adults. For vulnerable people, #cults are very tempting because the cult provides love-Bombing #stage1
A sense of safety, promises of rewards friends & actual rewards. Who could possibly refuse? They typically use becoming more joyful, happy, obtaining bliss as a #promise Who wouldn’t want that? A new family? #Acceptance? Love? It’s a nice loving supportive environment initially
#stage2 Cults are now online. Recruitees may be constantly bombarded by cult jargon new #language new wording The group expects recruitees to divulge everything about Themselves. Those recruited usually have #epiphany of some sort which drives them further into the cult #stage3
Read 13 tweets
Why do people not realise that they have joined a cult?

The sect does not reveal itself for what it is, at least in the beginning, it enters the social context disguised as something else. (Therapeutic or self-help group, educational, ecological, etc.)
To function, the group needs a strongly believing and motivated base, one that does not suspect it is in a cult.
Absolute trust and adherence to the group's values makes the follower a perfect promoter, the follower promotes the sect, does marketing..
is an effective communication strategy and is completely free.
The sect member reviews his or her life on the basis of the new values proposed by the group, consequently he or she will not have the feeling of having been indoctrinated..
Read 6 tweets
🧵 [THREAD] Unmasking an influence operation on @LinkedInFrance using #OSINT 🔍

#influence #manipulation #fraud #scam👇[1/11] Image
[❓] Do you know Stéphane Birenhac ?
I don't, but my colleague and I have several relationships in common with him, and he himself obviously knows 9000 people on #LinkedIn.
A month ago, he was at 8500. Nice progression! 🔝 [2/11] Image
🕵️♂️ Very popular, Mr Birenhac has an enviable position. He presents well, coherent background and auditor at the @Courdescomptes.
❌ Problem : he doesn't exist! Several elements show that it is a #fake. Let's recap ⤵️
[3/11] Image
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🔥Toxic pity & empathy are the biggest tactic an adult will use against you. Do not pity them. People sneak pity in renaming it sympathy, empathy, compassion. You will be harmed by this because #clusterB use this as their primary strategy to manipulate you. Do not do anything in
Relationship because you feel sorry for them, ever. This leads to an assumed action. #clusterB get you to feel sorry for them are 🚩 They are ‘victims’ who can’t help themselves. Many periods can help themselves. Feeling sorry for them may not be the best course. All
#clusyerB are not nice. They are entitled to harm others, grandiose and are interpersonally exploitive. #clusterB’s have more than one personality disorder. Can they ‘use’ pity, empathy, false sympathy, a sob story, victim stories to manipulate you? YES, all the time. The sob
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Therapist Tip: Learn the language of ‘gaslighting’. 🔥Gaslighting IS the ‘denial’ of reality🔥1. “I never said that” 2. “You didn’t say that” 3. “I never did that” 4. “That didn’t happen” 5. “I didn’t go anywhere” (after ghosting you) 6. “You are crazy” 7. “You are a fraud”
8. “You must be forgetting things” 9. “You aren’t remembering it right”. 10. “You have a bad memory”. 11. “You need to get help” 12. “You are making that up” 13. “You are fabricating lies” 14. “It’s your fault” 15. “They all agree with me” 16. “You always remember things wrong”
17. “If you weren’t so…then I wouldn’t have to…” 18. “You made me do it”. 19. “Look what you made me do”. 20. “You always take things the wrong way” 21. “You’re imagining things” 22. “I wouldn’t have done that to you” 23. “You need help” 24. “Why are you always so defensive?”
Read 8 tweets
#SFPI #SFPV #covidlong #EM #sévérité
Clem - Flagada Combative a illustré 1 des échelles permettant d'évaluer la sévérité de l'Encéphalomyélite Myalgique, 1 maladie neuro-immunitaire qui se développe, svt, après 1 infection virale comme c'est le cas pr moi avec le #SARSCoV2
Au-delà des atteintes multisystémiques variées que les malades connaissent, et qui permettent de dessiner des sous profils (en attendant que les recherches sur les étiologies, la physiopathologie et partant qui sait les traitements curatifs progressent) l'épuisement 'à ne
(presque) rien faire' & les #MPE (malaises post effort qui correspondent à 1 aggravation de l'état des #paEM ds les heures qui suivent 1 activité avec apparition de nouveaux symptômes et/ou exacerbation de symptômes existants) sont les 2 constantes communes de ts les profils.
Read 29 tweets
Since your malicious cyberattack timelines matched cybersecurity’s research to strengthen security for years and now, you hack alone but with a cooperative goal to damage national security. Which Advanced Persistent Threats group/s #APTs are you in, #Animez_UK? Image
Converting traditional crime to cyber-enabled crime and becomes a malicious attacker against the UK, for

1- financial income,
2- #sexual desire and #harassment with #pornography sent to #women,
3- attacks for #politics against the UKGOV.

#Animez_UK ImageImage
1st stage- early life:
-Experienced #exclusion/#discrimination.
-Didn’t learn to communicate with #women.
-favours #authoritarianism.
-enjoys #control targeted women & whom against his will.
- Expresses hidden #hatred & #violence on through cyberattacks.

#Animez_UK ImageImage
Read 214 tweets
These are the 23 reasons why #TikTok is problematic in terms of #manipulation, #addiction and #privacy & why #children and #teenagers should be kept away from it:

(for those interested: the full article about the topic, with all relevant links:…)
1- Reduced space for #autonomy and #choice; videos are pushed to the user since 1st use. In a web that respects human dignity, people - especially #children and #teenagers - should get used to choose and think about what they want to be exposed to
2- Increased potential of #manipulation and #exposure of younger and more impressionable audiences, as the content will be pushed to them and they will be hooked by age-inappropriate content (and be recommended more content like this)
Read 25 tweets
From my upcoming book 'Fixated': Analyzing the language of the dark triad': This is an example of common psychopathology in 'language' responses, with consent from a client. These are common responses. What happens when we set boundaries with ASPD, NPD, BPD, etc.? #Mentalhealth
Setting #boundaries with people is healthy. It's what keeps us safe. Trouble is PD's or other socially unskilled people don't like or respect them. Example #1 Q: Please stop following me online, leave my social media alone & stop leaving unwanted comments. A: What do you mean?
Do you want me to ignore you when I'm on the Internet? Pretend you are not there? Or set my settings to screen you out? Or do you want me to have a special software program created specifically that filters your name out every time I'm on the Internet? #toxic #manipulation
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Having fun with cyberstalking #UKGOV, attacking organisations, universities & individuals connected to the justice system, UK #military against #NCSC, treating #intelligence & #GCHQ as jokes to your 15- 20 yrs malicious #hacking for #China & #Russia inside #Britain, @Animez_UK?01
Converting #traditional crime to cyber-enabled crime and becomes a malicious #cyberattacker against the UK, for

1- #financial income,
2- #sexual desire and #harassment with #pornography sent to #women,
3- attacks for #politics against the #UKGOV.

@Animez_UK @NCSC

02 Image
1st stage- early life:
-Experienced #exclusion/#discrimination.
-Didn’t learned to communicate with #women.
-favours #authoritarianism.
-enjoys to #control targeted women & whom against his will.
- Expresses hidden #hatred & #violence on through cyberattacks.

@Animez_UK @NCSC Image
Read 188 tweets
Narcissistic abuse is all pervasive, across all areas, affects all involved with a #narcissist. It involves a wide variety of manipulative tactics, is longstanding, highly abusive, coercive, sophisticated, subtle, of long duration, highly controlling, utilzes #narcissistic agents
It is used overtly or covertly by the narcissist or their 'agents'. It is designed to attack your independence, autonomy, to #control you, to break you down because it makes them feel better, period!#Gaslighting works under the guise of caring about you. It is designed to
Get you to deny your own #reality. This is. It loving. Many other manipulative tactics are involved. They are also not loving or kind. A narcissist recruits an entire community to do it's dirty work for him/her. The Narcissitic agents are also part of the problem. It is usually
Read 23 tweets
🔶 On utilise ce terme pour désigner du harcèlement psychologique ayant recours au mensonge, au déni, à l'omission sélective ou à la déformation de faits dans le but de tirer profit de l'anxiété et de la confusion ainsi générées
#trauma #violencesverbales #violenceagainstwomen
🔶 Le gaslighting désigne une forme d'abus mental dans lequel un individu manipule la réalité pour faire douter sa victime de ses perceptions et de sa santé mentale. C'est une façon de priver la victime de gaslighting de libre-arbitre.
#domesticviolence #victimes #Violences
🔶 L'essayiste Patricia Evans a listé 7 "signes d'avertissement" du gaslighting
•Dissimuler des infos à la victime
•Contrer/déformer ses affirmations
•Minimiser l'info émise par la victime
•Violences verbales & moqueries
•Affaiblir socialement
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Warum fallen Menschen auf Verschwörungsideologie, Radikalisierungsangebote und Populismus rein?

Wir sind alle potenziell für #Manipulation erreichbar. Ja sorry, es sind leider nicht nur die anderen :/. Das Gute ist aber: 🧵1/
Wenn wir uns bewusst machen, warum das so ist, können wir uns und andere besser schützen. In nächster Zeit wird es hier mehr Content zum Thema #Manipulationsresilienz geben - und heute fangen wir mit psychologischen Andockpunkten an, die wir alle in uns tragen. 2/
Wir sind über unsere psychologischen Grundbedürfnisse ansprechbar.

In verletzlichen Phasen kann man uns leichter beeinflussen.

Unser Hirn liebt Abkürzungen- und die führen zu Fehlurteilen.

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