A man stuck his head out the window waving a non-NYPD placard, telling me to pull over, claiming to be a police officer.
When challenged, he hid the placard & his face.


• Drove S/B in N/B lanes of 3rd Ave. b/w 15th St. & Hamilton Ave.
• Ran light at Hamilton while I was taking pictures
• Ran light at 3rd Ave. & 19th St. while I was taking pictures
• impersonated a police officer
He tried to evade further attempts to take his picture by clutching to his sun visor for dear life.

• me catching up to the car at a red light
• passenger maneuvering to hide face
• driver coasting through crosswalk to deny me a clear photo
• gunning the engine to blow the light at speed as soon as there was a gap in traffic.



@NYCTSubway passengers waiting for G since 9:30 PM. They were told at 9:45 that a G train was on its way, then told at 10:00 to wait for the @NYCTBus G Shuttle.
As of 10:30 PM – 1 hour later – no train or bus.

Often, the people who prevent our city from taking actions to stop dangerous drivers are also the dangerous drivers themselves, or in this case, driven by one.
He claimed it was an "accident," but if I were lying injured on 3rd Avenue, would I be just another of his "accidents"?
This car has racked up 33 violations in less than four years. In what world is that all right, @SenMartyGolden, @nysdmv, @NYCMayor, @NYPDnews?