As a new Congress finds its footing, below is a thread to look back on the #IAFF legislative successes of 2022!! Jan 3 - @POTUS signs Federal Fire Fighter Flexibility & Fairness Act allowing federal FFs to trade work shifts (1/9)
In March FFs got big wins in an omnibus spending package that included a bump in funding for FF cancer registry, funding for fed. HSGAC, an updated sprinkler provision in the federal code making buildings safer & and CO grant program to install detectors in public housing (2/9)
In the summer the #IAFF secured a commitment from the Secretary of the Navy to replace & build a new fire station at Walter Reed National Military Center (3/9)
In October – the PSLF waiver period ended. #IAFF lobbied for waivers earlier in the year for fire fighters who were previously denied from the program or had payments denied to now be applied to loan forgiveness (4/9)
December 2 - the PFAS Act S.231, passed both chambers. This bill requires the DHS to create PFAS guidelines to protect FFs from #PFAS exposure (5/9)
December 8 - the FIRE Act S. 3092, passes! This legislation authorizes FEMA to pre-position resources when a major wildland fire incident in likely due to weather conditions (6/9)
#POTUS signed H.R. 521 the First Responder Fair RETIRE Act on Dec 9th. This act allows FFs who are disabled due to illness or injury on the job to retire with dignity, receiving full benefits as if they were not disabled (7/9)
H.R. 7077 passed on December 14th! This bill, the Empowering the U.S. Fire Administration Act, authorizes the U.S. Fire Administration to investigate major fires & develop lessons learned for the fire service (8/9)
The end of the year National Defense Authorization Act included both safe staffing standards for federal FFs & long overdue federal FF presumptive benefits. With all the good work accomplished last year, we will fight to accomplish more good work in 2023! (9/9)
Before heading into the New Year, a #tbt post looking back on the last year of advocacy & hard work even in the midst of the #Pandemic to some of the major 2021 Legislative wins- a thread (1/14)
At the start of 2021 @POTUS signed EO to create a #COVID19 response coordinator to manage pandemic, including production, supply & distribution of PPE, vaccines & test – FFs need PPE, vaccination & testing priority (2/14)
Another @POTUS EO was signed to review & take action on regulations of chemicals under Toxic Substances Control Act – FFs are at higher risk of exposure to harmful chemicals due to the nature of their work, improved standards help protect FFs (3/14)
#TBT thread- a year ago #COVID19 was rapidly spreading & the country was in a shutdown. Fire fighters, unable to work from home, faced unprecedented hardships working on the frontlines of the pandemic. Over the year many things have been done to protect FFs in the #pandemic (1/4)
The #IAFF fought to get #COVID19 included in the Ryan White Notification Act so FFs exposed to a COVID positive person would be notified; LODD benefits were expanded to include #Coronavirus as a line of duty death for fire fighters (2/4)
Congress passed several #COVID19 packages that included - $ for PPE, $ for states & localities, $ for training to update safety protocols, $ for SAFER & AFG to help the strained budgets of fire departments (3/4)
Senate passes #AmericanRescuePlan to help ffs (a thread) – 300 million for fire fighter grants, 195.3 billion in state & local funding to prevent and reverse layoffs; fill other urgent needs from the #pandemic (1/4)
#AmericanRescuePlan also authorizes Medicare reimburse ground ambulance providers and suppliers for Treatment in Place without transportation when protocol dictates a patient should not be transported (2/4)
Federal fire fighters win big in #AmericanRescuePlan – Paid FMLA Leave for federal fire fighters, and #COVID-19 Workers’ Comp presumption for federal fire fighters (3/4)