An analysis of published data exploring the effects of high pH on #phytoplankton growth rate & experimental assessment of pH dependence of viability & growth rate was used in a "lately published thesis" to assess potential impacts of #OceanAlkalinityEnhancement.
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📉 The results from this study suggest that there will be no significant impact on the viability or growth rates of Thalassiosira pseudonana or Pavlova lutheri with short-term (10-minute) exposure to elevated #pH. #OAE 2/4
However, when long-term (days) exposure occurs there is a significant decrease in growth rates with high pH. Short-term exposure is predicted to more closely mirror the natural systems in which #OAE will be implemented because of system flushing & replenishment of nutrients. 3/4
These preliminary findings suggest that there will be little to no impact on a variety of taxonomic groups of #phytoplankton when #OAE occurs in naturally flushed systems.
A viable & novel formula for a #CarbonNegative, environmentally friendly #concrete that is nearly as strong as regular concrete has been developed recently at Washington State University.
🧫 Researchers exemplify "a synergistic C-capture strategy, i.e., using #concrete washout water & #biochar together to achieve carbon-negative concrete."
"This strategy enabled the biochar to #capture 22.85 wt% air-borne CO2, which precipitated CaCO3 onto the biochar." 2/6
🔬"This carbon-negative cement paste consisted of 30 wt% CO2-weathered #biochar and 70 wt% portland limestone #cement, which achieved the 7-day and 28-day compressive strengths of 22.1 MPa and 27.6 MPa, respectively," microscopic investigation revealed. 3/6
Michael Finus's project "The Governance Architecture of Climate Agreements in the Light of #SolarRadiation" analyzed "how #GeoEngineering in the form of #SRM, associated with the potential of high collateral damages, affects the governance architecture of climate agreements." 1/
This project "clarify under which conditions signatories to a climate agreement can avoid that non-signatories deploy risky #geoengineering." 2/
This study also "correct & qualify the results of Millard-Ball (2012): not only must collateral damages be above but also below a threshold so as the threat to deploy #geoengineering can stabilize a climate agreement on reducing #GHG."
2️⃣ The carbon removal startup @noya_carbon has announced the successful closing of its Series A financing round, with $11 million raised in investment for its future #DAC technology projects. #CarbonRemoval
🚨REVIEW PAPER🚨 #Hydrogen, a green energy carrier, is one of the most promising energy sources. However, it is currently mainly produced from depleting #FossilFuels with high #carbon emissions, which has serious -ve effects on the economy and environment. #HyBECCS #ATT
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To address this issue, sustainable hydrogen production from bio-energy with #carbon capture and #storage (#HyBECCS) is an ideal technology to reduce global carbon emissions while meeting energy demand. 2/6
So, a recent review presents an overview of "the latest progress in alkaline thermal treatment (#ATT) of #biomass for #hydrogen production with #carbon storage, mainly focusing on the technical characteristics & related challenges from an industrial application perspective." 3/6
#Sulfate#aerosols are particles in the atm that have a net #cooling effect on the #climate. One of the most uncertain aspects of climate modeling is the surplus of SA during the preindustrial era.
So, a recent study explored preindustrial SA in a Greenland ice core.
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"Sulfur isotopes in a Greenland ice core show that passive #volcanic degassing contributes 66% of preindustrial Arctic #sulfate." 2/5
"The volcanic inventory used by most climate models underestimates passive #degassing, possibly due to missing #HydrogenSulfide emissions." 3/5