1/ On today’s Resource spotlight, we bring you an open-source FPS template for #game developers from @elympicsgames & @playWAM, the $WAM gaming ecosystem.
All features, details & more about their free multiplayer FPS Unity template are available at:
3/ If you’re looking to get new game development skills, complete their free course and test your knowledge by using their free Unity FPS templates from: github.com/Elympics/Elymp…
2/ @luganodes is a multi-chain #PoS#validator, providing additional services like managed nodes (NaaS), Luganodes Terminal - for tracking metrics & rewards and APIs to enable staking integration with other tools and products.
3/ @luganodes also provides a wide variety of resources and guides for several #PoS#Blockchains , as well as research materials and insights of #crypto topics.
1/ @ExoMultiversX is a multi-chain #P2EGame#MMORPG where players command their planets, evolve civilizations, and battle against other Players while earning rewards in $XO #cryptocurrency
2/ EXO - The Origin is the story of the first manned mission to #Mars, encountering a representative of an ancient civilization sharing the legend of 10,000 monoliths scattered throughout the galaxy.
Then, via their #dApp, the NFT can be pawned for a 3, 7 or 11 days loan. Once the terms are agreed, the NFT is send to the #smartcontract, which pays the entire loan amount.
3/ The loan and its fees needs to be re-paid before the loan period expires. Once the loan and fees have been fully re-paid, the #smartcontract returns the #NFT.
1/ The @MultiversX#HypergrowthX Awareness Campaign has begun and is your chance to share knowledge, spread the word about $EGLD & #MultiversX and get rewarded: