In his 1961 Inaugural Address, President Kennedy called the nuclear era he presided over the world’s “hour of maximum danger” — and he meant those words.
We never thought we would actually face a challenge like that again in human history, but alas, here we are.
Within a year of #JFK’s Inaugural, the United States and #Russia would find themselves eyeball-to-eyeball in a tense nuclear standoff over missiles in Cuba.
During those fateful Thirteen Days in October 1962, every human on the planet feared that the world as we know it could end at any moment; destroyed within seconds by the launch of nuclear weapons by the superpowers.
60 Octobers later, we were once again on the brink of “nuclear Armageddon,” as President #Biden said on October 6, 2022.
Only this time, few seemed to even notice the danger they were actually in. Because the government and the legacy media were misinforming them.
Here at Maverick News, we definitely were paying attention.
We understood the dangerous situation that continued to escalate over a period of 13 Days (ironically, as the 60th anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis was approaching) from September 24th-October 5 — the most tense two weeks in the history of the #UkraineWar (so far)…
We brought these stories to you live every night on the air; giving you not just news, but also historical perspective and analysis of these dizzying events as they unfolded.
The crisis began September 24, when residents of four disputed regions of #Ukraine began voting in a five-day referenda to join the Russian Federation.
On the second day of voting something big happened many miles away, under the Baltic Sea, that would ramp an already strained diplomatic situation up several notches: both of the #Nordstream pipelines blew — an act of sabotage.
When Russian president Vladimir #Putin officially certified the results of the election in a ceremony on September 30, it was the first time he had spoken publicly since the sabotage of the #Nordstream pipelines.
His much-anticipated speech had been preceded by several days of over-the-top nuclear war talk from Western politicians.
The world awaited #Putin’s words with bated breath: would he use his speech to announce that missiles were being launched? Was this the beginning of #WWIII?
That night, my Maverick News co-host Rick Walker led with the only headline that accurately summed up the situation — and the question on all of our minds at that very moment: “#WWIII IMMINENT?”
We want to show you that original broadcast again, from September 30, 2022, at the height of the crisis. (See video later in this thread) ⬇️
This was a truly historic show, on a historic night, during a week of incredibly important events.
We would like to show you an encore presentation of President #Putin’s landmark speech in it’s entirety with English audio translation and subtitles — something all other Western media outlets refused to show you on that historic turning point in the war.
Fortunately for us all, both President Putin and President Biden cooled their heels over the days that followed, backing away from the nuclear sabre-rattling (or at least, turned the damper down a few notches) — yet leaving the problem ultimately, as of this date, unresolved.
We hope you enjoy this encore presentation of our Maverick News broadcast from that historic Friday, Sept. 30, 2022 — the culmination of one of the most remarkable weeks of the 21st Century:
It’s fascinating to look back on those tense September days six months later. In such a fast-moving war, important things are too often missed — or quickly forgotten.
Historical events make more sense in retrospect. Now things appear so much clearer in proper perspective.
No matter what you think of Vladimir Putin, this speech will be recorded in the annals of history as one of the most significant of the century.
Putin writes his own speeches, uses no speechwriters or teleprompters, and chooses each word with care. He minces none here!
Putin’s speech of September 30, 2022 was both eloquent and savage at the same time.
His assessment of the Western powers was accurate, yet uncomfortable; unflinching, yet compassionate.
And despite all the fear of nuclear war, he didn’t mention nuclear weapons once. Not once.
President Trump’s Executive Action ordering the release of the still-secret files on the assassinations of JFK, RFK, and MLK said absolutely nothing about a Congressional Task Force.
Read the paragraph below carefully.
This feels like yet another tactic to stall the releases.
Congress invited themselves into the process on Feb. 11 when House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Chairman James Comer announced the establishment of a task force titled the “Task Force on the Declassification of Federal Secrets.”
No mention of Congress in the EO.
This new Congressional Task Force also aims to “review” the files on Epstein, 9/11, and other matters which were NOT included in President Trump’s original Executive Order.
All this mucks up and slows down the process, adding another unwanted, unneeded layer of bureaucracy.
On February 22, 1972 the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine hijacked Lufthansa flight 649, demanding a $5 million ransom for the release of 192 onboard.
The skyjackers also had a celebrity hostage: 19 year-old Joseph Kennedy, son of #RFK — their human bargaining chip.
Young Kennedy had been touring India with his uncle and aunt, Senator and Mrs. Edward M. Kennedy.
The Senator's wife, Joan, had accompanied Joseph to New Delhi while her husband returned to the United States, but left India ahead of her nephew.
Joe boarded the plane alone.
The PFLP hijackers seized the plane about an hour after it took off from New Delhi, around 1 a.m.
Bombay air control authorities said they received this message from the plane: “Call us victorious Jidda. If you call us Lufthansa, we won't answer you.” ✈️
When he was arrested after the #RFK assassination, one of Sirhan’s appellate lawyers says there was a newspaper clipping in Sirhan’s pocket that discussed the incongruity of Kennedy’s advocacy for the oppressed while also supporting Israel over Palestine.…
Sirhan’s friend and appellate attorney says he cannot be certain there was not some sort of conspiracy, but has little doubt Sirhan shot Kennedy. “Sirhan never said there was somebody else,” Jabara insists.
The official motive for Sirhan’s murder of #RFK was “anti-#Zionism.”
Sirhan blamed his murderous rage on trauma he had suffered as a child in Palestine.
At age 4 he witnessed the bombing of Damascus Gate, the death of his older brother, a man disemboweled by a bomb and the family was forced to relocate after Israel was created in 1948.
Nazi Germany waged an extensive propaganda campaign to spread Nazi ideology in the Arab world.
University of Maryland Prof. Jeffrey Herf and American University Prof. Richard Breitman discuss how Nazi ideology still lingers in the 21st Century.
Prof. Breitman served as director of historical research for the Nazi War Criminal Records Interagency Working Group, which helped to bring about declassification of more than eight million pages of U.S. government records under the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act.
If some of these talking points sound familiar today, now you know where they originated…
According to an April 25, 1966 Tom Wicker article in the New York Times (“CIA: Maker of Policy, or Tool?), President #Kennedy vowed privately to an aide after the Bay of Pigs incident in Cuba, that he would “splinter the CIA in 1000 pieces and scatter it to the winds.”
#JFK didn’t complete his mission to fully destroy the CIA (some believe the Agency got him first) — but here’s what he DID do.
In June 1961, two months after the Bay of Pigs — he issued National Security Action Memos (NSAM) 55 and 57.
NSAM 55 called for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, not the CIA, to be his primary military advisors.
NSAM 57 declared “any large paramilitary operation wholly or partly covert… is properly the primary responsibility of the Department of Defense with the CIA in a supporting role.”